


Passengers on the Emigrant Ship "Lizzie Webber"


Sailed from Sunderland 31 July 1852; arrived Melbourne 4 December 1852.

NOTE: Not all passengers were from the North-East, but most were. See the Journal of the Northumberland and Durham FHS, Vol 5, No 4 (July 1980), pp.102-7 for further details.

Made available to GENUKI by George Bell.

Allison     Henry             Blacksmith
Bennet      John              Blacksmith
Black       George            Joiner
Booth       A
    + Wife and 2 children
Booth       Benjamin          Mason
Booth       John              Labourer
Bowman      Thomas            Draper
Bradley     William H         Woolstapler
Bulman      George            Agent
    + Wife and 3 children
Burns       William           Engineer
Campbell    Donald            Plasterer
Charlton    Thomas            Miner
    + Wife and child
Chesterton  Thomas
Chipchase   Jonathan          Shipwright
Clark       Edward            Miner
Clemenston  Thomas            Schoolmaster
    + Wife and 3 children
Cogden      Charles           Plumber
Cook        John              Miner
Cree        Thomas            Labourer
    + Wife and child
Eliott      Thomas            Farmer
Elliott     Henry             Shipwright
Elliott     John William      Farmer
Finlay      Andrew            Sailmaker
Finlay      William James     Grocer
Grant       Thomas            Joiner
Gray        Lawrence          Blacksmith
    + Wife
Hall        Michael           Miner
    + Son Thomas
Hamilton    Alex              Miner
Harper      Thomas            Joiner
    + Wife and 2 children
Henry       Robert            Farmer
Howie       Robert            Tailor
Humble      John              Butcher
Lewis       William
M'Cabe      James             Farmer
McKay       David             Farmer
Mawson      Richard
    + Sister
Nisbett     Thomas            Builder
Oliver      John              Joiner
Ord         George C
Ord         Robert            Agent
    + Wife and 3 children
Ord         Robert Cook
Patey       John
Potts       Matthew           Grocer
Powton      Elizabeth
Robson      John              Draper
Smith       Robert
Swinbourn   William           Grocer
    + Wife
Thompson    Caleb             Joiner
Walker      John              Labourer
White       John              Miller 
    + Wife and 3 children [prob. Wight]
Young       Joseph            Miner
Young       William           Labourer