Border Strays
Copies of these marriage certificates can be obtained from Registry of B.D.M., GPO Box 4332 Melbourne, Vic, 3001, Australia.
If everything has been filled in you can expect to find the following information on a Victorian Marriage Certificate.
For each of the parties to the marriage: full name; bachelor, spinster, widower or widow with date of death of former spouse; children, living and dead, of former marriage; place of birth; rank or profession; age; place of residence - both present and usual; parent's names (with mother's maiden name); and father's rank or profession.
Also given is the date and place of the marriage, and signatures of both parties, the officiating minister or register, and two witnesses.
Ainslie, William | bew | 1868 | Periam, Rachel | 810 |
Aitken, Wm. | rox | 1889 | Archer, Amelia | 275 |
Alcorn, James | bew | 1869 | Tait, Jane | 3073 |
Alexander, James Charles | dfs | 1875 | Dalrymple, Mary | 3220 |
Alexander, Jno. Anderson | sel | 1885 | Thurman, Ann | 806 |
Allan, Jane | dfs | 1875 | Walker, George | 4426 |
Allan, Jno. | rox | 1908 | Browne, Isabella | 1602 |
Amery, Isabella | rox | 1900 | Murdoch, Jas. | 7994 |
Anderson, Archibald | rox | 1867 | Anderson, Catherine | 3043 |
Anderson, Margaret | bew | 1867 | Patterson, John | 1792 |
Anderson, William | dfs | 1868 | Skinner, Sarah Ann | 3562 |
Anderson, Margaret Scott | sel | 1871 | Skene, Thomas | 4360 |
Anderson, Mary | rox | 1874 | McIntosh, James | 2019 |
Anderson, William | rox | 1875 | Hull, Mary Alice | 2189 |
Anderson, Walter | sel | 1875 | Wilkinson, Jane | 3159 |
Anderson, William | rox | 1876 | Murphy, Isabella | 4443 |
Anderson, William | rox | 1877 | Clyne, Ann | 777 |
Anderson, Jas. | dfs | 1889 | Bell, Christian Cameron | 3363 |
Archer, Jessie | dfs | 1867 | Challis, Francis | 2241 |
Armstrong, John | dfs | 1866 | Armstrong, Adamina | 3945 |
Armstrong, Margaret | dfs | 1866 | McPherson, Peter | 1892 |
Armstrong, Adamine | dfs | 1866 | Armstrong, John | 3945 |
Armstrong, Frederick | dfs | 1866 | Hayes, Mary | 864 |
Armstrong, John James | dfs | 1873 | Ellis, Mary | 4479 |
Armstrong, Thomas | rox | 1875 | Hirst, Georgina Wharton | 809 |
Armstrong, Jno. | dfs | 1880 | Disher, Eliza Jane | 3278 |
Armstrong, Thos. | rox | 1886 | Gavagan, Rose | 2759 |
Ayley, Wm. | bew | 1884 | Pigdon, Mary | 5717 |
Baird, John | rox | 1872 | Axtill, Catherine | 1930 |
Baird, Maria | dfs | 1876 | Flinn, John | 2028 |
Banks, James | dfs | 1870 | Summerton, Sarah Jane | 3536 |
Barbour, James | dfs | 1874 | Whitehead, Susannah | 3718 |
Barker, John | dfs | 1875 | Russell, Christina Leslie | 817 |
Barrett, John | rox | 1875 | Wainwright, Annie | 3671 |
Baxter, Andw | sel | 1912 | Curran, Rose | 1412 |
Beaty, William Shaw | dfs | 1872 | Cameron, Jane Ann | 761 |
Beck, Jno. Craik | dfs | 1880 | McCathie, Cecilia Jane | 3676 |
Bell, Agnes | sel | 1869 | Jones, William | 1096 |
Bell, James | sel | 1876 | Jones, Mary | 3147 |
Bell, Mary Ann | sel | 1876 | Cooper, Robert | 4836 |
Bell, David Charles | sel | 1877 | Young, Matilda Anne | 2019 |
Bell, Andrew | dfs | 1880 | Baker, Charity | 4915 |
Bell, Jno. | dfs | 1889 | Mooney, Agnes Julia | 3669 |
Bennett, Helen | dfs | 1868 | Quayle, William | 3231 |
Bird, John | bew | 1869 | Quirk, Ellen | 830 |
Black, Margaret | dfs | 1867 | Allan, John | 4241 |
Black, John | dfs | 1877 | Conway, Emily Sarah | 2794 |
Black, Geo. Horatio | rox | 1893 | Samson, Mary | 1534 |
Blackwood, William | dfs | 1872 | Carter, Amelia Marguerite | 1073 |
Blair, Jno. Grey | pee | 1885 | O'Carroll, Jane Mary | 1587 |
Blythe, David | rox | 1886 | Whitehurst, Susan | 5333 |
Bone, Janet | dfs | 1895 | Ridgeway, Alf | 690 |
Borland, Mary | dfs | 1866 | Littlewood, Thomas John | 3979 |
Broadfoot, Ebenezer | dfs | 1875 | McLean, Mary | 803 |
Broadfoot, John Grierson | dfs | 1875 | Docherty, Margaret | 1095 |
Broatch, William | dfs | 1878 | Patrick, Mary Ann Rowen | 3393 |
Bromfield, Eliza | rox | 1873 | Edmondson, William | 30 |
Bromfield, Robert | rox | 1873 | Jamieson, Marion | 4601 |
Brown, James | dfs | 1868 | West, Jane | 4325 |
Brown, Janet Eskdale | dfs | 1868 | Figgis, Benjamin Johnstone | 919 |
Brown, Nicholas | dfs | 1877 | Wallace, Isaac | 1607 |
Brown, Robert | dfs | 1879 | Morgan, Caroline | 2457 |
Brown, Wm. Stewart | dfs | 1893 | Parer, Marie | 4622 |
Bruce, Isabella | bew | 1870 | Mann, Joseph | 1496 |
Bryden, James | dfs | 1870 | McNaughton, Catherine | 1039 |
Brydon, James | pee | 1877 | Pines, Mary Jane | 3345 |
Brydon, Annie Goodfellow | sel | 1892 | Gray, Andw Muir | 979 |
Bryson, Robert | dfs | 1868 | Patterson, Mary | 4279 |
Bryson, Robt. | dfs | 1884 | Thompson, Helen | 2858 |
Bunyan, James | rox | 1879 | Simons, Elizabeth Ann | 3501 |
Burness, Chas. Wm. | dfs | 1886 | Pyburn, Anne | 1189 |
Burnet, Alexander | rox | 1875 | Findon, Mary Ann | 2278 |
Burnet, Frank | dfs | 1895 | McKay, Hadassah Pollock | 875 |
Caird, Janet | dfs | 1880 | Hilet, Jas. | 775 |
Caird, Jno. Campbell | dfs | 1881 | Bain, Barbara Mary | 730 |
Cairns, Jane | dfs | 1873 | Brown, Heriot | 1830 |
Cairns, John | dfs | 1875 | Pickup, Ann Elizabeth | 707 |
Cairns, Sarah | rox | 1878 | Herbert, Frederick | 2279 |
Calder, Adam | bew | 1878 | Hutchinson, Kate | 1598 |
Campbell, James | pee | 1868 | McLaren, Mary | 3317 |
Campbell, Mary Ann | dfs | 1872 | Arbuckle, Johnston | 4739 |
Campbell, John | dfs | 1873 | Keith, Louisa | 985 |
Campbell, Annie McDonnell | dfs | 1880 | Ashwin, Arthur Cranbrook | 937 |
Carlyle, Thomas | dfs | 1872 | Cormack, Barbara | 813 |
Carr, Thomas | bew | 1876 | O'Connor, Elizabeth | 4323 |
Carson, James | dfs | 1870 | Scott, Annie | 904 |
Caruthers, Mary | dfs | 1873 | Smith, Robert | 713 |
Champion, George | bew | 1876 | Corneille, Maria | 3610 |
Chirnside, Robert | bew | 1868 | Forbes, Margaret Jane | 756 |
Chisholm, Elizth | pee | 1894 | Rankin, Wm. | 2744 |
Church, Robert | dfs | 1880 | Delam, Eliza | 2720 |
Clapperton, Agnes | sel | 1868 | Ballantyne, James | 3277 |
Clapperton, Janet | sel | 1876 | Notman, John | 342 |
Clapperton, Elizabeth Glen | sel | 1879 | Waterstrom, George | 4606 |
Clark, James | rox | 1877 | May, Bridget | 3152 |
Clark, Mary | bew | 1880 | Strachan, James | 844 |
Clark, Jno. | rox | 1891 | Stanborough, Rose Matilda | 3934 |
Clezy, James | sel | 1880 | Steele, Margt. Macdonald | 4639 |
Cliffe, Maria Brisco | dfs | 1871 | Kilpatrick, William John | 1951 |
Clingan, James Bennett | dfs | 1879 | Rundle, Sarah | 441 |
Coller, Louisa Harriet | sel | 1882 | Brown, Donald McKenzie | 322 |
Cook, Joseph | dfs | 1867 | Dickson, Margaret | 3061 |
Cowan, Mary | dfs | 1873 | Gilmore, William | 3212 |
Craig, Agnes Marian | rox | 1875 | Harper, Andrew | 4524 |
Craig, Gavin Hamilton | dfs | 1888 | Walker, Mary Jane | 1442 |
Cranstown, Robert Haddon | rox | 1867 | Battley, Mary Ann | 268 |
Crawford, James Brownlie | pee | 1879 | Irish, Mary Jane | 4462 |
Cree, Christina | rox | 1876 | Dobson, Thomas | 1329 |
Cruickshank, Jno. | dfs | 1893 | White, Martha | 4542 |
Curran, Rose | sel | 1912 | Baxter, And'w. | 1412 |
Currie, Jas. | pee | 1891 | Nelder, Kezia Boulter | 2160 |
Dalgleish, Archibald | dfs | 1866 | Livington, Elizabeth | 2934 |
Dalgleish, Agnes | sel | 1878 | MacKenzie, John | 1807 |
Dalgleish, Helen | rox | 1882 | Williamson, William | 3528 |
Dalgleish, Jno. | rox | 1894 | Herron, Frances Mary | 1175 |
Dalgliesh, Robt. Elliott | rox | 1888 | Stevens, Nanney | 595 |
Dalgliesh, Helen | dfs | 1889 | Wilson, Jno. | 3405 |
Dalziel, James | dfs | 1878 | Laird, Christina | 5087 |
Davidson, Christina Lillie | rox | 1867 | Young, Robert | 2912 |
Davidson, Helen | rox | 1869 | Johnston, William | 3056 |
Davidson, Thomas | dfs | 1877 | Cox, Jessie | 1078 |
Davidson, Mary Scott | sel | 1880 | Cavanagh, Thos. | 3354 |
Dean, Margaret | dfs | 1869 | Thomas, Robert | 2589 |
Deans, James | rox | 1867 | Emond, Jane | 4141 |
Dempster, Elizabeth | pee | 1873 | Mills, John | 1028 |
Denham, Christina | bew | 1871 | Bradbury, David | 2745 |
Denham, Robert | bew | 1872 | Burgess, Annie | 314 |
Denham, Jane | bew | 1875 | Stanlake, Samuel | 3491 |
Denham, James | bew | 1876 | Bradbury, Jane | 984 |
Dickison, Jno. | rox | 1881 | Robert, Alice Mary | 83 |
Dickson, Eliza | bew | 1867 | Rerden, Philip | 2573 |
Dickson, Margaret | dfs | 1867 | Cook, Joseph | 3061 |
Dickson, Agnes | bew | 1870 | Tams, Stephen | 934 |
Dickson, Wm. | pee | 1887 | Smith, Frances | 954 |
Dixon, Thomas | dfs | 1868 | Sprott, Jane | 3204 |
Dixon, Agnes | rox | 1870 | Trevaskis, Samuel | 3697 |
Dixon, Simon | dfs | 1889 | Craig, Margt. Douglas | 1179 |
Dobson, Margaret | rox | 1867 | Cherry, Charles | 1946 |
Dodds, George | bew | 1875 | Kinnersley, Sarah | 3138 |
Dodds, Elizabeth | sel | 1876 | Swinton, Walter | 3139 |
Douglas, William | rox | 1868 | Hearne, Ellen Josephine | 4037 |
Douglas, George | dfs | 1870 | Brown, Hannah | 3207 |
Douglas, Richard | rox | 1875 | Sutherland, Helen Camilla Sinclair | 1946 |
Douglas, Agnes | rox | 1875 | Sutton, Isaac | 2526 |
Douglas, Agnes Young | dfs | 1881 | Delgaty, Jno. | 4119 |
Douglas, Jno. | dfs | 1881 | Braun, Louisa Wina | 1747 |
Dryden, Margaret | rox | 1866 | Buttrey, George | 750 |
Duguid, Sarah Bell | rox | 1874 | Taylor, Robert | 2157 |
Dunn, Susan Renton | bew | 1873 | McLean, Robert | 3099 |
Dunn, Isabella | sel | 1874 | Stevenson, William | 3180 |
Dunn, George | sel | 1875 | Stone, Euphemia Tempest | 810 |
Dunn, James | sel | 1876 | Graham, Margaret | 4715 |
Edgar, Isabella | dfs | 1867 | McMaster, Dugald | 805 |
Edgar, Adam | dfs | 1871 | Houston, Margaret | 3688 |
Edgar, Margaret Scott | dfs | 1872 | McIntyre, William | 3081 |
Edgar, Jane | dfs | 1874 | Minogue, Jerome Joseph | 1720 |
Edgar, Wm. | dfs | 1891 | O'Shea, Ellen | 7825 |
Edgar, Jas. | dfs | 1894 | Cox, Clara Amelia | 3283 |
Edmond, Mary Ann | sel | 1870 | Hughes, Robert | 4586 |
Elliot, John | dfs | 1867 | Walker, Mary Ann | 528 |
Elliot, Archibald Alexr | rox | 1888 | Collard, Annie | 929 |
Elliot, Jas. Whillans | rox | 1895 | Tucker, Rosa Emily Humphreys | 1426 |
Elliott, William | rox | 1866 | Cameron, Annabella | 583 |
Elliott, Thomas Beattie | rox | 1869 | Watson, Agnes | 4196 |
Emond, Christina | sel | 1872 | Inglis, James | 4438 |
Eskdale, Walt Weddell | rox | 1890 | Daley, Rosina | 3840 |
Fairbairn, Dorithy | rox | 1868 | McRae, Dugald | 4335 |
Fairbairn, Annie | rox | 1869 | Morison, George | 328 |
Farnington, Jas. | bew | 1892 | Manser, Martha Ellen | 6832 |
Ferguson, John | bew | 1868 | Donaldson, Mary Jane | 3115 |
Ferguson, George | rox | 1869 | Carey, Alice | 1960 |
Ferguson, David | bew | 1870 | King, Martha Hannah | 3840 |
Ferguson, Agnes | rox | 1870 | Laidlaw, William | 4198 |
Ferguson, Alexander | rox | 1878 | Munro, Barbara | 737 |
Ferguson, Christina | rox | 1881 | Band, Jno. | 5177 |
Fleming, Annie | dfs | 1870 | Guthrie, Walter | 3109 |
Fletcher, John | rox | 1868 | Davidson, Agnes | 3069 |
Fletcher, Robert Laidlaw | rox | 1873 | Hemsley, Mary Harriet | 1353 |
Forsyth, Robert Nelson | rox | 1871 | Mitchell, Mary Ann | 2541 |
Forsyth, John | rox | 1872 | Cruickshank, Susan Simpson | 3085 |
Forsyth, Fanny Gibb | rox | 1876 | Methven, Leslie | 2095 |
Forsyth, James | rox | 1876 | Hudson, Selina Augusta | 3293 |
Forsyth, Jane | rox | 1882 | Greig, Wm. Steedman | 821 |
Fortune, Peter | bew | 1877 | Spiers, Agnes | 2095 |
Fox, Violet | rox | 1877 | Donnell, Henry | 684 |
Gardner, Jas. | rox | 1891 | Boyhan, Bridt | 3771 |
Geddes, George | sel | 1873 | Glen, Agnes | 648 |
George, John Johnston | dfs | 1873 | Dunning, Rebecca Jane Scott | 3151 |
Gerrand, Mary | dfs | 1874 | Houliston, John | 2112 |
Gerrand, Isabel | dfs | 1884 | Sutcliffe, Thos. Welmore | 2891 |
Gerrard, David Roddan | dfs | 1885 | Alexander, Isabella Jane | 4651 |
Gibb, Robert | rox | 1867 | McDonald, Margaret | 3217 |
Gibson, Eliza | pee | 1870 | Singleton, George | 1452 |
Gibson, Thomas | dfs | 1875 | Dryden, Mary Ann | 737 |
Gibson, James | dfs | 1876 | Theodore, Charlotte | 2090 |
Gibson, Adam | pee | 1877 | McLean, Mary Ann | 3380 |
Gibson, David | rox | 1878 | Stewart, Sarah Sefton Mary | 4638 |
Gilchrist, Thomas | dfs | 1867 | Fraser, Isabella | 876 |
Gillies, Finning | dfs | 1869 | Heslott, Elvia | 2452 |
Gillies, Elizabeth | dfs | 1870 | Timmins, Thomas | 3056 |
Gilmore, Margaret | dfs | 1876 | Bell, Alexander | 2477 |
Gladstone, Elizabeth | rox | 1870 | Wellwood, Samuel | 3134 |
Gladstone, Margaret | rox | 1876 | Stiles, William | 1913 |
Glover, William | dfs | 1866 | Hoy, Margaret | 2709 |
Graham, Janet | dfs | 1873 | King, Joseph | 2334 |
Graham, Thomas | dfs | 1875 | Graham, Elizabeth Black | 3181 |
Graham, Thomas | dfs | 1877 | Yeadon, Elizabeth | 1172 |
Graham, Adam | dfs | 1878 | Gulley, Jane | 441 |
Graham, John | dfs | 1882 | Hutty, Clara Eviline | 3623 |
Graham, Jas. Carson | dfs | 1883 | Heath, Juliana Chesterman | 1876 |
Gray, Elizabeth | bew | 1877 | Strachan, James | 4841 |
Gray, Edward | rox | 1879 | McDonald, Isabella | 2046 |
Gray, Andw Muir | sel | 1892 | Brydon, Annie Goodfellow | 979 |
Greenfield, Alexander McKay | bew | 1871 | Williamson, Jessie | 3115 |
Grierson, Thomas | rox | 1873 | Laidlaw, Elizabeth | 2144 |
Grieve, William | rox | 1870 | McLeod, Katherine | 4201 |
Grieve, Walter | sel | 1878 | Robertson, Ellen Ann | 2242 |
Guthrie, Mary Frances | bew | 1878 | Vaughan, Charles | 115 |
Haig, David | rox | 1868 | Barry, Anne | 3068 |
Haig, George Glen | bew | 1869 | Cunningham, Matilda | 2087 |
Haig, Susan | rox | 1869 | Greenfield, Andrew Hume | 4210 |
Haig, John | rox | 1870 | Orr, Christian | 2151 |
Hall, Fanny Multon | rox | 1869 | Walker, William | 3142 |
Hamilton, Jessie | dfs | 1871 | Shaw, Joseph | 3619 |
Harkness, Charles Scott | rox | 1878 | Anderson, Margaret Thomson Inglis | 3329 |
Harkness, Oliver | rox | 1880 | Dickson, Ellen Margt. | 4025 |
Hawkins, George William Bell | dfs | 1866 | Thomson, Grace | 2856 |
Hay, David Thomson | dfs | 1878 | Pughe, Mary Ann | 3495 |
Heatley, John | rox | 1867 | Hockey, Jane | 4221 |
Heatley, Robt. | bew | 1880 | Lawler, Margt. Isabella | 4405 |
Heatly, Charles | bew | 1866 | McAuslan, Elizabeth | 1966 |
Henderson, Janet | sel | 1871 | Smith, James | 1541 |
Henderson, Thomas | dfs | 1872 | Warren, Bridget | 1145 |
Henning, John | dfs | 1866 | Haynes, Elizabeth | 3133 |
Henning, James Williamson | dfs | 1869 | Petty, Elizabeth Ruth | 4630 |
Herbertson, Margaret Caruthers | dfs | 1867 | Dubey, John | 3442 |
Hermister, Janet | rox | 1879 | Hunt, Robert | 3195 |
Hermiston, Andrew | rox | 1867 | Blain, Ellen | 1961 |
Hermiston, Joseph | rox | 1872 | Adkins, Maud | 1922 |
Heron, Thomas | dfs | 1879 | Prentice, Elizabeth | 3753 |
Herriot, Margret | rox | 1870 | Diaper, Walter James | 977 |
Hetherington, Hector George | dfs | 1871 | Laurence, Louisa | 3208 |
Hewetson, Ella Baird | dfs | 1887 | Hunt, Edmd Alfrd | 5591 |
Hewitt, Mary | bew | 1870 | Nicholls, Robert Uriah | 3032 |
Hiddleston, Elizth | dfs | 1890 | Martin, Wm. | 2498 |
Hill, John | bew | 1874 | Leighton, Florence Emilie | 3840 |
Hislop, Wm. | dfs | 1893 | Drummond, Jessie Baxter | 4652 |
Hogg, Georgiana | dfs | 1866 | Yule, William | 3897 |
Hogg, Isabella | bew | 1866 | Elston, William | 3964 |
Hogg, Robert | rox | 1875 | Douglas, Martha | 4068 |
Hood, William Walter | bew | 1868 | Scales, Mary Jane | 864 |
Hood, Walter Cossar | bew | 1885 | Calder, Mary Dunsmure | 842 |
Hope, Jane Wilson | dfs | 1866 | McDonald, Charles | 3902 |
Hope, James | sel | 1874 | Fraser, Isabella | 2130 |
Hope, Richmond | pee | 1878 | Edgar, Isabella | 2249 |
Horsburgh, Helen | rox | 1873 | McDonald, James | 3196 |
Houliston, John | rox | 1874 | Gerrand, Mary | 2112 |
Houliston, William | rox | 1874 | McColl, Christina | 3335 |
Houston, Henrietta | dfs | 1884 | Gibb, Robt. | 2946 |
How, Janet Frances | rox | 1877 | Stobbs, John Garrow | 704 |
Howat, Maria | dfs | 1867 | Glover, Matthew | 670 |
Howatson, James | dfs | 1876 | Duthie, Sarah Jane | 2093 |
Huggins, Catherine | rox | 1868 | Anderson, James | 3218 |
Hume, Jas. | sel | 1886 | Rigby, Mary | 6631 |
Hunter, George | rox | 1868 | Marr, Jane Mary | 2712 |
Hunter, Hellen | rox | 1880 | Chandler, Geo. | 19 |
Hyslop, Robert | dfs | 1879 | Moore, Jane Garrard | 3346 |
Inglis, John | rox | 1874 | Wollands, Judith | 222 |
Ingram, John Dryden | dfs | 1868 | Fetherston, Mary | 2299 |
Irvin, William | dfs | 1874 | Wilson, Ann | 3164 |
Irvine, William | rox | 1868 | Williams, Emma | 3730 |
Irvine, Isabella | rox | 1875 | Keogh, Thomas | 588 |
Irvine, George | dfs | 1877 | Cochrane, Elizabeth | 5002 |
Irving, Francis | dfs | 1881 | McLaughlan, Marion | 3766 |
Jack, James | rox | 1879 | Young, Louisa Sarah | 2065 |
Jackson, Walter | dfs | 1872 | Massie, Eliza | 639 |
Jackson, William | dfs | 1878 | Cowan, Mary Anne | 2560 |
John, Mary | bew | 1882 | Cobb, Thos. | 4206 |
Johnston, Adam | dfs | 1867 | Scoulter, Janet | 3073 |
Johnstone, Mary Irving | dfs | 1867 | Smith, Antony | 742 |
Johnstone, Marion | dfs | 1869 | Elliott, Wallace | 4279 |
Johnstone, Thomas | rox | 1872 | McLarty, Mary | 2034 |
Johnstone, James | dfs | 1873 | Oakman, Susan | 672 |
Johnstone, Maria | bew | 1880 | Johnstone, Alexdr. | 3229 |
Johnstone, Math Lorimer | dfs | 1885 | O'Brien, Mary Jane | 171 |
Kellett, James | dfs | 1873 | Barrow, Margaret | 2641 |
Kennedy, George Donaldson | rox | 1873 | Wainwright, Eliza Madeline | 1913 |
Kennedy, Thomas | rox | 1875 | Byrne, Mary | 4701 |
Kennedy, John Thomas | dfs | 1877 | Tammagani, Eliza | 4693 |
Kennedy, Bruce | rox | 1878 | Batson, Mary Jane | 1125 |
Kennedy, George Scott | dfs | 1878 | Smith, Frances Kate | 2254 |
Kennedy, Wm. Laurie | dfs | 1891 | Bramley, Mary Anne | 8336 |
Ker, James | rox | 1875 | Wyse, Jean Atken | 3351 |
Ker, Margt. | rox | 1884 | Miller, Jas. | 2903 |
Kerr, John | bew | 1866 | Gillespie, Agnes | 3974 |
Kerr, Ralph | bew | 1866 | Gillespie, Isabella | 1829 |
Kerr, Susan | bew | 1869 | Dunn, John | 3167 |
Kerr, Robert | dfs | 1874 | Crees, Mary Jane | 3923 |
Kerse, Isabella | bew | 1868 | Clarke, Edward | 3308 |
Kiel, George | dfs | 1870 | Cato, Elizabeth Ann | 2716 |
King, Jessie | dfs | 1891 | Scruby, Hy. Stirling | 6116 |
Kirk, Michael Anderson | dfs | 1876 | Maine, Rosia | 3684 |
Kirkpatrick, Jessie | dfs | 1867 | McKay, Hugh | 4313 |
Knox, Gertrude | bew | 1867 | Lees, William | 68 |
Kyle, James | rox | 1871 | Hine, Ellen | 4606 |
Kyle, Adam | rox | 1875 | Kelson, Isabella | 3217 |
Laidlaw, William | dfs | 1869 | Dickson, Helen Meikle | 4198 |
Laidlaw, William | dfs | 1870 | Ferguson, Agnes | 4198 |
Laidlaw, Elizabeth | rox | 1873 | Grierson, Thomas | 2144 |
Laidlaw, Janet | rox | 1875 | McMorran, Alexander | 932 |
Laing, Robt. | rox | 1891 | Gillam, Kate | 2044 |
Lamb, Euphemia | bew | 1880 | Robertson, Jas. Wm. | 2172 |
Lang, Patrick Sellar | sel | 1873 | Currie, Henrietta | 3231 |
Lauder, William | bew | 1872 | Thomas, Elizabeth | 2046 |
Laurie, George | dfs | 1872 | Williams, Mary Ann | 4693 |
Laurie, Peter | bew | 1874 | Cameron, Catherine | 325 |
Laurie, Jessie | rox | 1883 | Adamson, Hy. | 5357 |
Lawson, William | dfs | 1878 | Collins, Jane | 1872 |
Lees, John | bew | 1871 | Allan, Euphemia Hewitt | 2015 |
Lees, Andrew | bew | 1875 | Cavenagh, Anne | 3333 |
Leitch, Janet Pringle | rox | 1880 | Penny, Fredk Marsh | 2083 |
Leithead, William | rox | 1878 | Slater, Mary | 1074 |
Leithead, Wm. | rox | 1891 | Scott, Agnes | 3681 |
Leslie, Euphemia | rox | 1878 | Lane, Zebina | 781 |
Lindsay, John | bew | 1872 | Patience, Margaret | 3036 |
Litch, John | bew | 1870 | Hall, Dinah | 2314 |
Little, David | rox | 1874 | Hoskins, Mary Jane | 1135 |
Little, Jemima | dfs | 1874 | Crichton, Rollen Foster | 2075 |
Lorimer, Agnes | dfs | 1867 | Sharwood, William | 2889 |
Lorimer, John | dfs | 1872 | Maker, Charlotte Mary | 650 |
Lorimer, Jane | dfs | 1881 | Farrar, Wm. Hutchinson | 1242 |
Lorrain, Sarah Agnes Little | dfs | 1876 | Martin, James | 2089 |
Lorraine, John | dfs | 1877 | Coutts, Maria | 2059 |
Lowrie, Thomas | rox | 1866 | Johnstone, Agnes | 3131 |
Lugton, Peter William | bew | 1876 | Hair, Mary Ann | 2158 |
Lyal, Agnes | bew | 1883 | Allan, And | 4396 |
Lyttle, Esther | rox | 1869 | Cunningham, John | 4260 |
MacMillan, Sarah | dfs | 1872 | Rodger, Francis | 4721 |
Mann, Isabella | bew | 1875 | McDonald, John | 275 |
Martin, Thomas Ormiston | rox | 1868 | Crighton, Jane Richmond | 4429 |
Martin, Elizabeth | rox | 1870 | Grant, John | 1944 |
Martin, Elspeth | rox | 1873 | Long, Thomas James | 4400 |
Martin, George Marshall | dfs | 1875 | Bacon, Caroline | 2040 |
Mathewson, Betsy | rox | 1866 | Anderson, James | 2772 |
Mathewson, James | rox | 1869 | Reid, Ellen | 2994 |
Maxwell, Agnes | dfs | 1881 | Evans, Jas. Gorring | 2693 |
McAuley, Thomas | dfs | 1879 | Gill, Elizabeth | 4074 |
McConchie, John | dfs | 1871 | Rodgers, Margaret | 3988 |
McConchie, Elizabeth | dfs | 1874 | Brown, William Isles | 2061 |
McConchie, Thomas | dfs | 1878 | Tiles, Louisa Matilda | 3706 |
McConchie, Jane | dfs | 1885 | Swan, Jas. Melbourne | 3282 |
McConchie, Adam | dfs | 1889 | Beament, Christina | 8603 |
McCubbin, James | dfs | 1873 | Hurlstone, Leah | 4632 |
McDonald, George Thomas | dfs | 1869 | Mitchell, Amelia Margaret | 3646 |
McDonald, Angus | rox | 1879 | Thorne, Sarah Jane | 246 |
McDonald, Robt. | rox | 1886 | Kilmartin, Ann Julia | 6526 |
McDonald, Robt. | dfs | 1888 | Thompson, Emma | 1934 |
McDougall, Robt. | bew | 1889 | Smith, Marion Emma | 3484 |
McDougall, Alice Ellen | dfs | 1893 | Eyre, Thos. | 5500 |
McDourie, John | dfs | 1867 | Malcolm, Amelia Anne | 2965 |
McFarlane, James | rox | 1871 | Woolf, Hannah | 4722 |
McFarlane, Jessie | dfs | 1877 | McIntyre, James | 4655 |
McFarlane, Charlotte | dfs | 1881 | Gillies, Hy. Alexdr. | 4549 |
McGeorge, Jas. | dfs | 1880 | Baxter, Ada Ann | 3877 |
McGregor, Alexdr. | dfs | 1880 | Neville, Eliza | 4714 |
McHolme, Geo. | dfs | 1890 | Whitton, Martha Adeline | 3217 |
McIntosh, Robert Adam | rox | 1877 | Cox, Elizabeth | 4736 |
McKie, Robert | dfs | 1872 | Mann, Ellen | 3056 |
McKinley, Jane | dfs | 1870 | Glasscock, Thomas | 1952 |
McLaren, Thos. | dfs | 1886 | McLeod, Mary | 181 |
McLean, William | dfs | 1869 | Arnot, Margaret | 928 |
McLean, Catherine | dfs | 1870 | McLean, Duncan | 3242 |
McLean, Oliver | dfs | 1871 | Paton, Margaret Primrose | 3327 |
McLean, Peter | dfs | 1876 | Swan, Anna Bella | 3383 |
McLean, Oliver | dfs | 1888 | Jamison, Margt. Jane | 1356 |
McLeish, Betsy | rox | 1873 | Gibson, James | 1306 |
McLeod, William | dfs | 1869 | Campbell, Mary | 3189 |
McLure, Samuel | dfs | 1872 | Finlay, Jessie Mitchell | 4367 |
McLure, Henrietta | dfs | 1877 | Watt, Alexander | 4591 |
McMaster, James Thomson | dfs | 1879 | Smith, Rosina Angelina | 4389 |
McMeikan, Hugh Bell | dfs | 1869 | Pohl, Eliza Ann | 4693 |
McMillan, Jno. | dfs | 1889 | Dalrymple, Mary Ellen | 5576 |
McMillin, Mary | dfs | 1874 | Percival, William Brownlie | 3633 |
McMinn, Charles | dfs | 1871 | Turvey, Ann | 4258 |
McMorran, Alexander | rox | 1875 | Laidlaw, Janet | 932 |
McMorrow, James | dfs | 1867 | Cook, Charlotte | 1927 |
McNaught, Elizabeth | dfs | 1866 | Boyd, John | 2798 |
McNaughtan, John | dfs | 1866 | Pearse, Fanny | 2823 |
McTaggart, Samuel | dfs | 1878 | Donaldson, Grace Johnston | 2068 |
McWhae, Mary | dfs | 1874 | Laurie, James | 654 |
McWhirter, John | dfs | 1878 | Allen, Elizabeth | 2417 |
Mein, Pulleney | dfs | 1879 | Mein, Agnes | 4524 |
Mellross, Donald | dfs | 1875 | Campbell, Annie | 3568 |
Mellross, Catherine | dfs | 1879 | Pickering, William | 874 |
Mensforth, Elizth | dfs | 1889 | Brown, Wm. Waterhouse | 121 |
Merton, Charles | pee | 1866 | Tonell, Faith | 1729 |
Mickie, John | rox | 1873 | Bakewell, Sarah Ann | 1184 |
Mickle, Thomas Ferguson | bew | 1879 | Lesson, Jane | 3222 |
Miller, Thomas Edward | rox | 1871 | Miller, Jane | 4255 |
Miller, Jas. | rox | 1884 | Ker, Margt. | 2903 |
Mills, Jessie | pee | 1884 | Ainslie, Geo. | 2675 |
Milne, Jane | rox | 1878 | Muir, John | 2297 |
Mitchell, Isabella | dfs | 1874 | Reed, James Stanton | 1071 |
Moffat, Robert | sel | 1871 | Tamblyn, Martha | 1472 |
Moffatt, Walter Scott | rox | 1878 | McJannet, Jane | 994 |
Montgomery, Mary | dfs | 1880 | Stubbings, Fred Wm. | 3803 |
Muir, Margaret Muir | dfs | 1878 | Grayson, William | 2250 |
Murdoch, Andrew | dfs | 1868 | West, Phoebe Ann | 3154 |
Murdoch, Robert | dfs | 1869 | Doharty, Sarah | 1106 |
Murray, Archibald | rox | 1873 | Grant, Agnes Jane | 3781 |
Murray, John France | dfs | 1874 | Kingsely, Mary | 3279 |
Murray, John | dfs | 1892 | Ainslie, Elizth Whitson | 1052 |
Musgrove, James | dfs | 1870 | Dyson, Jane | 2236 |
Newton, Wm. Tait | rox | 1891 | Carter, Barbara Ethel | 8796 |
Notman, Matthew | dfs | 1885 | Parsons, Martha Elizth. | 6707 |
Page, Agnes | rox | 1891 | Blackwell, Jno. | 3507 |
Pairman, Robt. | pee | 1894 | Brough, Maria | 1046 |
Palmer, Matthew | sel | 1876 | Fairbairn, Mary Ann | 782 |
Park, Anthony Glover | dfs | 1877 | Whittle, Elizabeth | 3374 |
Park, Louisa | rox | 1884 | Bell, Richd | 1086 |
Park, Marion | sel | 1887 | Menzies, Robt. | 1119 |
Paterson, James Sommerville | dfs | 1872 | Hall, Sarah Elizabeth | 4314 |
Paterson, Ann Bell | dfs | 1883 | Carter, Herbert or Samuel | 6010 |
Paton, Walt Jno. | rox | 1881 | Clarkson, Marion Nelson | 4847 |
Patterson, John | bew | 1867 | Anderson, Sarah Margaret | 1792 |
Patterson, William | rox | 1871 | Cairns, Christina McKenzie | 2623 |
Patterson, Sarah | bew | 1872 | Milne, James | 2341 |
Patterson, Ralph | rox | 1874 | Stenniken, Rachel | 1352 |
Penman, James Dickson | bew | 1876 | Blair, Jane | 763 |
Pollock, Robt. | rox | 1886 | Mitcham, Jane Mary | 2481 |
Prentice, Helen | pee | 1867 | Willcocks, Samuel John | 1880 |
Prentice, Annie | pee | 1874 | Tapping, William Cornelius | 2070 |
Prentice, David | pee | 1875 | Newbigging, Margaret | 2118 |
Prentice, Jane | pee | 1875 | Wright, Frederick Thomas | 4548 |
Pringle, Margaret | dfs | 1878 | Willett, William | 4281 |
Pringle, Adam Thomson | rox | 1881 | Sceales, Christina Hilda | 2365 |
Pringle, Robt. | dfs | 1889 | Barton, Frances | 6356 |
Purves, John | bew | 1868 | Summers, Amelia | 4635 |
Purves, Thomas | bew | 1873 | Stevens, Elizabeth Jane Lee | 3792 |
Purves, Thos. Peter | bew | 1883 | Roberts, Alice Matilda | 1284 |
Rae, Thomas | sel | 1868 | Pearson, Ellen | 4361 |
Rae, William | dfs | 1869 | Armstrong, Jannett Armstrong | 681 |
Ramsay, Robert | rox | 1868 | Urquhart, Isabella Catherine | 2084 |
Ramsay, Hannah Haldenby | rox | 1869 | Garlick, John | 3235 |
Ramsay, Mary | rox | 1893 | Potter, Thos. Geo. | 6242 |
Rathie, Helen | rox | 1869 | Campbell, Henry | 4305 |
Reid, William | dfs | 1869 | Steele, Annie | 4675 |
Reid, Jessie Miller | dfs | 1881 | Carmichael, Jno. | 791 |
Renton, Margaret | rox | 1868 | D'Helin, Jean Martin | 761 |
Renton, Janet Aitchison | rox | 1870 | Scambler, James | 3115 |
Renwick, Jane | dfs | 1874 | Langdon, Montague | 3210 |
Richardson, John Archibald | rox | 1870 | Gorgan, Johanna | 822 |
Richmond, Jas. | rox | 1880 | Leslie, Mary | 2087 |
Riddell, Robert | sel | 1874 | Auchinlick, Rose Cunningham | 745 |
Riddell, Robert Henry | rox | 1874 | Walker, Edith Plantagenet | 807 |
Riddell, James | pee | 1878 | Dickson, Euphemia | 401 |
Riddell, Robert Henry Scott | rox | 1879 | McLeod, Eliza | 4558 |
Rintoul, Wm. | sel | 1890 | Short, Cath Augusta | 5948 |
Rintoull, Anne | rox | 1867 | Smith, William | 815 |
Rintoull, John | rox | 1879 | McCrory, Zenna | 2141 |
Ritchie, John | bew | 1876 | Robertson, Isabella | 3151 |
Robertson, Thomas | bew | 1869 | King, Mary Ann | 2011 |
Robertson, Mary Ann | dfs | 1875 | Sutherland, Robert | 4487 |
Robson, Archd | rox | 1891 | Cook, Janet Ann | 3933 |
Robson, Jas. | pee | 1892 | Moore, Mary | 965 |
Robson, Walt. | pee | 1894 | McQueen, Sarah | 4409 |
Rogerson, Jas. | dfs | 1885 | Alexander, Elizth | 883 |
Ruddell, Louisa Ann | rox | 1870 | Grant, Alexander Allan | 2198 |
Russel, Janet | bew | 1879 | Swan, Nadrew | 4439 |
Rutherford, John Boyd | pee | 1868 | Smith, Isabella Ramsay | 3811 |
Rutherford, William | rox | 1873 | Brown, Mary Ann | 1860 |
Rutherford, William | sel | 1874 | Kay, Mary Elizabeth | 2329 |
Rutherford, Jessie | sel | 1875 | McNaught, John | 3253 |
Ryan, William | dfs | 1872 | Grows, Elizabeth | 2351 |
Ryan, Jno. | dfs | 1880 | McDonough, Bridget | 541 |
Ryley, Wm. | bew | 1884 | Pigdon, Mary | 5717 |
Samson, Margaret | bew | 1873 | Johnson, John | 1858 |
Scott, Adam | rox | 1867 | Booth, Louisa | 4061 |
Scott, Alison | rox | 1867 | Paterson, William | 826 |
Scott, David Laing | rox | 1868 | Johnstone, Elizabeth | 4372 |
Scott, John | dfs | 1868 | Skinner, Mary Russell | 3271 |
Scott, Thomas Graham | rox | 1870 | Hill, Jane | 795 |
Scott, William | dfs | 1870 | Smith, Mary | 4164 |
Scott, James Darling | dfs | 1871 | Kitchen, Ruth | 2323 |
Scott, Henry Walter | rox | 1873 | Rowdon, Emily | 3152 |
Scott, Robert | rox | 1875 | Cape, Emily Laura | 3912 |
Scott, John | rox | 1876 | Stewart, Margaret McNab | 1981 |
Scott, Agnes | rox | 1884 | Haddow, Archd | 1363 |
Scott, Cath Neish | bew | 1885 | McMeekin, Saml | 2680 |
Scott, Adam Irvine | rox | 1889 | Wilson, Isabella Carol | 8065 |
Scott, Chas. Jno. | rox | 1889 | Hickey, Louisa | 2594 |
Scott, Agnes | rox | 1891 | Leithead, Wm. | 3681 |
Scott, Isabella | rox | 1891 | White, Peter | 8011 |
Scott, Jas. | rox | 1891 | Hartshorn, Elizth | 5124 |
Scott, Jeannie Smith | rox | 1891 | Dowler, Wm. | 5808 |
Scott, C'tina | sel | 1897 | Mills, Robt. Burgess Melrose | 1187 |
Scott, Margt. Johanna | dfs | 1910 | Maund, Richd | 2383 |
Selby, Ralph | bew | 1868 | Gunn, Dorothy | 3080 |
Sharp, Robert | dfs | 1867 | Warby, Elizabeth Mary | 963 |
Sharp, Elizabeth | rox | 1868 | Fisher, Edwin | 4559 |
Sharp, Nicholas Johnstone | dfs | 1871 | Hall, James Kimpson | 1859 |
Sharp, Robert Roddam | rox | 1875 | Hattersley, Annie Elizabeth | 719 |
Sharp, James | rox | 1876 | Hogg, Jessie | 3558 |
Sharp, Thomas Rogerson | dfs | 1876 | Campbell, Annie | 3127 |
Sharp, Mary | rox | 1882 | Howard, William | 2897 |
Shearer, Alexander | dfs | 1874 | Hoult, Annie | 2521 |
Shearer, Jas. | dfs | 1889 | Sissons, Jane | 3796 |
Shiel, Jas. | rox | 1881 | Moran, Maria | 680 |
Shillinglaw, Catharine | bew | 1873 | Simmons, James | 752 |
Short, Mary Ann | bew | 1874 | Bell, Thomas | 2214 |
Slater, John | sel | 1873 | Shuttlewood, Emma | 3276 |
Slater, Adam Robert | sel | 1873 | Cowan, Janet | 3275 |
Slaughter, Ann | dfs | 1872 | Leach, George | 386 |
Sloan, James | dfs | 1869 | Newbrook, Elizabeth Ann | 4691 |
Smith, Jessie Nivison | dfs | 1866 | Hamilton, Thomas | 844 |
Smith, Thomas | rox | 1867 | Hoffmann, Louisa Anne | 706 |
Smith, Isabella Ramsay | rox | 1868 | Rutherford, John Boyd | 3811 |
Smith, John Charles | dfs | 1869 | Freame, Mary Ann | 3950 |
Smith, Margaret Caruthers | dfs | 1869 | Smith, James | 4218 |
Smith, Francis George | dfs | 1872 | Doolan, Mary | 1958 |
Smith, Grace | dfs | 1872 | Forsyth, James | 927 |
Smith, Robert | dfs | 1873 | Caruthers, Mary | 713 |
Smith, James | dfs | 1874 | Cook, Christina Elizabeth | 2072 |
Smith, James | rox | 1875 | Smith, Angelina Louisa | 1163 |
Smith, Janet | dfs | 1875 | Hamilton, David | 3233 |
Smith, Nicholas | dfs | 1877 | Wallace, Thomas | 4517 |
Smith, William | dfs | 1879 | Hansford, Emma Jane | 1675 |
Smith, Daniel | dfs | 1882 | Ritchie, Isabella | 859 |
Smith, David | dfs | 1889 | Brown, Martha Emma | 8724 |
Smith, Janet | sel | 1890 | Downie, Thos. | 496 |
Stevens, Frederick | rox | 1875 | Mowat, Mary Ann | 2397 |
Stevenson, Mary Ann | bew | 1876 | Daniels, Charles | 2392 |
Stewart, William | rox | 1866 | McLachlan, Janet | 3914 |
Stewart, Christina | rox | 1868 | Randall, Lewis Samuel | 980 |
Stoddart, John | bew | 1872 | Sheppard, Annie | 4451 |
Strachan, James | bew | 1877 | Gray, Elizabeth | 4841 |
Symington, William | dfs | 1872 | Rigg, Anna | 1960 |
Symington, Peter | dfs | 1891 | Hodgson, Rebecca | 7837 |
Tait, George | rox | 1870 | Armstrong, Eliza | 1620 |
Tait, Elizabeth | rox | 1874 | Bradley, Bernard | 578 |
Tait, James | bew | 1877 | Allan, Agnes | 4544 |
Telfer, Euphemia | rox | 1868 | Benzic, James | 4571 |
Telfer, Margaret | rox | 1870 | Rutherford, John | 54 |
Telfer, Margaret | rox | 1871 | O'Brien, Martin | 821 |
Temple, Jno. Alexr. | rox | 1889 | Fowler, Elizth. Agnes | 8886 |
Thin, Francis Forbes | bew | 1871 | Lawrence, Anne | 826 |
Thomas, Mary Ann | bew | 1878 | Mitchell, Richard | 2625 |
Thompson, Richard | bew | 1876 | Pickering, Mary | 837 |
Thomson, William | dfs | 1866 | McDonald, Mary | 3901 |
Thomson, James | rox | 1869 | Rollo, Cecilia Annie | 3132 |
Thomson, Agnes | dfs | 1872 | Jenkins, Benjamin | 4473 |
Todd, Alexander | dfs | 1875 | Buyers, Catherine | 4529 |
Todd, John | pee | 1876 | Laidlaw, Mary Anne | 4486 |
Todd, William Wallace | dfs | 1877 | Johnson, Minnie | 3315 |
Todd, Elizth | dfs | 1889 | Coffin, Edwd | 1133 |
Trotter, Mary Walkenshaw | rox | 1880 | McConnel, Jno. | 3263 |
Turnbull, James | dfs | 1867 | Anderson, Ellen | 1860 |
Turnbull, John Anderson | rox | 1874 | Walker, Eleanor | 4048 |
Turnbull, James | dfs | 1877 | Ball, Mary Ann | 2775 |
Tyson, Mary Ann | dfs | 1875 | Sutherland, Robert | 4487 |
Walker, Jannet | dfs | 1868 | Thwaites, John | 4243 |
Walker, Benjamin | dfs | 1874 | Emberson, Mary Ann | 4233 |
Walker, Mary | dfs | 1881 | Gill, Jas. Byles | 1208 |
Walker, Maggie | dfs | 1893 | Gillespie, Robt. | 1755 |
Wallace, Isaac | bew | 1877 | Brown, Nicholes | 1607 |
Wallace, William | bew | 1878 | Travers, Helen | 982 |
Wallace, James | rox | 1878 | Maunsey, Emily | 3890 |
Wallace, Jane | bew | 1880 | Travers, Wm. | 4267 |
Watson, Mary | bew | 1866 | Mirams, Edward | 2980 |
Watson, William | dfs | 1866 | Jackson, Sarah | 1392 |
Watson, John | dfs | 1866 | Pentland, Elizabeth | 2777 |
Watson, Helen | dfs | 1874 | Hutchison, Henry | 3339 |
Waugh, Andw | rox | 1883 | Scott, Isabella | 4180 |
Weatherby, James | bew | 1878 | Wilson, Frances | 904 |
Webb, Susan | pee | 1886 | Barnett, Geo. Campbell | 7131 |
Weir, Jas. | pee | 1888 | Todd, Mary Ann | 1117 |
West, Sophia | rox | 1892 | Mackereth, Edwin | 3904 |
Wheelens, Wilson Douglas | rox | 1885 | Walters, Elizth | 1591 |
White, William Slee | dfs | 1869 | Cain, Mary | 1573 |
White, William McGregor | dfs | 1869 | Cain, Mary Ann | 1573 |
White, Alexander | bew | 1870 | Collison, Eliza | 1982 |
Whiting, Albert Edwin | rox | 1878 | Murdoch, E.R. | 2366 |
Whiting, Albert Edwin | rox | 1878 | Murdoch, Elizabeth Robertson | 3548 |
Whitlaw, Mary Liddel | rox | 1873 | Williams, Thomas Albert | 1993 |
Williamson, Walter | rox | 1876 | Morrow, Annie | 1430 |
Wilson, Daniel | dfs | 1866 | Burton, Sarah Elenor | 1387 |
Wilson, Mary | dfs | 1869 | Rowland, William | 933 |
Wilson, David | dfs | 1874 | Barsby, Elizabeth Anne | 1552 |
Wilson, Frances | bew | 1878 | Weatherby, James | 904 |
Wilson, Geo. | dfs | 1880 | Smith, Mary | 3364 |
Wilson, William | dfs | 1882 | Bennett, Emma | 3289 |
Wilson, Eleanor | dfs | 1890 | Greenwood, Arthur Eugene | 9070 |
Wood, Robert George | bew | 1872 | Murdoch, Jessie | 2050 |
Wotherspoon, John | rox | 1866 | Robertson, Rachel | 1924 |
Wright, David | dfs | 1869 | Daddo, Alice Jane | 3963 |
Wright, John | rox | 1871 | Cole, Mary Ann | 3392 |
Wright, George | dfs | 1874 | Horsey, Emma | 166 |
Wright, David | dfs | 1875 | Hellier, Mary Elizabeth | 822 |
Wright, Agnes | rox | 1879 | Jones, William Henry | 3187 |
Wright, Jessie Jardine | dfs | 1881 | Morrison, Arthur | 5237 |
Wright, Geo. | dfs | 1883 | Brown, Eliza | 5406 |
Wyer, Chas. Erskine | pee | 1886 | Maguire, Annie Louisa | 209 |
Wyley, William | dfs | 1872 | Maxworthy, Fanny | 3042 |
Young, Adam | rox | 1875 | Murray, Annie | 708 |
Young, William | bew | 1876 | Myers, Alice Denham | 3104 |
Young, Mungo | rox | 1876 | McDonald, Isabella | 3259 |
Young, Thomas | rox | 1876 | Jenkins, Catherine | 3295 |
Young, James | rox | 1879 | Bennett, Mary | 1374 |
Young, Jno. Hope | rox | 1889 | Dwyer, Anne | 709 |