


Where in Fife is .......?


This list gives 2300 place names in Fife and the parish(es) in which they can be found. Once you have located the parish, go to the relevant parish page where a link to Places in .... parish takes you to a selection of online historical and modern maps.

Select a letter from the table below to change to a list of place names with a different initial letter. B   C  D   E  F   G  H   I   J  K   L  M   N   O  P   Q  R   S   T  U   V  W

This list is complied from various sources. Remember that the spelling of place names may change from time to time.

If you still cannot find a place, Glasgow University have a test version of a database of Fife Place-name Data. The site is searchable by parish or by place and gives map references.

Abbotsdeuglie Arngask parish (was in Perthshire before and after 15 May 1891)
Abbotsdeuglie, Wester Arngask parish (was in Perthshire before and after 15 May 1891)
Abbotshall Abbotshall parish
Abden Farm Kinghorn parish
Abden Home Kinghorn parish
Abdie Abdie parish
Abercrombie StMonans parish
Abercrombie Church StMonans parish
Aberdour Aberdour parish
Aberdour, Easter Aberdour parish
Aberdour, Wester Aberdour parish
Abernethy Abernethy parish (the village has always been in Perthshire; the parish was partly in Fife before 15 May 1891, thereafter it was all in Perthshire)
Airdit Leuchars parish
Airdits Kettle parish
Airdrie Crail parish
Aithernie Castle Scoonie parish
Allan Park Falkland parish
Allanhill StAndrews parish
Angle Park Collessie parish
Annfield Auchterderran parish
Annfield Falkland parish
Annfield Inverkeithing parish
Annfield Largo parish
Annfield Cottage Dunfermline parish
Annfield House Dunfermline parish
Annfield House Kettle parish
Annfield Mains Kettle parish
Annfield Muir Kettle parish
Annsmuir Collessie parish (part was in Cults parish before 15 May 1891)
Anstruther Easter AnstrutherEaster parish
Anstruther Wester AnstrutherWester parish
Ardross Elie parish
Arncroach Carnbee parish
Arngask Arngask parish (was in Fife before 15 May 1891 then in Perthshire)
Arngask Cemetery Arngask parish (was in Fife before 15 May 1891 then in Perthshire)
Arngask House Arngask parish (was in Fife before 15 May 1891 then in Perthshire)
Arnot Mill Leslie parish
Ashes Culross parish
Ashgrove Wemyss parish
Auchindownie Largo parish
Auchmoor, East Kinglassie parish
Auchmoor, South Kinglassie parish
Auchmuir Bridge (part) Leslie parish
Auchmuir Farm Kinglassie parish (part transferred to Portmoak parish in Kinross-shire on 15 May 1891)
Auchmuir, West Kinglassie parish
Auchmuty Markinch parish
Auchterderran Auchterderran parish
Auchtermairnie Farm Kennoway parish
Auchtermuchty Auchtermuchty parish
Auchtermuchty Common (1) Auchtermuchty parish
Auchtermuchty Common (2) Auchtermuchty parish
Auchtermuchty Common (3) Auchtermuchty parish
Auchtertool Auchtertool parish
Auchtertool House Auchtertool parish
Auchtertool Manse Auchtertool parish
Ayton Dunbog parish (was in Abdie parish before 15 May 1891)
Aytounhill Dunbog parish (was in Abdie parish before 15 May 1891)