


Llanfaches / Llanvaches


"LLANVACHES, a parish in the lower division of the hundred of Caldicott, county Monmouth, 6 miles S.W. of Chepstow, and 6 N.E. of Newport, its post town. There was formerly a castle here. The village consists of a few farmhouses. The living is a rectory in the diocese of Llandaff, value £194. The church is dedicated to St. Dubritius. The charities amount to about £10 per annum." [Description(s) from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland (1868)



  • Morgan, Shem H. A history of Tabernacle United Reformed Church, Llanvaches : 1639-1989. [Llanvaches] : Tabernacle United Reformed Church, 1989. 47p.

Church History

Church and chapel data from The Religious census of 1851 : A Calendar of the returns relating to Wales, Vol 1, South Wales. Ed. by I.G   Jones, & D. Williams. UWP,  Cardiff, 1976. The names given towards the end of each entry are those of the informants.  Check with  Gwent RO to see what extant records are held, and possible names of chapels/churches established after 1851.

Llanvaches Parish; Statistics; Area 2108 acres; Population 161 males, 130 females, total 291

  • Llanvaches Parish Church     Attendance (average) - morning 45, afternoon 33 (alternating)       1 service in English           Edward (Griffiths), Licensed Curate
  • Tabernacle Independent Church     Erected 1800 [? but see Bibliography entry above]    Attendance -  morning 45, evening 51        David Thomas, Minister, Llanvaches
  • Bethany Baptist Chapel      Erected 1814    Attendance - morning 58      Thomas Leonard, Baptist Minister
  • Gilgal Chapel, Llanvaches, Bible Christian      Erected 1828       Attendance - afternoon 38     David (?), His Mark, Steward

Church Records

See the Monmouthshire county page for links to online records

  • This list of parish records is intended as a rough guide to coverage only. Their location as stated should be confirmed with the appropriate Record Office prior to any visit.
    Llanfaches / Llanvaches, St Dyfrig's Church (St Dubritius in English)- records with the Gwent RO
    Bishops Transcripts1725-44, 1746-8, 1750-3, 1755-1865, 1867-70, 1872-85 - records with the NLW
    [Details as published in The Parish Registers of Wales, NLW 1986 - present location/availability may vary] selected parish records.

Description & Travel

You can see pictures of Llanfaches / Llanvaches which are provided by:





  • Family Search have an interactive map called "England and Wales Jurisdictions 1851" showing parish (and other) boundaries with optional background maps such as Ordnance Survey. There is also a Search facility, do read the guidance notes to get maximum benefit from this useful resource. See here for further background information to assist in the interpretation of this data
  • Kain, R.J.P., Oliver, R.R., Historic Parishes of England and Wales: an Electronic Map of Boundaries before 1850 with a Gazetteer and Metadata [computer file]. Colchester, Essex: History Data Service, UK Data Archive [distributor], 17 May 2001. SN: 4348.  Here is a gazetteer/finding aid plus a set of overview maps to accurately identify the position of parishes within the county.
  •  Plan of the parish of Llanvaches in the County of Monmouth - on the People's Collection Wales site

You can see maps centred on OS grid reference ST429928 (Lat/Lon: 51.630694, -2.826404), Llanfaches / Llanvaches which are provided by: