


GENUKI Privacy Notice


          Help and Guidance 2021: Original page as at date below


1      Document control

Version 0.6 - 08/11/2018

2      Privacy Notice

Data protection laws require us to tell you what information we collect from you, how we store and use it. The law defines our organisation as a data controller which means that we must explain all of this and tell you about your rights.

This notice covers the data storage and processing activities of GENUKI. Our website includes many links to external sites over which we have no control. We cannot guarantee the accuracy or security of external sites.

2.1   Who we are

We are GENUKI.  Our aim is to serve as a comprehensive virtual reference library of genealogical information that is relevant to the British Isles, i.e. Great Britain (England, Wales, Scotland), Northern Ireland, the Republic of Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.

We do not have an office with a postal address.  However, all enquiries about our use of your personal data should be addressed by email to privacy[at]genuki.org[dot]uk. Alternatively, you may make an enquiry about our use of your personal data by submitting a Subject Access Request Form to us at GENUKI.

2.2   How we use your information

2.2.1    Cookies

Our website uses a small number of cookies to compile usage information and to help make the website better. In some cases the cookies are needed for the website to function. For example, anybody who logs in will have a cookie placed on their computer to keep them logged in.

In other cases, cookies from third parties might be placed on your computer to do things such has analysing the popularity of individual pages using Google Analytics.

Our website does not use third party advertising cookies.

If you want to stop the website placing cookies on your computer, please use your browser controls to stop them, although if you do this you might find that the website loses some of its functionality.

For further information on the cookies used by GENUKI, what we use them for, and how they can be deleted, please see our Cookie Policy.

2.2.2    When you use our website

Users of our website fall into two broad categories:

  1. Individuals who, for whatever reason, are searching the information published within the website.
  2. Individuals who have an account in order that they can login and, for example, maintain pages to undertake their tasks.
  3. Individuals who contact GENUKI by email or by using one of the online forms within the website.


If you are using our website as a source of information, and are not logged in, we collect no information about you other than your IP address (also see information about cookies above).

If you have an account on our website we will record your name and email address. That information is used to manage your access to our systems. You have the opportunity to add other data but this is entirely up to you. In addition, we will send you emails from time to time relevant to your role in GENUKI such as mailings, newsletters, system developments and more. We do this because of our legitimate interest in keeping you informed.

If you contact us by email or by using one of the online forms contained within the website, your details will be recorded in our database on the basis of legitimate interest. Depending on the reason for your communication, your details and information about your enquiry and any response to it may be retained indefinitely. For example, should an issue arise in the future relating to a request for permission to use copyright material, it will be possible to produce data that may be relevant.

The lawful basis on which this information is stored and processed is legitimate interest.

We do not share your information with any other organisations nor do we use it for automated decision-making.

We keep this information until we are informed that you no longer have any involvement with GENUKI. Once we have received this notification, your information will be deleted from our systems within 28 days. If our systems detect that you have not logged in to GENUKI over a period of twelve months, then we will assume that you no longer wish to be involved in GENUKI and your information will be deleted.

In addition, our website contains information about other individuals such as authors of published works whose names are included in an acknowledgement of a source. In these cases it is likely that we only know the names of individuals but they have the rights listed at the end of this notice. Those rights can be exercised by emailing GENUKI.

GENUKI, by its nature, contains data relating to deceased persons in the main. However, it is possible that the GENUKI database contains other information such as the names of living persons. It would involve a disproportionate effort to identify all such individuals. However, if an individual becomes aware that their name is included in the GENUKI website and wants it to be removed, they can contact GENUKI as described in section 2.1 above requesting the deletion of the relevant information.

GENUKI has scrutinised the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy of each of our suppliers and assessed the state of compliance with the GDPR as being satisfactory.

Your information is stored on our hosted website server which is in a secure location in the UK.

2.2.3    When you submit an enquiry to us

When you use the contact form on our website to send us an enquiry, report a problem with the website or provide additional information, we ask for your name and email address. This information is used only to respond to your enquiry.

It is important to understand that the GENUKI volunteers who will see your enquiry are not able to provide help, guidance or any form of support to your researches into your family history.

Any information you provide will be kept for no more than 6 months. It is kept in case you should want to follow up on an answer we have given.

2.3   Your rights as a data subject

Data protection legislation gives you several rights.  You may:

  • ask to see all information about you held by GENUKI. On receipt of such a request, and having verified your identity, GENUKI will provide you with the requested information without charge
  • ask GENUKI to correct any errors relating to you of which you become aware. On receipt of such a request, and having verified your identity, GENUKI will correct the information at the earliest opportunity
  • ask GENUKI to delete information about you that it holds. On receipt of such a request, GENUKI shall seek to verify your identity and, once your identity is confirmed, delete the relevant information although it reserves the right to retain information required for specific purposes such as financial record-keeping  
  • ask GENUKI to restrict its processing of your information. On receipt of such a request, GENUKI shall seek to verify your identity and, once your identity is confirmed, apply the requested restriction
  • complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if you feel that GENUKI is failing to comply with the GDPR.  GENUKI would ask that any such complaint be addressed to the organisation itself in the first instance but you have the right to complain directly to the ICO. At the time of writing this notice, information on how to complain could be found here: https://ico.org.uk/make-a-complaint/


2.4   Updates to this privacy notice

From time to time we may update the ways in which we use personal data. If we make any changes that result in changes to this privacy notice we will update this notice on the GENUKI website and we will contact users who have accounts on GENUKI to let them know about the changes.

If the notice needs to change the document control version number and date at the top of this page will be changed.