


Topics in detail



These are available in GENUKI; some are not used frequently. How information is classified is an art rather than a science with some subjective choices needed. Be sure to browse various likely topics.

  • Almanacs 
    Annual publications, usually containing a calendar, frequently accompanied by astronomical data, statistics, or other information.
  • Archives and libraries
    Descriptions of individual archives and libraries, museums, etc., or systems of archives and libraries.
  • Bibliography 
    Lists of printed books and periodicals which pertain to a specified subject.
  • Biography 
    Collected biographies.
  • Business records and commerce
    Account books, ledgers, and other papers created in the course of business.
  • Cemeteries 
    Works dealing with places of burial; transcripts, rubbings etc., of tombstones and monuments; sexton's records; landscaping and design of graveyards; and works explaining how to transcribe or take rubbings.Note that more specific entries may be located in Memorial Inscriptions and Monumental Inscriptions
  • Census  
    Official counts of the population of a place, generally including names, vital statistics, or other classified information relating to social and economic conditions or discussions of the same.
  • Charities
    Records of local charitable groups or institutions
  • Chronology  
    Works discussing dates, calendars, measurement and recording of days, months, and years, etc.
  • Churches
    Normally used to record automatically the churches in the Church Database
  • Church directories 
    Alphabetical or classified lists containing addresses, names of officials, etc., of Christian churches.
  • Church history 
    The history of the Christian church in particular places or among particular peoples.
  • Church records 
    Records, documents, registers, etc., created by Christian churches.
  • Civil registration 
    Compilations of records of births, marriages, and deaths made by civil authorities. For the United States and Canada, see the subdivision Vital records
  • Colonisation
    Works about colonization; classes of persons, ethnic groups, and lists of person's names who are being transplanted to establish colonies in new lands.
  • Community Websites
    Locally based and created sites with local history or genealogy information
  • Correctional institutions 
    Works pertaining to those institutions whose function it is to rehabilitate or neutralize deviant behavior. Includes lists of inmates and other records of these institutions.
  • Court records 
    Proceedings, actions, discussions, etc. of a judicial body. See also Guardianship, Land and property, Naturalization and citizenship, Orphans and orphanages, and Probate Records
  • Description and travel 
    Geographies or works describing conditions or features, including personal impressions of them.
  • Directories 
    Alphabetical or classified lists containing the names and addresses of the inhabitants or organizations of a place. See also Church directories.
  • Dwellings 
    Works dealing with the residential buildings of those places, or under names of particular ethnic groups or classes of persons for discussion of their dwellings from the standpoint of architecture, constructions, ethnology, etc.
  • Emigration and immigration 
    Works that discuss the movements of persons across international boundaries from a particular place and/or to a particular place.
  • Encyclopedias and dictionaries 
    Works which treat comprehensively a particular locality.
  • Ethnology 
    Works which treat the races and their origins (including caste systems), distinctive characteristics, relations and distribution. See also Dwellings and Social life and customs.
  • Folklore
    Stories, tales, and oral traditions of a people and for works discussing them. For myths see also Religion and religious life.
  • Gazetteers
    For dictionaries of geographic names of those places, with descriptions. See also Names, Geographical and Postal and shipping guides.
  • Genealogy 
     For collected family histories and ancestral research. Also, for treatments or discussion of how to do genealogy. For the genealogy of one family use the name of the family in a surname search or a subject search.
  • Guardianship 
    For court decisions, legal records, and discussions regarding guardianship.
  • Handwriting
    Works dealing with the study of early forms of handwriting or for the deciphering of manuscripts.
  • Heraldry 
    Works dealing with the devising, granting, or using of armorial insignia.
  • Historical geography
    For histories of an area in terms of the changes occurring in its territorial limits.
  • History
    For descriptions and explanations of past events within a particular field of knowledge, or in a particular place. See also Centennial celebrations.
  • Jewish history
    For the history of the Jews or Jewish communities in particular places or among particular peoples.
  • Jewish records 
    For records, documents, registers, etc., created by or about Jews.
  • Land and property 
    For works dealing with ownership, transfer, deeds, mortgages, brands, etc., of land or other property.
  • Language and languages
    For grammars, learning aids, discussions, etc., of spoken languages.
  • Law and legislation
    For laws, codes, ordinances, etc., and discussion of them. See also Poorhouses, poor law, etc.
  • Manors 
    For works dealing with manors or manorial estates.
  • Maps
    For individual maps or for collections of maps. See also Historical geography.
  • Medical records 
    For works dealing with medical histories, lists of patients, etc., of hospitals, doctors, midwives, etc.
  • Memorial Inscriptions
    Specific references to memorials within churches, although many transcriptions do not make a clear distinction
  • Merchant marine 
    For works dealing with privately or publicly owned commercial ships, their personnel, records, etc. See also Business records and commerce.
  • Migration, Internal 
    For movement of a people within a single country.
  • Military history 
    For historical accounts of battles and armed forces.
  • Military records 
    For muster rolls, service records, etc., of armed forces.
  • Minorities 
    For racial, foreign, or religious segments of the populations in an area.
  • Monumental Inscriptions
    For transcripts etc of text on graves and headstones
  • Names, Geographical 
    For discussions of the origin, history, validity, etc. of geographical names. See also Gazetteers.
  • Names, Personal
    For discussions of origin, history, validity, etc., of individual proper names, including names of persons or deities.
  • Naturalization and citizenship 
    For records, laws, and discussions of citizenship, and for works dealing with qualifications, processes, etc. of becoming a citizen of a country and records resulting from such processes.
  • Newspapers 
    Used under names of regions, countries, cities, etc. and also under topical subdivisions. See also Obituaries.
  • Nobility 
    For lists of peers, nobility, royal families, etc., with their genealogy, history, titles, etc.
  • Obituaries 
    For notices of deaths, especially in newspapers, with biographical sketches, and for necrologies.
  • Occupations 
    For works pertaining to jobs or career possibilities occurring in particular places. Also for records of discussions of guilds, unions, apprenticeship, etc.
  • Officials and employees
    For the public employees of individual governments, international agencies, or government administered institutions. 
  • Orphans and orphanages 
    For works dealing with orphans (foundlings), institutions for the care, etc. See also Court recordsGuardianship, and Probate records.
  • Pensions
    For compensations to employees, workers, tradesmen, etc., for retirement, disabilities, reparation, etc. For compensations made to veterans of the armed services see Military Records - Pensions.
  • Periodicals
    For serials issued indefinitely at regular intervals, generally more frequently than annually, each issue of which normally contains separate articles or other writings.
  • Politics and government
    For works on political or governmental matters relating to the jurisdictions or people in question.
  • Poor houses, poor law, etc.
    For works pertaining to those institutions whose function it is to care for the poor. Includes lists of inmates, poor law records, removal and settlement papers, etc. See also Medical records.
  • Population
    For statistical studies of the characteristics of human population of particular places, especially with reference to the size and density, growth, distribution, migration, and vital statistics and the effect of all these on social and economic conditions.
  • Postal and shipping guides 
    For lists of post offices, railroad stations, ports, terminals, etc. See also Gazetteers.
  • Probate records 
    For wills, settlements, court proceedings, laws, etc., dealing with the estates of the deceased. See also Guardianship.
  • Public records 
    For records created by civil authorities that are not specifically designated to be cataloged under other subject subdivisions.
  • Religion and religious life 
    For general works on religion and religious practices and customs of regions, countries, cities, etc. For works about specific religious subdivisions see the name of the religion, e.g. BuddhismChristianityJudaismShintoism, etc.
  • Schools 
    For works dealing with educational institutions or their records.
  • Social life and customs 
    For works discussing the folkways, manners, customs, ceremonies, popular traditions, etc., in regions, countries, cities, etc. See also Religion and religious life.
  • Societies 
    For works discussing societies active within regions, countries, cities, etc. Also for works discussing institutions, organizations, or societies active in a particular subject field.
  • Statistics
    For compilations of numerical data about a particular place or topic. 
  • Taxation
    For discussions of the tax system of the place in question and for records generated as a result of the administration of the tax system.
  • Town records
    For records created by civil governments or works dealing with them.
  • Towns and Parishes
    Generally used about broad information rather than specific localities
  • Visitations, heraldic
    For works which determine and authenticate pedigrees and the rights of people to bear coats of arms, such as the visits of the heralds of the College of Arms.
  • Vital records
    These are placed under church records eg birth, marriages, deaths]
  • Voting Records
    For processes about voting
  • Voting registers
    For lists of registered voter
  • War Memorial Inscriptions
    Specific locations of or listings from such memorials.
  • Yearbooks
    For publications appearing annually, each volume of which summarizes those accomplishments or events of the year.
  • Documentation
    Can be used on all pages if necessary but mainly on help, guidance and general plain pages