Mailing Lists and Email
Version 3
Maintainers' mailing list
Your current email address must be included on the maintainers' mailing list so that you can be kept informed of any announcements, discussions or issues of policy under consideration by GENUKI as an organisation. There is also a Trustees' mailing list so that Trustees can discuss policy issues before approaching the maintainers.
The maintainers' mailing list is a closed mailing list restricted to GENUKI section maintainers (including gazetteer and church database maintainers). If you need to change your email address, you can change your list subscription yourself, via this web page. Control is managed by an individual list password that is supplied to you when you join as a GENUKI maintainer, and via an optional reminder of it sent to you each month. If you forget to change your entry in the maintainers' mailing list until after your email address has changed, you may need to resubscribe via this web page. If so, please send the system administrator a separate reminder as subscription to this list has to be approved.
Searching the maintainers' mailing list
The maintainers' mailing list is served by a mailing list host and messages are archived for searching purposes.
Messages sent to the GENUKI maintainers' mailing list are private to the GENUKI maintainers but can be searched by supplying your email address and mailing list password. If you have not subscribed to the maintainers' mailing list, you will not be allowed to search the archive.
Use the mailing list information page and select the option to search the archive. Enter your email address and mailing list password to enter the archive search engine.
Searching is possible by entering search words (a boolean combination or any word), or by selecting a month. The monthly archives are displayed by thread, subject, author, or date.
Spam on the Maintainers mailing list
Occasionally, messages used for advertising or other inappropriate purposes (SPAM) can be added to the maintainers' mailing list. These often result from a robot using the script available at the foot of GENUKI pages, and entering the text automatically.
Various defensive methods are used to counter these practices and are updated as the SPAM generators change their attack. But some SPAM is bound to overcome these defences and appear on the maintainers' mailing list occasionally. If a SPAM message reaches your Inbox via the maintainers' mailing list, you should delete it immediately without any further action.
In particular, do not answer the message, visit any website referenced in the message, or report it to a SPAM protection service for blacklisting (in case the mailing list itself becomes blacklisted).
The GENUKI Trustees can be contacted individually or you can contact them as a group via the Trustees mailing list genuki-t at maillist.ox.ac.uk
Maintainers table
Note that email addresses also need to be included in the maintainers table which includes your name and email address amongst other things. This information is used by the problems script which is included in a link at the foot of every GENUKI page enabling readers to get in touch with you, but without making your email address available easily to readers. You need to contact the system administrator to get changes made to the maintainers table.
The maintainers table can be viewed via the maintainers page which lists all maintainers sorted alphabetically by surname. An explanation of how GENUKI maintainers are linked to sections is available by seeing how GENUKI is organised for management purposes.