


Merchant Marine information for Glamorgan and places above it in the hierarchy


Welsh Mariners  by Dr Reg Davies---includes a searchable database of over 21,000 (in 9/2005) Welsh born (or Wales resident) Master mariners, mates and engineers who held certificates of competency or service; in practice it is an index of men active from 1800 to 1945 in the merchant navy.

Swansea Mariners by Bryan Richards --- periods 1861 to 1874 and 1890 to 1894, a database of ratings such as un-certificated officers, bosun, able seaman, ordinary seaman, boy, cook, steward, etc in Glamorgan Carmarthenshire, Pembrokeshire, Cardiganshire, or from around the world. There are 43,000 detailed entries (8/2007).

Lighthouse Personnel in England and Wales and the Channel Islands 1841-1910. Includes;- Table of  Keepers; Table of Stations by county; Location map of the lighthouse sites.

A List of Shipping Records at Glamorgan Record Office, has been provided by Bob Sanders

Shipping Lists. A selection of items compiled by Steve Keates from various sources during his study of 18/19th century coastal shipping links between South Wales ports and the English counties of Devon and Somerset.

Crew and passengers on ships Crews & passengers of Cardiff ships in port on the 1881 census, also various other Welsh and English ports. By Bob Sanders

Maritime History. Although not particularly Glamorgan related here are a large number of links to websites dealing with maritime history. By Bob Sanders

Ships and shipping company recordsheld at Glamorgan Record Office By Bob Sanders

Arbitration records relating to shipping accidents held at Glamorgan Record Office By Bob Sanders


UK and Ireland