


How to create and edit a Gazetteer entry node


Orange    Help and Guidance 2021: New Page: Version 1.1




Create a new Gazetteer node

When logged in, on the Shortcut Menu click "Add Content", then choose "Gazetteer". The Gazetteer Page template will open and should then be completed and saved.

Edit an existing Gazetteer node

To modify an existing gazetteer node, navigate to  the gazetteer node in question , open in  Edit Mode by clicking Edit on the line of tabs above the text, make the necessary amendments, then save.

The template comprises a number of fields as below, with appropriate guidance text as below, and other supporting information. Fields marked with a * MUST be completed. A unique URL alias in the appropriate format should be provided.

 A unique URL alias in the appropriate format must be provided, the URL alias should be of the form "/gaz/CCC/PlaceName", without the quotes.

Related pages

The main page about the Gazetteer discusses some of the key questions about how to define places and boundaries.

Essential fields to create node

These are essential in the sense that the edit screen cannot be  saved unless there is an entry in these items. Often it is convenient to create the node and save it with this basic information before then editing it to include as much other information as possible.

Title *

Usually the place name.

Place Name*

The name of the object as given in maps or other records.


Gazetteer Precision*

Select the precision from the drop-down list.


It is of course essential that there is a location fro every item in the Gazetteer. The easiest way is to place a pin on the map. You can see how to use the map here. 

URL Alias *

Near end of page with Standard Items
Specify a URL by which this content can be accessed. Don't add a trailing slash or the URL alias won't work.
The URL alias should be of the form "gaz/CCC/PlaceName", without the quotes. CCC=Chapman County Code

Core information


Type in or select from possible entries as they are revealed 

Location Type

Choose one of the following by clicking on the radio button.

Location Type















Place Name Alias

Alternative names(s) by which the place is known. Provide alternative name if required. To add further alternative names use the "Add Item" link.

Place Name Extra

There are frequently multiple places in a county with the same name, and this field can be used to help distinguish them. E.g. there are at least 5 Broughtons in Lancashire, and we could include here 'near Preston'.



Normally only used for Ireland. Enter the name of the civil parish in which the place is located. For Ireland this field is used to link townlands to the relevant parish. If parish boundaries run through a townland, put the others in here as well, using a colon 


 character as a separator. Do not put in space characters next to the colon. As we do not have any web pages for most of the Irish parishes the normal link via the URL field cannot be made.


Multiple gazetteer entries can be related to a place node. This flag marks the entry that is the one that is used to show the location of a place node. Any other places within the town/parish do not have this set. We also use this when searching gazetteer entries to get a list of place nodes.

This field does not get entered into the database, but is a place to hold any notes that the maintainer may need particularly during development of new place entries


Other CCC
Some parishes and places have county boundaries running through them. This field helps handle these and can hold the county code(s), separated by colon 

characters if there is more than one other county.


Family History Society
Experimental, currently only in use in LAN.
Eventually will hold the code(s) for the FHS(s) covering the Town/Parish (a preliminary former description).


Parent Place

Maintenance level appears here

Place Code

The gazetteer place code field for the town/parish node associated with this Gazetteer location. This is used to associate places with a location.
Add a unique place code of the form CCCPlacename if none is shown.

Each gazetteer node must have a unique Place Code.  In Drupal, we now link non-prime locations such as a hamlet to the primary parish in which it resides by use of the "Place Unit" field.

Year From

Default is 1 

Year to

Default is 9999  

Link Checks