


Templeport Parish


"Templeport, a parish, in the barony of Tullaghagh, county of Cavan, and province of Ulster, 7½ miles (N. W.) from Killeshandra on the road from Ballyconnel to Swanlinbar, containing 10,758 inhabitants. This parish, which is situated on the confines of the county of Leitrim, comprises, according to the Ordnance survey, 42,172 statute acres, of which 1532¾ are water, and 25,767 are applotted under the tithe act. It contains not less than eight lakes: in the lake of Templeport is an island called Inch, on which are the picturesque ruins of an abbey founded by St. Maedoc, or Maodhoy, in the 6th century; attached to it is a cemetery still used as a burial-place. At Kilnavat are also the remains of an ancient monastery, of which there are no particulars on record, with an extensive burial-place still in use."
[From Lewis' Topographical Dictionary (1837)]


Description & Travel

Glangevlin - a local interest site

You can see pictures of Templeport Parish which are provided by:



The transcription for this parish from the National Gazetteer (1868), provided by Colin Hinson.


Historical Geography

The town of BAWNBOY is in the parish of Templeport

The civil parish of Templeport Parish contained the townlands of:
Aghnacollia, Altachullion Lower, Altachullion Upper, Altateskin, Altcrock, Altinure, Altnadarragh, Altnasheen, Altshallan, Arderry, Ardvagh, Ballymagauran, Ballymagirril, Ballynamaddoo, Bellaleenan, Bellavally Lower, Bellavally Upper, Bofealan, Boley, Brackley, Burren, Bursan, Camagh, Carnmaclean, Carrick East, Carrick West, Cartronnagilta, Cavanaquill, Clarbally, Cloncurkney, Cloneary, Clontyearnaghan, Coologe, Coppanaghbane, Coppanaghmore, Cor, Corboy Glebe, Corlough, Cornacleigh, Cornagunleog, Corneen, Corneenflynn, Corracholia Beg, Corracholia More, Corrachomera, Corraclassy, Corracleigh, Corran, Corranierna, Corrasmongan, Corratawy, Corratillan, Creea, Cronery, Crossmakelagher, Culliagh, Curraghabweehan, Curraghglass, Curraghvagh, Derry Beg, Derry More, Derrycassan, Derryconnessy, Derrylahan, Derrynacreeve, Derrynananta Lower, Derrynananta Upper, Derrynaslieve, Derrynatuan, Derryragh, Derryvahan, Derryvella, Drumane, Drumbeagh, Drumhurrin, Drumlaydan, Drumlougher, Eaglehill, Erraran, Garvalt Lower, Garvalt Upper / Gub, Garvary, Gortaclogher, Gorteen, Gortmore, Gortnacargy, Gortnaleck, Gortnavreeghan, Gortullaghan, Gowlagh North, Gowlagh South, Gowlan, Gowlat, Greagh, Greaghnadoony, Gubnagree, Keenagh, Kildoagh, Killycluggin, Killycrin, Killymoriarty, Killynaff, Killyneary, Killyrann, Killywaum, Killywillin, Kilnavert, Kilsallagh, Kilsob / Kilsub, Knockgorm, Knockmore, Lakefield, Lannanerriagh, Lattone, Lecharrownahone, Legatraghta, Legglass, Legnaderk, Legnagrow, Leitra, Lissanover, Moherloob, Moherreagh, Moneenabrone, Moneensauran, Moneynure, Muinaghan, Muineal, Mullaghlea, Mullaghlea Glen, Mullaghmore, Mully Lower, Mully Upper, Munlough North, Munlough South, Newtown, Owencam, Owengallees, Port, Porturlan, Prospect, Ray, Rosehill, Scrabby, Sruhagh, Stranadarragh, Tawnagh, Teeboy, Tirnawannagh, Toberlyan, Toberlyan Duffin, Tonlegee, Tonyballagh, Tonyrevan, Torrewa, Tullandreen, Tullybrack, Tullyloughfin, Tullyminister, Tullynacleigh, Tullynaconspod, Tullynacross, Tullynamoltra, Tullytiernan, Tullytrasna, Tullyveela, Tullywaum, Urhannagh,



Land & Property

  • Gallogly, D. Rev. "Land Trouble in Templeport", Breifne, V. 5, No. 19, 1979, pp. 382-389
  • The Annesley Papers
  • Shakespeare Birthplace Trust Records Office
    • Draft bond from Margaretta Swanne of Killuren, co. Wexford, and Henry Percy, Captain H.M. Regiment of Leitrim Militia, and Lucy his wife (Margaretta and Lucy being the daughters of the Reverend Richard Swanne late of Temple Port, co. Cavan, Ireland) to the executors of the will of the said Richard Swanne to indemnify them against any claims made under the said will, 1794, in respect of the sale of the advowson of Ilmington. ref. DR574/620 - date: 1799
      • See also ER 3/1311 - date: 1799


  • General Map of the Estate of Leonard Dobbin Esq, Surveyed By John Hill, 1832. Approx 2.5' x 2' is on the scale of 16 perches to an inch. The estate has sections: Kilfert, Cluneary, TemplePort, Largey, Keenaugh and Munlough and is made up mainly of arable, pasture, meadow lands with some bog land. There are three sections to the map. The full estate is in a border with its boundaries and 2 larger, more detailed maps of Kilfert and Keenaugh show land uses and the names of the farmers using the lands.
  • Parish Map

You can see maps centred on OSI grid reference H1512921289 (Lat/Lon: 54.140467, -7.769254), Templeport Parish which are provided by:


Memorial Inscriptions

  • Maguire, T. C. "Templeport Cemetery Inscriptions", Breifne Vol. 4, No. 14 (1971) p. 255-266


  • 1664 Hearth Money Rolls. PRONI 184. See also Breifne 1960.