"Kilculliheen", or Kilcloheen, a parish, in the county of the city of Waterford, and province of Munster, 1 1/2 miles (E. N. E.) from Waterford; containing 1333 inhabitants. It comprises 2182 statute acres, of which 728 are in tillage, and 1296 in pasture; and was originally part of the county of Kilkenny, but by grant of Charles I was transferred to Waterford, with which it is connected by a wooden bridge over the Suir from Ferry bank. Near the bridge is a large ship-building establishment. The principal seats are New Park, Belmont House, Killaspy, Rockshire, Sion Lodge, and the residences of Major Snow, Capt. Snow, and A.R. Pope, Esq.
The parish is in the diocese of Ossory; the rectory is impropriate with the corporation of Waterford, and the vicarage has been united from time immemorial to the rectory of Muckalee. The church was built in 1820. In the R. C. divisions the parish forms part of the district of Slieruagh, and contains a chapel. About 60 children are educated in a private school. In 1151, Dermot MacMurrough, King of Leinster, founded a nunnery here as a cell to that of St. Mary de Hogges, near Dublin, and it was afterwards richly endowed by King John and David Fitz-Milo: it was sometimes called the Nunnery De Bello Portu, and at the dissolution was granted to the corporation of Waterford.
[From A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (1837)]
Church Records
Civil Parish: Kilculliheen. RC Parish: Slieverue
Earliest Records: b. Nov 1766; m. Feb 1766; d. Dec 1766.
Cross reference to Family History Library microfilm (double-check with the Library)
Civil Roman Catholic Time FHLC parish parish period number Kilculliheen Slieverue not available
Historical Geography
Townlands (1851) [partial]Parish Townland Acres Diocese Kilculliheen Abbeylands 234 Ossory Kilculliheen Bellmount 148 Ossory Kilculliheen Christendom 188 Ossory Kilculliheen Newrath 553 Ossory Kilculliheen Newtown 112 Ossory Kilculliheen Rockshire 137 Ossory