Overseers of the Poor for Northowram 1673-1862.
Overseers of the Poor for Northowram 1673-1862.
Source=h:/!Genuki/RecordTranscriptions/WRY/Halifax_Tana.txt Overseers of the Poor for Northowram 1673-1862.
Names with more than one date are not necessarily the same person
AKED, Nathaniel 1753
AKED, Thomas 1730
AKROYD, Elkanah 1731
AMBLER, Isaac 1729
AMBLER, John 1693, 1715, 1759
AMBLER, Joshua 1709,1756
AMBLER, Stephen 1742
APPLEYARD, John 1850-1
APPLEYARD, Samuel 1749
ASQUITH, David 1800
BARK, John 1693
BARK, Richard 1773
BARKER, Thomas 1688
BAXTER, Jeremiah 1689
BENN, Jonathan 1737, 1744-5, 1750
BENTLEY, John 1725, 1755
BENTLEY, Joseph 1771
BENTLEY, Thomas 1696
BENTLEY, Timothy 1738
BEST, John 1735
BIRKBECK, Miles 1778
BOOTH, Matthew 1840
BOOTH, Robert 1710
BOTTOMLEY, George 1692
BOTTOMLEY, Matthew 1775-6
BROOK, Samuel 1766
BROWN, Richard 1743
BURGASS, Roger 1712
CAWLEN, Robert 1678
CLARK, John 1754
CLARK, Thomas 1700, 1747
CLAY, Jeremiah 1712
CLAY, John 1709
CLAY, William 1677
COCKROFT, John 1769
COLLINS, John 1841
CRABTREE, John 1738
CRABTREE, Joseph 1720
CROWTHER, Fredk. 1862
CROWTHER, John 1685, 1710, 1724,1774-7, 1779 [died Sept.1779]
CROWTHER, Jonathan 1751
CROWTHER, Joseph 1675, 1719, 1761
CROWTHER, Samuel 1692, 1694, 1751, 1755
CROWTHER, Timothy 1715
DAWSON, Christopher H. 1842
DICKINSON, Benjamin 1747
DOBSON, Jonas 1717
DRAKE, James 1768
DRAKE, Jeremiah 1733
EDWARDS, John 1736, 1763-4
FARRAR, Luke 1768
FAWCETT, Richard 1766
FAWCETT, Robert 1707
FEARNSIDE, Robert 1675
FLATHER, Joseph 1677
FLETCHER, James 1770
FOX, John 1758
HAINSWORTH, Nathan 1702
HALEY, John 1724
HALEY, Richard 1705
HALL, Abraham 1681,1701
HALL, Joseph 1680
HANDSON, Abraham 1763
HANSON, Edward 1679
HANSON, Michael 1720
HANSON, Samuel 1767, 1774
HARGREAVES, Isaac 1718
HEMMINGWAY, James 1688
HILL, John 1694
HINDLE, Robert 1723
HIRST, John 1722
HODGSON, James 1707
HOLDSWORTH, Samuel 1683
HOLDSWORTH, Thomas 1706
HOLODAY, Samuel 1682
HOLROYD, James 1773
HOLT, Abraham 1695
HOLT, James 1842
HOLT, Timothy 1699
HOYLE, John 1758
INGHAM, Miles 1690
KITSON, Joshua 1708
KITSON, Robert 1719
KITSON, Thomas 1674,1705
KNIGHT, Joshua 1714
LEAROYD, John 1711
LISTER, Jeremy 1749
LISTER, John 1739
LONGBOTTOM, George 1700
LONGBOTTOM, Isaac 1679
LONGBOTTOM, Jonathan 1704
LONGBOTTOM, Thomas 1683
MAGSON, John 1752
MANN, William 1767
MASON, Robert 1685
MERCER, William 1737
MILNER, James 1726, 1740
MITCHELL, Daniel 1676
MOORE, George 1841
MOORE, Jeremiah 1695
MOORE, John 1780-1799
MOORE, John jnr 1778-9
MORREST, Joseph 1736
MORTON, Edward 1731
NAYLOR, Abraham 1723
NAYLOR, James 1687
NICHOLLS, Jonathan 1746
NICHOLS, Joshua 1732
NORTHEND, Robert 1699, 1729
NORTHEND, Samuel 1764, 1753
OLDFIELD, John 1754
OLDFIELD, Jonathan 1713
OLDFIELD, Michael 1757
PEARSON, James 1772
PEARSON, William 1681
PHILLIPS, Benjamin 1721
PHILLIPS, Joseph 1703
PHILLIPS, Luke 1756
POLLARD, James 1752
PORTER, Robert 1702
PRIESTLEY, John 1706,1772
PRIESTLEY, Jonathan 1690
PRIESTLEY, Joseph 1761
PRIESTLEY, Nathaniel 1728
RAMSBOTTOM, Henry 1760
RAMSDEN, Edward 1840
RAMSDEN, John 1687, 1759
RAMSDEN, Robert 1689, 1727
RAMSDEN, Timothy 1721
RAWSON, Jonathan 1708
ROBINSON, John 1732
ROYDS, Jeremiah 1691
ROYDS, John 1684
SCHOLEFIELD, Timothy 1733
SCOTT, Abraham 1703
SCOTT, John 1726
SHARP, William 1698
SIMON, John 1714
SMITH, Isaac 1686, 1718
SMITH, James 1697
SMITH, John 1734, 1741
SNOWDEN, Robert 1678
SNOWDEN, William 1676
SPENCER, David 1843
STANSFIELD, James 1746, 1770
STEPHENSON, Henry 1742
STOCKS, Michael 1800
SUTCLIFFE, John 1697, 1771
SUTCLIFFE, Richard 1842 [assistant overseer]
SUTCLIFFE, Timothy 1674
SUTCLIFFE, William 1760, 1765
SWIFT, John 1698
TATTERSALL, Jonathan 1735
THREAPLAND, Josuah [sic] 1734
THWAITE, S. 1843
TURNER, Abraham 1757
TURNER, John 1741
VERITY, William 1730
WHARTON, Thomas 1722
WHITAKER, John 1740
WILBY, John 1680
WILKINSON, Benjamin 1717, 1748
WILKINSON, Daniel 1696
WILKINSON, Francis 1682
WILKINSON, John 1739
WILKINSON, Joseph 1711, 1744
WOOD, Joseph 1701, 1743
WOOD, Robert 1725
WOOD, Samuel 1765
WOODHEAD, James 1750
WOODHEAD, John 1727
WOODHEAD, Joseph 1769
WOODHEAD, Michael 1684
WOOLMER, John 1748
YATES, Jonathan 1713
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