


Great Yarmouth


"YARMOUTH (GREAT), a parish and sea-port and borough and market-town, having separate jurisdiction, locally in the eastern division of the hundred of Flegg, county of NORFOLK, 23 miles (E. by S.) from Norwich, and 123 (N. E.) from London, containing, according to the last census, 18,040 inhabitants. . . . The town occupies an extent of one hundred and fifty-three acres, on the western bank of a peninsula formed by the river Yare and the sea, and is connected with South Town, or Little Yarmouth, which is on the opposite bank, by a drawbridge. It is divided into eight wards, and is of a quadrangular form, about a mile long, and half a mile broad: it consists of four good streets parallel with each other, a handsome new street leading to the quay, on which is a noble range of buildings, and a great number of narrow rows intersecting the principal streets at right angles: it is lighted with gas, and well supplied with fresh water, and the streets are kept remarkably clean. . . . The living is a perpetual curacy, in the archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich, and in the patronage of the Dean and Chapter of Norwich. . . . The present church, situated in the north-east part of the town, was founded by Herbert de Lozinga, Bishop of Norwich, about 1101. . . . The commissioners for building churches, aided by a subscription raised among some of the inhabitants, have commenced the erection of a new church, or chapel. . . . There are places of worship for Particular Baptists, the Society of Friends, Independents, Primitive and Wesleyan Methodists, Unitarians, and Roman Catholics." [Samuel Lewis, A Topographical Dictionary of England (1831) - copyright © Mel Lockie]


Archives & Libraries

Young, Rachel Mary Ransford
Treasures of the Yarmouth museums.
[Great Yarmouth, Norfolk Museum Service, 1976]

Business & Commerce Records

Fewster, Mary Innes
The Yarmouth herring industry 1880-1960. (Vol.1: Text; Vol.2: Photographs).
[Norwich, University of East Anglia Thesis, 1985]
Lewis, Charles
Pierhead paintings: ship portraits from East Anglia.
[Norwich, Norfolk Museums Service, c1982]
Murphy, John Desmond
The town and trade of Great Yarmouth, 1740-1850.
[Norwich, University of East Anglia Thesis, 1979]


See also Norfolk Parish Links: Censuses



Finch-Crisp, William
Chronological retrospect of the history of Yarmouth and neighbourhood from A.D. 46 to 1884: containing about 5,000 important local events.
[Great Yarmouth, 1884]
Finch-Crisp's Chronology is online (this is a link to an archived copy).
McBride, John
A Diary of Great Yarmouth.
3000 chronological facts, with over 4,600 indexed entries by topic.
[ISBN 0952071908, 1998]
Norfolk Record Office: Information Leaflet 20
Key Dates in the History of Great Yarmouth.


There are more than 30 churches identified in this place. Please click here for a complete list.

Church Directories

  • In 1883 the parish was in the Deanery of Flegg, in the archdeaconry of Norwich.
    It could have been in a different deanery or archdeaconry both before and after this date.
  • The parish church is dedicated to St Nicholas.

Church History

Park (and Tabernacle) Baptist Church
Pictures, history, ministers, etc.
This is a link to an archived copy.
(No author)
Chronicles of the old Congregational Church at Great Yarmouth, 1642-1858.
[Great Yarmouth, 1908]
Minster Church of St Nicholas
Pictures, history, etc.
Lupson, Edward John
St Nicholas' Church, Great Yarmouth: its history, organ, pulpit, library etc.
[Yarmouth, Lupson, 1881]
Christchurch Methodist Church, Newtown
Minister, services, picture, etc.
Follow the link to the home page, then search for the church.
Watmough, A.
A history of Methodism in the town and neighbourhood of Great Yarmouth: including biographical sketches of some of the leading characters who have been among the Methodists at that place.
[London, John Kershaw, 1826]
"Old Meeting" Unitarian Church
Picture, description, minister, etc.

Civil Registration

For the civil registration of births, marriages and deaths between 1837 and 1923 (and for the censuses from 1851 to 1901), Great Yarmouth was in Yarmouth Registration District.

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Civil Registration


Description & Travel

Description and Travel
Web Sites
General Works
Specific Works
Pictorial Collections

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Description and Travel

You can see pictures of Great Yarmouth which are provided by:


Emigration & Immigration

Jewson, Charles Boardman
Transcript of three registers of passengers from Great Yarmouth to Holland and New England, 1637 to 1639.
[Norwich, Norfolk Record Society Vol 25, 1954]



Historical Geography

Parish outline and location.
See Parish Map for the Borough of Great Yarmouth



Jewish History

Jewish Cemeteries in Yarmouth
International Jewish Cemetery Project


The Hutch Map (this is a link to an archived copy)
This is a 16th century map showing the possible state of the estuary at Yarmouth, in about the year 1000.
Faden's Map of 1797 (this is a link to an archived copy)
This shows a plan of Yarmouth, with the rows and the town walls.
Maps of 1997 (this is a link to an archived copy)
These show the streets of Yarmouth, with their names.
Norfolk Record Office: Information Leaflet 25
Old Yarmouth in Maps and Plans

You can see maps centred on OS grid reference TG527076 (Lat/Lon: 52.607739, 1.730602), Great Yarmouth which are provided by:



Palmer, Frederick Danby
Yarmouth notes, 1830-1872: collated from the file of the Norwich Mercury.
[Great Yarmouth, Buckle, 1889]


Rutledge, Paul
A calendar of Great Yarmouth enrolled apprenticeship indentures, 1563-1665.
[Norwich, Norfolk and Norwich Genealogical Society Vol 11, 1979]

Politics & Government

Gauci, Perry
Politics and Society in Great Yarmouth, 1660-1722.
[ISBN 0198206054, Oxford Historical Monographs, 1996]

Poor Houses, Poor Law

In 1837 Great Yarmouth Poor Law Union was created, and the workhouse was in this parish.

Great Yarmouth Union
Parishes in the union, their arrangements for the poor before 1834, etc.
Great Yarmouth Union and Workhouse
Description and pictures.


Whitehead, John Benson
The history of the Great Yarmouth Grammar School 1551-1951: with some account of the town.
[Great Yarmouth, 1951]

Town Records

Great Yarmouth Corporation
Handlist of the archives of date before 1835 preserved in the Town Clerk's Department.
[London, Historical Manuscripts Commission for the National Register of Archives, 1965]
Great Yarmouth Corporation
A report of the investigation before His Majesty's municipal commissioners, J.G. Hogg and J. Buckle, esqrs., barristers at law, appointed to examine into, and report on the corporate affairs of this borough; compiled by Henry Barrett.
[London, Barnes; Norwich, Bacon and Kinnebrook, 1834]
A Calendar of the freemen of Great Yarmouth, 1429-1800: compiled from the records of the Corporation of that Borough.
[Norwich, Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society, 1910]
Rutledge, Paul (Ed)
Great Yarmouth Assembly minutes, 1538-1545; (with the Norwich accounts for the customs on strangers' goods and merchandise, 1582-1610, edited by D.L. Richwood).
[Norwich, Norfolk Record Society, vol 39, 1970]
Rutledge, Paul
Guide to the Great Yarmouth borough records.
[ISBN 090310301X, Norwich, Norfolk and Norwich Record Office, 1972]

Voting Registers

Voting Registers - Poll Books, Election Registers, etc.

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Voting Registers