




"Graiguenamanagh", Graig, or Graignamanagh, a market and post-town, and a parish, in the barony of Gowran, county of Kilkenny, and province of Leinster, 6 miles (S.) from Goresbridge (to which it has a sub-post-office), and 58 (S.S.W.) from Dublin, on the road from Carlow to New Ross; containing 4745 inhabitants, of which number, 2130 are in the town. William Marshal, the elder, Earl of Pembroke, founded a abbey here for Cisternian monks in 1212, the abbot of which was a lord of parliament until the Reformation, when it was granted to Sir E. Butler, and now is the property of Lord Clifden: there are considerable remains of the building. The town contains 417 houses, and is improving in appearance; it has a handsome bridge over the Barrow, on which river it has between 40 and 50 boats of about 40 tons' burden each. In or near the town are a brewery and malthouse, and a flour and three grist-mills. The parish comprises 11,879 statute acres: there is a considerable quantity of mountain land, including Brandon Hill, and Lord Clifden has planted 300 or 400 acres. The living is a rectory, in the diocese of Leighlin, and in the patronage of the Bishop. The church is a plain edifice. In the R. C. divisions it is the head of a union or district, comprising this parish, Ullard, and Powerstown, and has two chapels, of which that at Graig is a very commodious building. There are two national schools, in which about 500 children are educated. There are some remains of a castle by the river.
[From A Topographical Dictionary of Ireland (1837)]


Church Records

Civil Parish: Graiguenamanagh. RC Parish: Graignamanagh.
Earliest Records: b. Apr 1838; m. Jul 1818.

Cross reference to Family History Library microfilm (double-check with the Library)

 Civil           Roman Catholic  Time            FHLC 
parish           parish           period           number 
Graiguenamanagh Graiguenamanagh 1867-1931       0926114 

Description & Travel

You can see pictures of Graiguenamanagh which are provided by:



The transcription of the section for this parish from the National Gazetteer (1868), provided by Colin Hinson.


Historical Geography

Townlands (1851)
 Parish         Townland                Acres   Diocese 
Graiguenamanagh Aghclare                269     Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Ballyduff               167     Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Ballynakill             274     Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Ballyogan               1225    Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Baunastackaun           123     Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Bauntabarna             75      Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Bohermore               46      Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Brandondale             65      Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Brandonhill             1654    Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Coolfarnamanagh         87      Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Coolierin               127     Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Coolroe                 910     Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Coppanagh               1347    Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Deerpark                229     Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Fishersgraigue          64      Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Glencoum                604     Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Graiguenamanagh         356     Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Knockbodaly             161     Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Moneen                  364     Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Newtown                 197     Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Oldgrange               717     Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Priestsvalley           82      Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Raheendonore            2256    Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Tikerlevan              831     Leighlin 
Graiguenamanagh Tinnapark               179     Leighlin 


You can see maps centred on OSI grid reference S6846343399 (Lat/Lon: 52.538052, -6.991743), Graiguenamanagh which are provided by: