


Military History information for Glamorgan and places above it in the hierarchy


Soldiers whose photos appear in the South Wales Echo     

  • This is a long list of names which can be found on the Internet Archives site, the original site having disappeared. The list starts at 9.11.1914 and ends at 25.8.1916.
  • It is believed to relate to soldiers who may have spent time at the  Welsh Metropolitan War Hospital in Whitchurch. The basis for this statement that there are other lists which appeared in the Western Mail and the latter can be accessed on the British Newspapers Archive site (subscription). Below is one example, there may be others at different dates;
    • Western Mail - Thursday 26 August 1915;  FROM THE DARDANELLES  NAMES OF 250 WOUNDED MEN AT WHITCHURCH. Two hundred and fifty wounded and invalided soldiers, mostly from the Dardanelles, have arrived the Welsh Metropolitan War Hospital, Whitchurch. The number includes several men of the 2nd South Wales Borderer's, and there are also a few members of the 53rd Welsh Divisional Cyclist Corps. The names are as follows: (not shown here)
    • This newspaper also has pages of photographs of soldiers that were published


The National Library of Wales blog with the #LoveMaps  tag has  has features on;

  • The Great War in maps

For War Department purposes only: censorship and the Ordnance Survey - on the NLW blog

Wales Remembers -  The First World War 1914-1918

Find my Past (subscription)  Discover your British military ancestor from the Absent Voters Lists from 1918 until 1921. There was a General Election in 1918. All those away from their place of residence (so including all men in the army) were listed on a Absent Voters Lists

The Royal Regiment of Wales was formed in 1969 by the amalgamation of two of Wales' most famous and distinguished regiments, namely The South Wales Borderers (24th Foot) and The Welch Regiment (41st/69th Foot).

South African War  [Boer] 1899-1902 , Welsh casualty List. Published by Glamorgan Family History Society.

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