There are three main land divisions of each Ireland county other than townlands: baronies, civil parishes and poor law unions. While the townland is the smallest and most ancient of Irish land division, it is also important to identify what other land divisions the town land belongs to when doing genealogical research in Ireland since all main records are organized by at least one of these divisions. Another division are dioceses--originating in the 10th century by three ecclesiastical synods who imposed the organization of four provinces (Armagh, Cashel, Dublin, Tuam) each headed by an archbishop. These diocesan boundaries have remained virutally constant to the present day and are in uses by both the Catholic and Anglican Churches. In 1834 the dioceses of the Church of Ireland were reduced to two (Armagh, Dublin). Diocese's boundaries have little or no relationship to the boundaries of the counties. |
- Civil Parishes Listed alphabetically
- Civil Parishes map
- Civil Parishes Listed by baronies
- Civil Parishes Listed by Poor Law Unions
- Civil Parishes Listed with Catholic Parishes and available record dates
- Poor Law Unions map
- Catholic dioceses and parishes
- Catholic parishes map
- Townlands list with corresponding Catholic Parishes and Dioceses
- Limerick Catholic Diocese map
- Baronies listed with corresponding Poor Law Unions
- Baronies map
Baronies and counties became established in the government land surveys of the 17th century. There were 331 baronies in Ireland and they reflected the holdings of the Irish clans. They are now obsolete but were used widely in the 19th century. (click on barony to find townlands, civil parishes and PLUs in barony) |
Under the Poor Relief Act, 1838, Ireland was divided into districts, called unions, in which the local rateable inhabitants were to be financially responsible for the care of all paupers in their areas. The unions, which could be in more than one county, were usually centered on a large market town. In 1850, there were 163 unions in Ireland. In 1898 the poor law union became the basic administrative land division replacing baronies and civil parishes. The country was then divided into 829 registration districts and 3,751 electoral divisions. Townlands are now arranged according to the unions. The old civil parishes and baronies are kept only as a way to make comparisons with records from before 1898. |
From the 17th century, the civil parishes were based on the early Christian and medieval monastic and church settlements. They were used widely for various surveys. By the 19th century the boundaries of the the civil parishes was well established. As the population grew, however, new parishes were created by either subdividing larger ones or by moving townlands from nearby parishes. The civil parish basically covered the same area as the Church of Ireland. On the other hand, the Roman Catholic Church, due to the Reformation of the 16th century, had to adapt itself to a new structure centered on towns and villages. There were 2,508 civil parishes in all of Ireland. They do not respect either barony or county lines. The civil parishes are the basic geographical units used for the Griffiths Valuation (1851-52), Tithe Applotment (1823-38), tax records, censuses, etc. They have about the same boundaries as the parishes for the Church of Ireland but different from the parishes of the Catholic Church. |
Civil Parish | Barony | PLU |
Abbeyfeale | Glenquin | Newcastle |
Abington | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Abington | Owneybeg | Limerick |
Adare | Connello Upper | Rathkeale |
Adare | Coshma | Croom |
Adare | Kenry | Croom |
Adare | Kenry | Rathkeale |
Aglishcormick | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Aglishcormick | Coonagh | Tipperary |
Anhid | Coshma | Croom |
Ardagh | Glenquin | Newcastle |
Ardagh | Shanid | Newcastle |
Ardagh | Shanid | Rathkeale |
Ardcanny | Kenry | Rathkeale |
Ardpatrick | Coshlea | Kilmallock |
Askeaton | Connello Lower | Rathkeale |
Athlacca | Coshlea | Kilmallock |
Athlacca | Coshma | Croom |
Athlacca | Coshma | Kilmallock |
Athneasy | Coshlea | Kilmallock |
Athneasy | Smallcounty | Kilmallock |
Ballinard | Smallcounty | Kilmallock |
Ballingaddy | Coshlea | Kilmallock |
Ballingarry | Connello Upper | Croom |
Ballingarry | Connello Upper | Newcastle |
Ballingarry | Coshlea | Kilmallock |
Ballinlough | Smallcounty | Kilmallock |
Ballybrood | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Ballycahane | Pubblebrien | Croom |
Ballycahane | Smallcounty | Croom |
Ballylanders | Coshlea | Mitchelstown |
Ballynaclogh | Coonagh | Tipperary |
Ballynamona | Smallcounty | Kilmallock |
Ballyscaddan | Coshlea | Kilmallock |
Bruff | Coshma | Kilmallock |
Bruree | Connello Upper | Kilmallock |
Bruree | Coshma | Kilmallock |
Caheravally | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Caherconlish | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Cahercorney | Smallcounty | Kilmallock |
Caherelly | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Cahernarry | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Cappagh | Connello Lower | Rathkeale |
Carrigparson | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Castletown | Coonagh | Tipperary |
Chapelrussell | Kenry | Rathkeale |
Clonagh | Connello Lower | Glin |
Clonagh | Connello Lower | Rathkeale |
Cloncagh | Connello Upper | Newcastle |
Cloncrew | Connello Upper | Newcastle |
Clonelty | Glenquin | Newcastle |
Clonelty | Glenquin | Rathkeale |
Clonkeen | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Clonshire | Connello Lower | Rathkeale |
Colmanswell | Connello Lower | Kilmallock |
Colmanswell | Connello Upper | Kilmallock |
Corcomohide | Connello Lower | Croom |
Corcomohide | Connello Upper | Croom |
Corcomohide | Connello Upper | Kilmallock |
Crecora | Pubblebrien | Croom |
Crecora | Pubblebrien | Limerick |
Croagh | Connello Lower | Rathkeale |
Croom | Connello Upper | Croom |
Croom | Coshma | Croom |
Croom | Pubblebrien | Croom |
Croom | Pubblebrien | Limerick |
Darragh | Coshlea | Kilmallock |
Derrygalvin | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Donaghmore | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Doon | Coonagh | Limerick |
Doon | Coonagh | Tipperary |
Doon | Owneybeg | Limerick |
Doondonnell | Connello Lower | Rathkeale |
Drehidtarsna | Connello Upper | Rathkeale |
Drehidtarsna | Coshma | Croom |
Drehidtarsna | Coshma | Rathkeale |
Dromcolliher | Connello Upper | Newcastle |
Dromin | Coshma | Kilmallock |
Dromkeen | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Dunmoylan | Shanid | Glin |
Dunmoylan | Shanid | Newcastle |
Dunmoylan | Shanid | Rathkeale |
Dysert | Coshma | Croom |
Effin | Coshlea | Kilmallock |
Effin | Coshma | Kilmallock |
Emlygrennan | Coshlea | Kilmallock |
Fedamore | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Fedamore | Smallcounty | Croom |
Fedamore | Smallcounty | Limerick |
Galbally | Coshlea | Mitchelstown |
Glenogra | Smallcounty | Croom |
Grange | Glenquin | Newcastle |
Grean | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Grean | Clanwilliam | Tipperary |
Grean | Coonagh | Limerick |
Grean | Coonagh | Tipperary |
Hackmys | Coshma | Kilmallock |
Hospital | Smallcounty | Kilmallock |
Inch St. Lawrence | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Iveruss | Kenry | Rathkeale |
Kilbeheny | Coshlea | Mitchelstown |
Kilbolane | Connello Upper | Newcastle |
Kilbradran | Connello Lower | Rathkeale |
Kilbradran | Shanid | Glin |
Kilbradran | Shanid | Rathkeale |
Kilbreedy Major | Coshlea | Kilmallock |
Kilbreedy Major | Smallcounty | Kilmallock |
Kilbreedy Minor | Coshma | Kilmallock |
Kilcolman | Shanid | Glin |
Kilcolman | Shanid | Newcastle |
Kilcorcoran | Kenry | Rathkeale |
Kilcornan | Kenry | Rathkeale |
Kilcullane | Smallcounty | Kilmallock |
Kildimo | Kenry | Croom |
Kildimo | Kenry | Rathkeale |
Kilfergus | Shanid | Glin |
Kilfinnane | Coshlea | Kilmallock |
Kilfinny | Connello Upper | Croom |
Kilfinny | Connello Upper | Rathkeale |
Kilflyn | Coshlea | Kilmallock |
Kilfrush | Smallcounty | Kilmallock |
Kilkeedy | Pubblebrien | Limerick |
Killagholehane | Glenquin | Newcastle |
Killeedy | Glenquin | Kanturk |
Killeedy | Glenquin | Newcastle |
Killeedy | Pubblebrien | Limerick |
Killeely | Limerick | Limerick |
Killeely | Pubblebrien | Limerick |
Killeely | Pubblebrien & Limerick | Limerick |
Killeenagarriff | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Killeenoghty | Coshma | Croom |
Killeenoghty | Pubblebrien | Croom |
Killonahan | Coshma | Croom |
Killonahan | Pubblebrien | Croom |
Killonahan | Pubblebrien | Limerick |
Kilmeedy | Connello Upper | Croom |
Kilmeedy | Connello Upper | Newcastle |
Kilmoylan | Shanid | Glin |
Kilmoylan | Shanid | Rathkeale |
Kilmurry | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Kilpeacon | Pubblebrien | Croom |
Kilpeacon | Smallcounty | Croom |
Kilquane | Coshlea | Kilmallock |
Kilscannell | Connello Lower | Rathkeale |
Kilteely | Coonagh | Kilmallock |
Kilteely | Coonagh | Tipperary |
Kilteely | Smallcounty | Kilmallock |
Knockainy | Smallcounty | Kilmallock |
Knocklong | Coshlea | Kilmallock |
Knocknagaul | Pubblebrien | Limerick |
Lismakeery | Connello Lower | Rathkeale |
Lismakeery | Connello Lower | Roscrea |
Loghill | Shanid | Glin |
Ludden | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Mahoonagh | Glenquin | Newcastle |
Monagay | Glenquin | Newcastle |
Monasteranenagh | Coshma | Croom |
Monasteranenagh | Pubblebrien | Croom |
Monasteranenagh | Smallcounty | Croom |
Monasteranenagh | Smallcounty | Kilmallock |
Morgans | Connello Lower | Rathkeale |
Mungret | Pubblebrien | Limerick |
Nantinan | Connello Lower | Rathkeale |
Nantinan | Connello Upper | Rathkeale |
Nantinan | Shanid | Glin |
Newcastle | Glenquin | Newcastle |
Newcastle | Shanid | Newcastle |
Oola | Coonagh | Tipperary |
Particles | Coshlea | Kilmallock |
Rathjordan | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Rathkeale | Connello Lower | Croom |
Rathkeale | Connello Lower | Rathkeale |
Rathkeale | Connello Upper | Rathkeale |
Rathronan | Shanid | Glin |
Rathronan | Shanid | Newcastle |
Rathronan | Shanid | Rathkeale |
Robertstown | Shanid | Glin |
Robertstown | Shanid | Rathkeale |
Rochestown | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Shanagolden | Shanid | Glin |
Shanagolden | Shanid | Rathkeale |
St. John's | Clanwilliam and Limerick | Limerick |
St. John's | Limerick City | Limerick |
St. Laurence's | Clanwilliam and Limerick | Limerick |
St. Lawrence's | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
St. Lawrence's | Limerick City | Limerick |
St. Mary's | Limerick City | Limerick |
St. Michael's | Limerick City | Limerick |
St. Michael's | Pubblebrien | Limerick |
St. Munchin's | Limerick City | Limerick |
St. Munchin's | Pubblebrien | Limerick |
St. Munchin's | Pubblebrien and Limerick | Limerick |
St. Nicholas | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
St. Nicholas | Clanwilliam and Limerick | Limerick |
St. Nicholas | Limerick City | Limerick |
St. Nicholas | Pubblebrien and Limerick | Limerick |
St. Patrick's | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
St. Patrick's | Clanwilliam and Limerick | Limerick |
St. Patrick's | Limerick City | Limerick |
St. Peter's & St. Paul's | Kilmallock | Kilmallock |
Stradbally | Clanwilliam | Limerick |
Tankardstown | Coshma | Kilmallock |
Templebredon | Coonagh | Tipperary |
Tomdeely | Connello Lower | Rathkeale |
Tullabracky | Coshma | Croom |
Tullabracky | Coshma | Kilmallock |
Tullabracky | Smallcounty | Croom |
Tuogh | Owneybeg | Limerick |
Tuoghcluggin | Coonagh | Tipperary |
Uregare | Coshma | Kilmallock |
Uregare | Smallcounty | Kilmallock |
- Killaloe Diocese, covers a number of counties, mainly Co. Clare
- Diocese of Cloyne, mainly in Co. Cork
- Archdiocese of Cashel & Emly - history, parishes, churches, maps.
- Diocese of Limerick Home Page - with a parish listing - history, pictures, churches, townlands, graveyards