Ystalyfera - Newspaper Extracts
There are many references to Ystalyfera in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people
These are not in any date or subject order
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) dated 21st August 1896
"YSTALYFERA. INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL.—The governing body of the above school held a special meeting on Wednesday, when the selection of head master was proceeded with. Twenty applications had bean received, and finally six of the applicants were selected to meet the managers at a special meeting. PUBLIC MEETING.—A public meeting was held at the Wern Schools on Wednesday evening for the purpose of protesting against expending the sum of £1,200 upon the repair of the schools. Mr D. W. Daniel occupied the chair. Councillor D. Richards said that owing to the present insanitary and dilapidated state of the schools the Government grant had been withdrawn, and the grant would not again be allowed until £1,200 were expended in having the schools put in a state of efficiency. Several other speakers followed, and finally a resolution was adopted urging the necessity for the erection of new schools, and a deputation of five gentlemen was elected to lay the resolution before the School Board."
- From the Weekly Mail dated 3rd May 1884
"YSTALYFERA. WERN SCHOOLS.—The village of Ystalyfera, near Swansea, boasts of possessing the largest tin works in the world, and, under the management of the late Mr. Palmer Budd, J.P., it turned out for a long time 4,000 boxes of tin per day, consequently it kept in constant employ a small army of men. Under these favourable auspices the small village grew into a large and populous district. which called into existence dramatic, operatic, and choral societies, besides its fife and and other bands of music. One of these, the Ystalyfera Operatic Society, gave a most enjoyable entertainment in the above school on Thursday evening week, under the patronage of the local gentry and tradesmen. The crowded audience manifested much enthusiasm throughout the evening, in as much as the performance was presented in character and was supported by the musical strains of the Ystalyfera String Band. The first part of the programme was of a miscellaneous character. Mr. J. D. Smith sang with much effectiveness, "The Death of Nelson," by Brahm, and next took part in a trio, "The Stammerers," supported by Messrs. Nicholas and Jones. Miss S. Davies sang with great expressiveness and pathos a duet with Mr. Smith, which was re-demanded. A cantata, called The Burning Ship," was afterwards performed with very creditable success."
- From The Brecon Radnor Express Carmarthen and Swansea… dated 12th November 1914
"YSTALYFERA. Recruiting.—A recruiting office has been opened at the Capital and Counties Bank, Mr W. H. Woodliffe acting as hon. recruiting officer. Lecture.-Under the auspices of the local branch of the I.L.P., the winter course of lectures commenced at the Institute on Saturday, when Mr T. Jeremiah spoke on "Industrial Democracy." "
- From The Cambrian dated 20th June 1902
"YSTALYFERA. Referring to the discussion on the question of overcrowding at Ystalyfera in the Pontardawe District Council meeting reported elsewhere, it may not be out of place to quote a few instances of over-crowding called from the evidence given to the Royal Commission, now sitting at Westminster Town Hall, upon Alien Immigration. Mr W. Belcher, a councillor of the borough of Stepney, gave numerous cases of overcrowding by Russians, Polish Jews, Belgians and Dutch. In one case he found twenty seven people working in two small rooms, with mattresses all round the apartments, and their food was black bread and coffee. In another case he discovered 21 women working in a kitchen of 16ft. by 12ft. and 7ft. high, and containing beds. Their pay was 8d. or 9d. a week. In another case three beds were found in a cellar with eleven people sleeping in them. There was no ventilation at all—only a small back window, which could not be opened. Can anything approaching these few instances be shown at Ystalyfera? Comparison with the East End of London and Ystalyfera, as to surroundings, I think would favour the latter. Let the Council weigh and consider well the necessity of adopting the Housing of the Working Classes Act before burdening the already over-burdened ratepayers with further liabilities."
- From The Cambrian dated 14th June 1901
"YSTALYFERA. A TABLET IN HONOUR OF THE VOLUNTEERS. On Sunday morning, at St. David's Church, Ystalyfera, Mrs. Fleming Gough, the wife of Colonel Gough, unveiled a brass tablet erected to commemorate the services of the local volunteers during the South African campaign. There was a large congregation every available seat in the sacred edifice being occupied. Amongst those present were Col. and Mrs. Fleming Gough, and the whole of the members of H. Company 1st V.B. S.W.B., with the exception of Private Simon Jones, who died at Johannesburg, in June, 1900, from enteric. Lieut. Lewis. Lieut. Woodliffe, Capt. Wade Evans, Sergt. D. J. Williams, Sergt. Weston and Sergt. Gould. After prayers and the singing of "Onward Christian Soldiers," Mrs. Gough gracefully unveiled the tablet, which bore the inscription "To the glory of God, and in commemoration of the active services rendered in the South African campaign during 1900-1901 by the following members of H. Company 1st V.B. S.W.B.:—Sergt. J. Cleo, Corpl. W. Jenkins, Lance-Corporal D. Stewart, Private J. Davies, Private Simon Jones, Private E. T. Morgan, Private E. Williams. Of the above named Private Simon Jones died of enteric fever at Johannesburg, South Africa, 18th June, 1900, aged 27 years. This tablet was erected by the officers, non- commissioned officers and men of H Company; June, 1901.The tablet, a most artistic production, rests on solid oak, the plate being 3ft. 6in. by 2ft. 6in., and is the work of Mr. George Hay, the well-known Breconahire sculptor. Surmounting the text is the regimental crest encircled by a wreath of immortelles, underneath which is the olive branch and scroll, bearing the motto of the 1st V.B.S.W.B.: "Gwell angau na chywilydd." The sermon was preached by the Vicar of Brecon (Rev. E. L. Bevan, M.A., chaplain of the 1st V.B. S.W.B.). In the course of his remarks the rev. gentleman alluded to the suffering and sorrow which, he said, the war had brought into nearly every home in the country, and paid a warm tribute to the soldiers for the splendid heroism and self- sacrifice they had displayed, making special mention of the members of the H Company 1st V.B. S.W.B. Mr. J. Williams presided at the organ. "O God our help in ages past, Our hope in years to come" and "Peace, perfect peace" were the other hymns sung. The service was brought to a close by the playing of "God Save the King" on the organ. "
- From The Cambrian dated 2nd March 1900
"YSTALYFERA. Considerable joy was felt at Ystalyfera last week at the re-starting of the Old Works, alter a period of idleness extending over six month. Three mills started operations on Tuesday arid repairs are in progress for the starting ot three more. "
- From The South Wales Daily Post dated 31st December 1910
"YSTALYFERA. Ystalyfera were unlucky on Saturday. Danygraig should have been well beaten. The try scored by the visitors ought to have been prevented. Langdon played well and the try notched by him was the result of clever work. Dicky Moore converted with an excellent kick. Danygraig were lucky to make a draw of the game. Wade Evans was good in attack, but his defence was weak. Petherick and Tit Davies also played well. Tom Davies seems to be improving each match and will doubtless be seen in better company shortly. Of the forwards, E Evans and Morgan seemed to be always conspicuous. A match was played on Tuesday between Married ant! Single, the Single team winning by 6pts. Bryn Thomas, the Pontardawe-cum-Bangor wing, is home for the holidays, and the Ystalyfera team would do well to secure his services. "
- From the Herald of Wales and Monmouthshire Recorder dated 2nd May 1914
"YSTALYFERA. The lock-out at Tirbach Colliery continues. The question in dispute was discussed at the Executive Council oi the Federation on Monday. Ystalyfera now has a Salvation' Army Hall, situated at the Darren-road. Special services have been held there by Captain Annie Green and Brigadier and Mrs. Parkin, divisional commanders."
- From the Herald of Wales and Monmouthshire Recorder dated 25th May 1918
"YSTALYFERA. There was a good attendance at the foot and cycle races held on the Athletic Grounds, Ystalyfera, on Whit Monday, in aid of the Ystalyfera and Godre'rgraig Sailors and Soldiers Reception Fund. Mr. George Moore, of Cardiff, who has been affected with blindness since he was 12 years of age, has just concluded a house to house collection in Ystalyfera, Cwmtwrch and Godre'rgraig. He took three weeks to cover the ground, and was able to collect £33 0s. 4d. for the National Institute for the Blind. He had previously collected over £32 in. Pontardawe."
- From the Herald of Wales and Monmouthshire Recorder dated 2nd October 1915
"YSTALYFERA. The strike of masons, carpenters, and plasterers at Ystalyfera continues. About forty hands are affected. It its stated that the masters have offered the men ½d. per hour increase, but. the men are holding out for a Id. per hour. A conference of delegates from the colliery lodges of the Ystalyfera, Cwmtwrch, and Godre'rgraig districts has been held for the purpose of forming a miners' council for the upper part of the Swansea Valley. Councillor Joseph Thomas (Tarreni Lodge) presented a scheme which was very favourably considered. It was decided that the delegates should lay the scheme before their respective lodges for consideration."
- From The Cambria Daily Leader dated 3rd December 1915
"YSTALYFERA. A smoking concert, under the auspices of the Ystalyfera and District Chamber of Trade, was held on Thursday at the New- Swan Hotel, Ystalyfera, the proceeds of which will be devoted towards forming a fund for the purpose of giving each soldier from the district returning from active service a present as a slight remuneration and respect for services rendered. The chair was occupied by Mr. H.J. Powell, J.P. Private Roger Edwards, Pontardawe, was a welcome visitor. A fund was opened at the meeting to receive subscriptions, which will be acknowledged by Mr. H. Morgan (L. and P. Bank), Mr. G. Griffiths, and the secretary, Mr. W. H- Blakeway, Fairholme," Ystalyfera. "
- From the Herald of Wales and Monmouthshire Recorder dated 13th June 1914
"YSTALYFERA. The Ystalyfera Male Voice Party are determined to compete at the Bangor National Eisteddfod, and rehearsals are in full swing. A sad accident occurred at the Tarreni Colliery on Saturday morning, whereby Thomas Adams, 25 years or age, Gnoll-road, Godre'rgraig lost his life. The Ystalyfera First XI. visited Dunvant on Saturday, and played one of the best games for many seasons, they scored 12l, whilst Dunvant were all out for 30."
- From The Cardiff Times dated 17th November 1877
"YSTALYFERA. YSTALYFERA BOARD SCHOOL,—The following report has been received:—Mixed School: "These schools were opened on the 19th of February last, and were now inspected for the first time. The buildings are neat, well arranged, and duly supplied with requisites. The discipline is good, and the instruction, considering the short time the school has been at work, has been ably carried out, and promises well for the future. The answering in geography was tolerably good, and drill and vocal music were very satisfactory." Infants' school: "The infant school is well attended, and in pretty good order. The mistress is earnest in the performance of her duties, and the reading and oral lessens have been carried out in an effective manner.The total grant earned was £162 11s the total grant payable upon seven months £94 16. 5d. "
- From The Cardiff Times dated 8th July 1876
"YSTALYFERA. ACCIDENT —On Tuesday morning, a fitter named Thos, Morgans was crossing a pot, containing hot metal, in the Tin Works, when his foot slipped in, and he was severely burnt. THE WORKS — A notice was posted at the Iron and Tin Works, on Tuesday morning, that all contracts will terminate at the end of 28 days. A reduction in the wages is anticipated. The colliers have agreed to work on, although the notice expired on Saturday, but the terms of the settlement are not stated. "
- From the Herald of Wales and Monmouthshire Recorder dated 18th September 1915
"YSTALYFERA. At a. meeting of the Ystalyfera County School Governors on Wednesday evening there were nearly 200 applications for the position of caretaker for the schools at a salary of £90 per year. Mr. Rees Jenkin Jones, of Cilmaengwyn Woods, Ynismedw, secured the appointment."
- From The Brecon County Times Neath Gazette and General… dated 10th February 1916
"YSTALYFERA. COLLIERY LAMP ROOM GUTTED.—The lamp. room at the Tirbach Colliery, Ystalyfera, has been gutted by fire. Fanned by a strorg wind, the flames soon got a good hold, and in a very short time close upon 300 safety lamps were destroyed, together with two small electric dynamos. All attempts to extinguish the fire proved futile. The colliery will be closed down for a few days until new lamps are provided. The cause of the fire is unknown. "
- From The Brecon County Times Neath Gazette and General… dated 9th April 1914
"YSTALYFERA, COLLIERY STOPPAGE.-Some surprise has been caused in Ystalyfera by the decision of the proprietors of the Tirbach Colliery to give a fortnight's notice to their men. The step was regrettable, but unavoidabJe, as the expense of working the Brass Vein there was too great in the present slackness in the coal trade. It is not anticipated that the pits will be idle very long. "
- From the Brecon County Times Neath Gazette and General… dated 7th March 1868
"YSTALYFERA. GAS.—It affords us considerable satisfaction to be able to state that there is now every prospect of gas being obtained for this large and increasing place. Meetings were held almost nightly throughout last week to give an opportunity to Mr. Homes, the representative of a large firm of gas works contractors, to lay the plans and probable expense of building, and the price per thousand feet of gas, fairly before the inhabitants, and the shares were well taken up by the tradesmen and other residents. There is not the slightest doubt that that gas will pay well, as there are a great number of chapels, shops, and public-houses here, and they are all anxious for it. We shall report progress as things assume a more definite form"
- From the South Wales Daily News dated 11th June 1891
YSTALYFERA. CYCLING CLUB.—A meeting, convened by Mr S, L. Rees, was held at the Old Swan Hotel on Monday evening, having for its object the formation of a cycling club for Ystalyfera and the district. The following officers were elected President, Mr T. W. Evans; captain, Mr Wm. Williams; vice-captain, Mr J. G. Davies; treasurer, Mr A. Williams; secretary, Mr D. L. Thomas; buglers, Messrs D. Williams and W. Thomas. A committee of seven was also elected, constituted of the following members:—Messrs J. Price, Wm. Jones, Evan Thomas, John Rees, Luther Lloyd, J. Guppy, and D. Griffiths. "
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) dated 28th October 1892
"YSTALYFERA. INTERMEDIATE SCHOOLS.—The site for these schools, consisting of two acres, has been given by Mr R. Fleming Gough. Already building operations have been commenced. Accommodation will be provided for 80 boys and 40 girls. The plans have been arranged so as to afford every convenience. For the boys chemical laboratories &c., are provided, and for the girls cooking class rooms, &c. besides the usual class-rooms and large assembly rooms. The plans have been prepared by Messrs J. Buckley Wilson, F.R.I.B.A., and Glendinning Moxham M.S.A., architects, Swansea, and have been approved by the Glamorganshire County Council and the Charity Commissioners."