




"Mount-Nugent, or Dalysbridge a post-town in the parish of Kilbride, barony of Clonmahon, county of Cavan, and province of Ulster, 11 miles (S. S. E.) from Cavan, and 50¾ (N. W. by W.) from Dublin, on the road from Oldcastle to Granard con-taining 171 inhabitants. It consists of 29 houses, the parish church, a R.C. chapel, and a school on Erasmus Smith's foundation. Petty sessions are held here every third Saturday 3 and there is a constabulary police station. Fairs are held on June 1st and Oct. 21st. It is near Lough Sheelin which is very large, extending to Finae, in Westmeath, where it communicates with Lough Inny, through which its waters find their way to the Shannon: in this lake are several small islands, on one of which are the ruins of a church and castle. Contiguous to its shores, at Kilrogy, near Glan, is the seat of Mrs. Dallas; and on its northern side are several gentlemen's residences, among which are Arley, the beautiful cottage of Lord Farnham; and Fortland, the residence of T. Gorlin, Esq. On the opposite shore the ground is elevated and well planted; and tbe view of the whole, comprehending the ruins of Ross castle, is bounded by hills of considerable magnitude, among which the most remarkable is the Ben of Fore above the village of that name, in the county of Westmeath. The lake covers 2000 Irish acres, being 8 Irish miles in length, and, in parts, 2 or 3 wide." [From Lewis' Topographical Dictionary (1837)]

"MOUNT-NUGENT, a post-office village in the parish of Kilbride, barony of Clonmahon, county Cavan, province of Ulster, Ireland, 15 miles S.E. of Cavan, and 57 from Dublin. It contains the parish church, a police station, where petty sessions are held, also a dispensary within the Oldcastle Poor-law Union. Fairs are held on 1st May and 1st June."[Transcribed from The National Gazetteer of Great Britain and Ireland 1868 by Colin Hinson ©2018]


Mount Nugent

Mount Nugent, Co. Cavan
  © Copyright Kieran Campbell
and licensed for reuse under this
Creative Commons Licence.



  • One each at St. Bridget's RC Church and at St. Brides Church (Church of Ireland) as shown on the map below.
  • Some inscriptions at St. Brides
    Be Just and Fear Not
    William Major Senr of Cavancolter
    Born Dec 21 1791 departed this life
    Aug 22 1871 Aged 80 years
    And as Moses lifted up the serpent in
    the wilderness even so must the son of man
    be lifted up that whosoever believe in
    life   John III Chapter XIV and XV verses
    Also his wife Jane Macor alia Anderson
    who departed this life Novr 30 1867
    Jesus sayeth I am the way the truth and
    the life no man cometh unto the
    Father but by me
           John XIV Chapter VI verse
    William B. Major died 26th July 1908
    Aged 74 years
    Also Maria Major died 28th Januray 1910
    Aged 86 years
    Annie Ridgeway
    in Memory
    of her Many Virtues
    Died 22nd Octr 1851
    Aged 25
    Her first born child
    lies here also
    interred with her
    Lovely and pleasant in their lives
    In death they were not divided
    Erected By
    James Love of Lisnaerin in affectionate
    Rememberance of his mother Anne Love
    who died Decr 12th 1860 aged 66 years
    Aldo of his brother Thos Love of Ballycan
    who died July 27th 1867 aged 39 years
    Also of his sister in law Margt Jane Love
    wife of Saml Love of Ballycan and Mt Nugent
    who died June 13th 1869 aged 32 years
    Also the above named Saml Love
    who died April 2nd 1873 aged 51 years
    Also of his father John Love of Lisnabrin
    who died Mar 25th 1875 aged 90 years
    Also of his brother Willm Love of Racravan
    who died April 25th 1875 aged 51 years
    And of the children of Saml and Margt Jane Love
    John who died May 15th 1863 aged 5 years
    Saml who died Feby 13 1869 aged 5 years
    Willm who died March 6 1869 aged 7 years
    And Thos who died May 30th 1875 aged 7 years

Description & Travel

You can see pictures of Town of MOUNT NUGENT which are provided by:






Ordnance Survey Map, 1913


You can see maps centred on OSI grid reference N4933185629 (Lat/Lon: 53.817984, -7.251749), Town of MOUNT NUGENT which are provided by: