


Colin's email filter


Email contact page.


If you are trying to report an error on one of the pages which I (Colin Hinson) maintain,
please return to the page containing the error and take the link at the bottom left of that page.

If you want to ask permission to use a photograph from any of the sites that I maintain,
please use the Photograph Copyright page

If you want to ask permission to use other data from any of the sites that I maintain,
please use the Data Copyright page

Please, before you email me, read the following:

The main purpose of this page is to try to reduce the amount of email questions I receive which I cannot answer due to their being of a general genealogical nature or asking about specific people or families. I am NOT a professional genealogist or an historian - I am an Electronic Engineer specialising in Teletext, Digital TV and High Vacuum Coating electronics, and believe me, you wouldn't want to pay my engineering rates of pay for me to do your Genealogical research!

I maintain the Genuki pages for Yorkshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Huntingdonshire *, along with my village website Blunham.com, and you probably came here from one of those. If that is the case and you haven't been to the main Genuki page for that county, then you may well find that questions you have can be answered via that page.

Genealogy is one of my hobbies (probably like you) and consequently I know a lot less about your ancestors than you do (unless of course your ancestors are the same as mine, in which case, please write). I can find no-one in my family history who emigrated to the USA and consequently I know nothing about emigration, nor about which ships sailed from where and who was on them (but some of this information is to be found within the Genuki pages).

If you need to ask genealogical questions about your ancestors, then the appropriate places are one of the Mailing Lists (see the Genuki Yorkshire main page under Genealogy). There is also an FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page where you may also find either the answers to your questions or a link to somewhere else with more information.

If you are looking for a place in Yorkshire, please first try going to the main Genuki Yorkshire page (there's a link to it at the top of this page) and then take the link to "Where is it in Yorkshire".

If you are just starting out into Genealogy on the internet, please go to the Genuki main page and explore from there, in particular reading all the "Getting started" pages.

If you have genealogical information of the type which is "carried" by Genuki (Parish records and other lists of names etc.) which may be of interest to Genuki users, then please drop me a line giving some details of the information you can offer.

If you don't fall into any of the above, please contact me via the "Find help......" link at the bottom left of the page (this may take you to a link near the top of the page.) Please remember that my time is valuable to me and I am not a Family History expert.

Please also remember that "Capitalisation and punctuation are courtesies designed to help readers to understand a story without stumbling".

I am researching (when time allows): Chapman and Hood in the Bridlington/Scarborough area, Hinson, Potts and Fanthorpe (Fanthorp, Faunthorpe etc) in the south of East Yorkshire and the north of Lincolnshire.

Colin Hinson, Blunham, Bedfordshire, England.

* I also maintain the pages for various other Genuki counties. If you came from one of those, please read that county for "Yorkshire".

** Clicking on this email link will open your default email program. If you do not have the correct default program set up on your computer, then either set it up, or hover the mouse pointer over the link and the "mailto:" address will appear at the bottom of this window.

Written by Colin Hinson © 2017