Newspaper extracts for Gelligaer
There are many references to this area in the 15 million Welsh and English language articles from Welsh newspapers transcribed by the NLW and viewable on Welsh Newspapers Online
Below are English language articles that have been re-transcribed and extracted randomly to illustrate what is available, there are many that are not extracted here that include names of local people
Searches made on the following places in this order; Gelligaer, New Tredegar, Aberbargoed, Pontlottyn
- From the Monmouthshire Merlin 20th October 1882
GELLIGAER. HIGHER EDUCATION FOR GIRLS - On Saturday a meeting of the governors of the Pengam Endowed School was held at the Merthyr Workhouse. The meeting was convened for the purpose of considering the scheme for a Higher Girls School for the parish of Gelligaer. It will be remembered that at a previous meeting the governors expressed their readiness to vote £ 100 annually towards such a school, and at a subsequent meeting of the Gelligaer School Board a scheme was formulated and adopted, the intention being to convert a portion of the present school buildings at Pontlottyn for the purposes of a Higher School. In the absence of Mr G. T. Clark, Dowlais House, chairman of the governors, Mr C. H James MP was voted to the chair. A letter was read from Mr Clark, apologising for his absence and expressing approval of the scheme. He also enclosed a cheque for £100 to support the scheme. The governors, after some consideration, unanimously adoptel the scheme.
- From the Evening Express (Extra Football Edition) 20th December 1902
GELLIGAER. Gelligaer visited Bedlinog on Saturday with an eleven largely made up of reserves, and suffered defeat by three goals to love. The visiting half-backs. Harding. Lewis, and Mathews, worked hard to avert disaster, and but for their untiring work a. larger score must have resulted. Tom Williams, at back. displayed sound judgment, and Davies. in goal, could hardly be blamed for the defeat; but the visiting forwards were a poor lot, and let down their side badly.
- From the Evening Express (Fifth Edition) 1st February 1894
GELLIGAER CHARITY. Discussion at the School Board at Pontlottyn. A special meeting, of the Gelligaer School Board was held, under the presidency of the Rev. Aaron Davies, at Pontlottyn on Wednesday, for the purpose of considering the question of the Gelligaer Charity.-The Chairman moved the following resolution
That with the view of the increased demands owing to increase of the population within the parish of Gelligaer, and which is likely to be greatly increased in the near future, we urge upon the governors of Lewis's Endowed School the desirability of getting a clause inserted in the general scheme of the county to provide that, if at any time hereafter the income of any of the endowments forming part of the general fund shall increase, the county governing body in applying such income shall have such regard the Charity Commissioners shall think sufficient to the educational interests of the children originally entitled to benefit thereby and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the Charity Commissioners, to the joint education committee, and to the chairman of the governors of Lewis's Endowed School. ....(part extract).....
- From the Evening Express (First Edition) 8th August 1907
GELLIGAER SCANDAL. Government Audit Resumed. SIGNIFICANT INTIMATION For the third time Mr. H. G. Cox, Government auditor, sat at Merthyr on Wednesday to audit the accounts of the now famous Gelligaer Parish Council. Only two members of the new council were present, and these had notices to attend. It will be remembered that at the last sitting Mr. John Jones, the ex-assistant-over- seer, was asked to furnish an account of various items, which he promised to do. Although it was close upon eleven o'clock when the proceedings began on Wednesday, or half-an-hour after the appointed time, Mr. John Jones had not appeared, and the auditor looked grave and serious as he repeatedly asked for him ....(part extract).....
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 13th March 1896
GELLIGAER. ANNUAL PLOUGHING MATCH.-The annual ploughing match of the Gelllgaer, Llanfabon, and Merthyr parishes was held on Thursday on the farm of Mrs Lewis, Llwyngoleu, Gelligaer Village, under tho distinguished patronage of the Hon. Marquis of Bute, Lord Tredegar, Colonel the Hon. F. C. Morgan, M.P MRD. A. Thomas M.P., and other local gentlemen. ....(part extract).....
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 16th May 1892
GELLIGAER. RE-STARTING A COLLIERY. — The Penmaen House-coal Colliery, which was stopped some time ago, has been taken by Mr W. Cosslett, Beddoe (Cefn Llwyna), for the purpose of working the Mynyddislwyn seam, and on Friday last the workmen commenced coal-getting operations.
- From the South Wales Daily News 21st October 1881
GELLIGAER. TITHES.—At the Harp Inn, Gelligaer, the rector of the parish, the Rev. J. L. Meredith, met his parishioners and received the tithes. Subsequently 80 or more sat down to a substantial dinner, which was well set out by host and hostess Williams.
- From the South Wales Daily News 4th September 1878
GELLIGAER. CLUB FEAST.—On Saturday, the members of the lodge of True Ivorites held their annual festival, and dined at the Plough and Harrow Inn, the repast being provided by Host Lewis.
PARISH CHURCH.—On Sunday, thanksgiving services for peace were held at the Parish Church, when collections were made, morning and evening, in aid of the funds now being raised to establish a church at Cyprus. The Rev Canon Harries, rector, preached, and made a powerful appeal on behalf of the movement.
- From the South Wales Daily News 1st May 1876
GELLIGAER. RATEPAYERS' MEETING.—A vestry meeting was held on Friday at the vestry-room. There was a good attendance. The chair was taken by Mr Ralfe, Llancaiach. The Chairman moved a vote of censure on the members of the school board for the way in which they expended the rates, but met with no support, as it was considered out of order. The Rev A. Davies remarked that the books were open to the ratepayers at any time. Mr Beddoe thought that if the chairman or any one else was dissatisfied with the expenditure of the school board they should call a meeting for the purpose of considering the matter. Levies of ls. in the £ for poor rate and 7½d in the £ for highway rate were agreed to. Mr J. Jones, the assistant overseer, commenced duties, and a vote of thanks was passed to Mr Rees, late assistant overseer.
- From the South Wales Daily News 3rd October 1877
GELLIGAER. ACCIDENT.—As Edward Harding was at work in the Church Pit Colliery, two tons of coal fell upon him. Dr Leigh attended to him, and he is likely to recover.
- From the South Wales Daily News 2nd May 1878
GELLIGAER. ALARMING ACCIDENT.—On Monday two men were buried alive in the Church Colliery, Gelligaer. One was Edmund Davies, collier, and the other Mr Edward Beddoe, the manager. It seems that the roof gave way suddenly, and run in badly almost like a quicksand. Both men had a narrow escape, and only after a deal of exertion got out safely. Thev escaped from the workings after a time by an old airway shaft. At the time this parcel is closed one of the pit horses is shut in completely, but out of all danger,
- From the Monmouthshire Merlin 22nd September 1866
NEW TREDEGAR. Cholera has made its appearance at New Tredegar. Three people succumbed to the disease on Monday, and one early on Tuesday morning. Diarrhoea is also very prevalant here. In Rhymney the people, to a great extent, are suffering from attacks of the latter, but they soon get better, and up to this time there does not seem to be much fear of cholera visiting that place. We are happy to report that the disease has left Ebbw Vale, and that throughout the district generally the public health is above the average. The cases of cholera at New Tredegar ara attributed to drunkenness, some of the patients being beastly drunk on Saturday night and Sunday. They have had to pay for their negligence with their lives. The two cases of cholera at the Cwm were rather singular. The man's name was Thos. John. He had been working at Abercarne, and, along with his wife, left that place, being afraid of the cholera. He and his wife arrived at the Cwm, and were dead in 20 hours, and buried in 30 from their leaving Abercarne. The health of Tredegar is pretty good.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 15th May 1894
NEW TREDEGAR. The principal Nonconformist Sunday schools, with their ministers, choirs, and full number of members, turned out in procession, marching in order through the village and neighbourhoods of Tir Phil and Elliot's Town the first in order being Uchdir Congregational School, with 240 adherents then came Sharon Welsh Baptist, with 183 and Tabernacle English Baptists, with 144 making a total of 467 members. Five other schools did not turn out. A bountiful supply of tea and cake was partaken of in the Workmen's and Rechabite-halls, together with that of Sharon Vestry-room.
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 26th December 1894
NEW TREDEGAR. The annual Christmas Eisteddfod was held at the Workmen's-hall here on Christmay Day, in the morning and afternoon, and was well attended by tho local residents. The president in the morning was Councillor N. Phillips, J.P., New Tredegar; in the afternoon, the president was Mr E. Thomas, miners' agent, Pontlottyn. The conductors for the day were Mr W. Grier, under-manager; and Rev. H. G. James. The adjudicators were : ........(part extract).....
- From the South Wales Daily News (Third Edition) 16th July 1900
NEW TREDEGAR. Male Voice Party.-On Friday evening the members of the Tirphil and New Tredegar Male Voice Party gave a concert on the lawn of the residence of Dr. R. T. E. Davies, J.P., who on Satarday generously enabled them to have a most enjoyable trip to Weston.
- From the South Wales Echo (Third edition) 2nd April 1889
New Tredegar. A meeting of the colliers of New Tredegar was beld at the Troedrhiwfuwch Arms, under the presidency of Mr R. Thomas, when various questions pertaining to the interest of the workmen were considered and deliberated upon,there being amongst others a circular convening a meeting of delegates from all the steam and house coal collieries of South Wales and Monmouthshire, which will be held on Monday next at Aberdare. In regard to this, it was decided that these collieries should' be represented. It was also unanimously agreed, "That we approve of the suggestion recently given in the South Wales Daily News for the proposed revision of the sliding-scale, to the effect that prices should be regulated by a monthly return of the state of the market, to be verified quarterly by the auditors and that in future advances or reductions be upon the twopences instead of on the fourpences." ........(part extract).....
- From the Monmouthshire Merlin 28th February 1863
NEW TREDEGAR. ACCIDENT.—An accident of an alarming nature took place at one of the new pits near this place on Thursday last, in consequence of the rope or chain breaking. We are happy to state that no lives were lost, and no person was injured. The men that were in the pit at the time the chain broke were afterwards got out in safety.
- From the Monmouthshire Merlin 1st June 1861
NEW TREDEGAR. FATAL ACCIDENT.—A collier going to his work on Monday morning at the White Rose Colliery, was caught between the trucks and the wall, and so crushed that he died shortly afterwards. An inquest was held on the following day, and a verdict of "Accidental death" returned.
- From the Monmouthshire Merlin 29th February 1868
NEW TREDEGAR. ACCIDENTS. — Last Friday morning, a collier, named Richard Jones, met with an accident, while at his work in the New Pit, belonging to the Rhymney Company, by a large stone falling upon him. He was, on examination, found to be badly bruised, but no bones were broken.—In the afternoon of the same day, another collier, named Richard Smith, met with injuries in the above pit, from a like cause he also was badly bruised.
- From the Monmouthshire Merlin 26th June 1869
NEW TREDEGAR, LIBRARY AND READING ROOM.—A public meeting was held last week, in the British School-room, under the presidency of Mr. J. B. Colthurst, to take steps towards establishing a public reading-room and library. The want of a place of meeting and recreation has for some time been felt by many of the inhabitants, and it was hoped that such a place would be the means of withdrawing a large portion of working men from the tap-room. It is contemplated to provide a smoking-room for those who may desire to use it. ... ........(part extract).....
- From the The Cardiff Times 2nd July 1904
ABERBARGOED. The open ceremony of Aberbargoed schools was carried ont in a more ostentatious manner than that of Rhymney. The Fleur-de-lis brass band met the up and down trains, and the children attending the school formed a procession and marshalled up to the commanding site of the new premises. Tea was provided for the children. Amongst the members of the School Board and others present were Messrs J. D. Thomas, chairman Rev. A. Barrett, Mr Lewis Watkins Mr D. W. Price, Rev. D. P. Walters, Messrs T. M, Jones, J. M. Greenhougb, and C. Dauncey (clerk of the School Board), T. Lewis. A. Aldin (Pengam), J. Williams (Pen- gam), W. Jones (New Tredegar), D. Thomas (Argoed), and Dr. E.R. Bowen. Several speeches were delivered. Mr James Powell is head teacher of the mixed departments, and Miss Meredith of the infants. The new school provides accommodation at present for 200 boys and girls and 160 infants. and is planned with a view to future extensions for 150 boys and girls and 100 infants. There are four classrooms in the mixed department, opening on to a central hall, The infants' department has for the present three classrooms, opening on to a central hall, The four central class- rooms are divided by means of a sliding swivel partition, which allows of these rooms being thrown open into two large rooms if needed. The school stands in a prominent position overlooking the valley, and forms a picturesque feature in the centre of this rapidly-growing district. The contractors were Messrs W. Williams and Sons of Tredegar and the cost was a little over £ 6,500. The plans, as were also those at Upper Rhymney, were prepared by the board's architects, Messrs James and Morgan, Cardiff
- From the Monmouth Guardian and Bargoed and Caerphilly Observer 2nd October 1914
ABERBARGOED. ELECTRIC LIGHT.—The Board of Trade have forwarded to the Bedwellty Council a copy of a letter sent to the Rhymney Valley Electric Light Supply Company, authorising them to run overhead cables to carry 230 volts of current at Aherbargoed.
IMPROVED GAS SERVICE.—The Rhymney and Aber Gas and Water Company have now completed their new gas main from Pengam to Aberbargoed, and there is a decided improvement in the quality and force of the gas, which is much appreciated by all the users in the district.
- From the Monmouth Guardian and Bargoed and Caerphilly Observer 20th August 1915
ABERBARGOED. An excellent programme was provided by the Aberbargoed Male Voice Party on Tuesday evening last, under the able conductorship of Mr. W. Roberts, in the Central Hall, Presbyterian Church, for the dependents of soldiers and sailors. The Party sang with great skill the following choruses "Rouse ye Comrades," "Little Tommy went a fishing," and "Peace to the souls of the heroes." Public appreciation of the magnificent renderings was spontaneous and hearty. ... ........(part extract).....
- From the The Merthyr Express 5th March 1910
ABERBARGOED. FIRE STATION. -Further discussion took place at the Bedwellty District Council meeting on Monday in regard to the proposed fire station at Aberbargoed, and it was decided to invite tenders for the work, and that the cost should not exceed £500, and also to apply for permission to borrow the sum required.
- From the The Merthyr Express 10th December 1910
ABERBARGOED. SMOKING CONCERT.—A smoking concert was held on Tuesday, at the Duffryn Hotel, in connection with the Bristol, West of England and South Wales Provident Society, Mr. J. M. Green- how in the chair. Mr. Greenhow was supported by Mr. W. Jenkins, Mr. T. B. Yendoll, Mr. C. C. Fowler, Mr. B. Paston and Mr. W. Read. The secretary of the lodge, Mr. O'Connell, stated that the accumulated funds now amounted to £110.000, the annual income being £50,917. There were, he said, 145 lodges. Emblems of the Order were presented to Mr. O'Connell and Mr. W. A. Perry. Songs were rendered during the evening by Mr. W. T. Davies, Mr. D. Francis, Mr. W. Redwood, Mr. W. Edwards, Mr. R. Griffiths; also gramophone selections by Mr. Davies. Mr. W. A. Perry presided at the piano.
- From the Evening Express (Final Football Edition) 5th October 1907
ABERBARGOED. Aberbargoed Reserves met Rhymney last Saturday in a league encounter, and went under by a try. Being their first league match, this should prove a lesson to take a little more training, as halves and forwards lacked sadly. Special mention may be made, however, of J. Connell (captain) and T. Sheppard, who were the pick of both packs. Aber played a man short during the second half, Northcote having to leave the field owing to injuries.
- From The Cardiff Times 8th January 1910
Aberbargoed Selected. RHYMNEY VALLEY SECONDARY SCHOOL Alderman John Daniel, Abersychan, presided at the monthly meeting of the Monmouthshire Education Committee, held at Newport on Tuesday. On the motion of Alderman G. Jones it was decided that the secondary school for the Rhymney Valley be erected on the football (professional) ground at Aberbargoed. Mr Edwards, Rhymney, protested against the adoption of this site. The school ought, he said, to be erected in a convenient spot to serve the Rhymney scholarship district. The population was in the upper part of the Valley—Abertyaswg was the most convenient site. The workers of Rhymney were entitled to this school if only for the sacrifices they had made for education in the past. He thought there should be two schools in the Valley, . ........(part extract).....
- From The Cardiff Times 30th October 1909
Aberbargoed Slide. RAILWAY OVERWHELMED. An alarming landslip is reported from Aberbargoed. On Tuesday afternoon the Powell Duffryn Co.'s tips, owing presumably to the recent heavy rain, slid down on to the Brecon and Merthyr Railway, completely blocking the line for about 20 yards. The slide occurred almost immediately after the workmen's train passed down the valley at 3.30 p.m. There were hundreds of tons of debris,and about 200 workmen were employed up to midnight in clearing the line. Great inconvenience was caused to passenger and mineral traffic. Arrangements were made for workmen's trains from the lower part of the valley to proceed to Bargoed Station, the colliers having then to walk to Aberbargoed Station in order to proceed up the line ........(part extract).....
- From The Cardiff Times 21st September 1872
PONTLOTTYN. CLUB FESTIVITIES.—The Ancient Order of Foresters, consisting of the Courts of the "City of Refuge," and the "Hand and Mouth," holding their meetings respectively at the Rock, and Blast Furnace Inns, held their anniversaries on Saturday. The officials and members of both courts were attired in their regalia, and perambulated the principal streets of Rhymney and Pontlottyn in a gaily procession, being preceded by the Irish drum and fife band of Rhymney, which greatly enlivened the proceedings by a choice selection of music. On their return, each court repaired to their respective inns, where they were regaled with an excellent dinner prepared for the occasion. The "Rose of the Glyn," of the Castle Inn, Rhymney, also held its anniversary on Saturday.
- From the Weekly Mail 26th September 1885
PONTLOTTYN. FATAL ACCIDENT.—On Saturday William Boundy, aged 24, employed as a rider at the New Tredegar Colliery, the property of Sir George Elliot, was run over by a journey of trams, and his body was so terribly crushed that death resulted instantaneously.
- From the Weekly Mail 10th August 1907
PONTLOTTYN. MR. DAN DAVIES'S TRIBUTE TO CHOIRS AT PONTLOTTYN. The second annual eisteddfod in aid of the Pontlottyn Library and Institute was held on Tuesday. The weather was very unfavourable and seriously affected the attendance at the morning meeting. Mr. Ben Hughes. Pontlottyn, and Mr. Elias Jones, Rhymney, were the presidents; the Rev. J. R. Salmon, Pontlottyn, was the conductor, Messrs. John Evans and W. D. Jones (Ap Morgrugyn) joint secretaries; Mr. G. H. Randall, treasurer, and the Rev. R. S. Rogers, B.A., chairman of general committee.
- From the Weekly Mail 14th October 1882
PONTLOTTYN. FATAL ACCIDENT.—An aged man. named Walter Tuck, a haulier in the employ of the Rhymney Iron Company (Limited), met with an accident at the Mardy washing machine on Thursday week, from the effects of which he died the next morning. It appears he was driving two loaded wagons, and by some means he got crushed. Dr, Dyne, one of the doctors of the works, was promptly on the spot, and attended to the deceased.
- From the Weekly Mail 29th April 1882
PONTLOTTYN. PONTLOTTYN BRIDGE.—A special joint meeting of the Rhymney Local Board and the Gelligaer Highway Board was held at the Pontlottyn Bridge last week, when the surveyors were instructed to prepare plans and estimates of the probable cost of widening and extending Pontlottyn Bridge, and to submit the same to the next meeting of their respective boards.
- From the Monmouthshire Merlin 26th March 1859
PONTLOTTYN. We have much pleasure in noticing the fact that the long-standing negotiation for the site of a railway station for this village, is at last concluded, Mr. Williams having agreed to the Company's terms. It is stated that operations will commence in a fortnight, and we hope there will be no more provoking interruptions to its completion. To this we may add, that arrangements are in progress which will bestow another great boon upon the village. Certain gentlemen are in treaty with the owner of an unfinished mansion, which they propose to convert into a school house and chapel-of-ease. They have offered £30 a year rent, and it is probable that a bargain will be struck from which Pontlottyn will derive signal beneflt.
- From the Monmouthshire Merlin 29th May 1869
PONTLOTTYN. WANTED, A LOCK-UP !—The ratepayers of this place complain (and not without reason) of the dilatoriness of the county authorities in providing a lock-up for the place. The Quarter Session sanctioned the building of a suitable police-station, with lock-up, some time since, but up to the present time nothing seems to have been done in the matter. The inconveniences of the present system are numerous. In case of any person being apprehended, the police have to convey such person to Merthyr, a distance of from six to seven miles and when such a case occurs late at night, and in bad weather, the duty is anything but pleasant.