


Norfolk: Great Yarmouth: History


Some books are difficult to classify. See also Description and Travel.

Ecclestone, Arthur William
Great Yarmouth 1886-1936.
[Gorleston, 1977]
Ecclestone, Arthur William
Henry Manship's Great Yarmouth.
[Great Yarmouth: Ecclestone, 1971]
Ecclestone, Arthur William and Ecclestone, J.L.
The Rise of Great Yarmouth: the story of a sandbank.
[Great Yarmouth, 1959]
Ecclestone, Arthur William
A Yarmouth miscellany.
[Great Yarmouth: 1974]
Hedges, Alfred Alexander Charles
Great Yarmouth as it was.
[Nelson, Lancs: Hendon Publishing Co, ISBN 0-902907-24-7, 1973]
Hedges, Alfred Alexander Charles
Yarmouth is an antient town.
[Great Yarmouth: Great Yarmouth Corporation, 1959]
Holmes, J.E.
I Remember Yarmouth.
[ISBN 1-872992-09-9, 1995]
Lewis, Charles
Great Yarmouth: history, herrings and holidays.
[North Walsham: Poppyland, ISBN 0-946148-29-5, 1988]
Nobbs, George
Bygone Yarmouth: an illustrated history of a seaside resort.
[Norwich: Macklow Publications, 1971]
Palmer, Charles John (Editor)
The history of Great Yarmouth; from "A booke of the foundacion and antiquity of the towne of Greate Yermouthe" by Henry Manship, written in the time of Queen Elizabeth.
[Great Yarmouth: Meall, 1854]
Palmer, Charles John
The history of Great Yarmouth: designed as a continuation of Manship's history of that town.
[Great Yarmouth: Meall, 1856]
Parkin, Charles, 1689-1765
The history of Great Yarmouth: collected from antient records, and other authentic materials.
[Lynn: Whittingham, 1776]
Parkin, Dean and Temple, C.R.
Bygone Yarmouth : An A to Z.
[ISBN 1-872992-01-3, 1990]
Swinden, Henry
The history and antiquities of the ancient Burgh of Great Yarmouth in the county of Norfolk: collected from the Corporation charters, records and evidences, and other most authentic materials.
[Norwich: John Crouse, 1772]
Tooke, Colin
Great Yarmouth at War (Second World War).
[ISBN 0-946148-41-4, 1989]

Copyright © Pat Newby.
November 1999