


Church History information for Glamorgan and places above it in the hierarchy


Rees, Thomas & Thomas, John. Hanes Eglwysi Annibynnol Cymru. (History of the Welsh Independent Churches) 1873 - From the CD of the 4 volume book published by Archive CD Books. The Glamorgan section is fully extracted and translated 

Church Plans Online - the Lambeth Palace Library holds a database of the Incorporated Church Building Society's images of the plans of various churches (use the onsite search facility)

Glamorgan Chapels project (2005)

Welsh Chapels & Churches  

Cardiff  Places of Worship database produced by Glamorgan FHS

Pillars of Faith - a remembrance of Non-conformist and other  chapels in the Rhondda

The Presbyterian Church of Wales site  has a list of CM chapels still open  in each county. Under Churches, then use both parts of drop down menu (3rd paragraph down) 

The 1851 Religious Census. Here is a table detailing the statistics for the various denominations in South Wales

A History of Methodism in Glamorgan has been provided by Bob Sanders


The Churchwardens' Accounts of England and Wales   The My Parish group are creating a searchable national database of all surviving churchwardens’ accounts from the earliest known (c.1300) to c.1850. This resource, although incomplete as yet, will be updated regularly as they continue to collect data

Welsh Chapels & Churches This is an index ONLY to the Chapels and Churches which have photographs on Jill Muir's Welsh Chapels and Churches site

Church Plans Online - the Lambeth Palace Library holds a database of the Incorporated Church Building Society's images of the plans of various churches (use the onsite search facility)

Hanes Eglwysi Annibynnol Cymru. Rees, Thomas & Thomas, John.1873 - here is a listing of the NAMES of chapels/places from each county's contents page from the CD of this 4 volume book published by Archive CD Books. There are also a complete extract of the chapel histories for 9 of the 14 Welsh counties -  in Welsh, many with translations .

The Story of Non Conformity in Wales  - Addoldai Cymru (Welsh Religious Buildings Trust) is a charity set up to take into ownership a selection of redundant chapels that are historically and/or architecturally significant to the story of chapel building and Nonconformity in Wales and that are valuable to their local communities.

Theological Colleges attended by Welsh ministers and priests. An exercise to discover which theological colleges Welsh nonconformist ministers and Anglican church priests attended in Wales (and  England).

The Clergy of the Church of England Database 1540-1835 - "launched in 1999 and funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, makes available and searchable the principal records of clerical careers from over 50 archives in England and Wales with the aim of providing coverage of as many clerical lives as possible from the Reformation to the mid-nineteenth century........."

Charles Surman's biographical card index of Congregational ministers   .........
"was given to Dr Williams's Library in 1960. The Surman Index Online makes the contents available electronically via the internet for the first time. The index includes the names of about 32,000 ministers, and, where known, their dates, details of their education, ministries or other employment, together with the sources used. It covers the period from the mid-seventeenth century to 1972, and though it focuses on England and Wales, it includes Congregational ministers serving abroad provided they trained or served as ministers in Britain. Although intended as an index of Congregational ministers, it also gives details of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Presbyterians."

Unitarian Obituaries 1798 to date  - The obituaries were published in journals which are held in the library at Harris Manchester College.

A listing of JONES entries from the clergymen's database on Crockford's Clerical Directory of 1885. Compiled by Gareth Hicks from the CD published by Archive CD Books.

The Church in Wales - structure

Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1066-1300: volume 9 - The Welsh cathedrals (Bangor, Llandaff, St Asaph, St Davids). On the British History Online site

Fasti Ecclesiae Anglicanae 1300-1541: volume 11 - The Welsh dioceses (Bangor, Llandaff, St Asaph, St Davids). On the British History Online site

Welsh Abbeys and other Religious Sites - information and photographs provided by Jeffrey L. Thomas.

Independent Chapels of Wales: History Books and Pamphlets        On the NLW's site

The Baptist Union of Great Britain site

Quakers in Britain (then search on Wales)

Coleg Trefeca - A centre for lay training, conferences and retreats owned by the Presbyterian Church of Wales.  Also Coleg y Bala, the children and youth centre

National Synod of Wales The National Synod of Wales of the United Reformed Church, is one of thirteen Synods that cover England, Wales and Scotland.

The UK Church Directory Information on 35,000 Christian churches and chapels

See also under Religion and Religious Life below

UK and Ireland