




"HETHERSETT, a large, well-built, and pleasant village, on the Wymondham road, 5 miles W.S.W. of Norwich, has in its parish 1138 souls, and 2635 acres of fertile land, belonging to many proprietors, and lying in James Cuddon, Esq.'s manors of Hethersett-Woodhall, Hawkins, Cromwells, and Canteclose, the latter of which had anciently a church (All Saints,) and its site is still called the old churchyard. . . . The Church (St. Remigius,) has a square tower, with a small wooden spire and five bells. On an altar tomb, in the south aisle, are effigies of a knight and lady. Here are also memorials of the Flowerdew, Bokenham, and other families. The rectory of Hethersett-with-Canteclose, valued in the King's Book at £8, and in 1831, at £670, is in the gift of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, and incumbency of the Rev. Jeremy Day, M.A. The Wesleyan and Primitive Methodists have each a chapel here." [William White, History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk (1845) - Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]


Archives & Libraries

Hethersett Archive
Documents held by the archive.


See also Norfolk Parish Links: Censuses


Church Directories

  • In 1883 the parish was in the Deanery of Humbleyard, in the archdeaconry of Norfolk.
    It could have been in a different deanery or archdeaconry both before and after this date.
  • The parish church is dedicated to St Remigius.
    There was also a church dedicated to All Saints.

Church History

Church of St Remigius
Minister, services, events, pictures, etc.
Church of St Remigius (this is a link to an archived copy)
Description, history and pictures.
Church of St Remigius
Description and pictures.
Church of St Remigius
Services, description, picture, etc.
Hethersett Parochial Church Council
Our heritage for over 800 years.
[Hethersett, 1965]
Linnell, Charles Lawrence Scruton
Hethersett Norfolk: The Church of St Remigius and History of the Parish.
[Hethersett, Church of St Remigius]
Hethersett Methodist Church
Minister, services, history, pictures, etc.
Methodist Church
Minister, services, picture, etc.
Follow the link to the home page, then search for the church.
Ford, Margaret; and Virgoe, Norma
A Sure Foundation: Two Hundred Years of Hethersett Methodist Church
The history of Methodism in Hethersett.
Hethersett Independent Reformed Baptist Church
Minister, services, picture, etc.
Baptists in Hethersett.

Church Records

Bishops Transcripts
Baptisms and Burials.
These are not included in Boyd's Marriage Index or Phillimore's Marriage Registers.
Extracts from the parish registers
Inoculations in 1795; extract from Mr Wm. Hughes's will; the keeping and contents of registers; and the duty on births, deaths and marriages.

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Church Records


Civil Registration

For the civil registration of births, marriages and deaths between 1837 and 1930 (and for the censuses from 1851 to 1901), Hethersett was in Henstead Registration District.

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Civil Registration


Description & Travel

Hethersett Village
News, events, parish council, description, history, etc.
Many links from this Genuki Norfolk page are direct links into relevant pages on this Hethersett Village site.
Hethersett Society Research Group
The Book of Hethersett: A Norfolk Village.
ISBN 1841142034, Halsgrove Community History Series, 2002]
Hughes, Gwen E.
Hethersett in pictures from the past.
[Wymondham, H.G. Stone and Co. (Printers), 1983]
Austen, Eric
All that I was: a village childhood in the thirties.
[ISBN 1874739072, Norwich, Mousehold Press, 1996]
Richardson, Robert C.
Some fell on stony ground. (Autobiography)
[Wymondham, Geo. R. Reeve, 1978]
Hethersett Early Post Mill
Hethersett Great Melton Road Post Mill
Description, history and map.
Hethersett Mill Road Post Mill
Description, history and map.

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Description and Travel

You can see pictures of Hethersett which are provided by:



See also Norfolk Parish Links: Directories




Historical Geography

Hethersett is in Humbleyard Hundred.

Parish outline and location.
See Parish Map for Humbleyard Hundred
Description of Humbleyard Hundred
1845: White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk


Hethersett History
Brief History (Hethersett Herald website).
Hethersett History Project.
Hethersett Society
Hethersett Heritage: a history, including the buildings and occupants over the centuries.
[Hethersett Society, 2004]
Buildings featured in the booklet (this is a link to an archived copy).
Hughes, Gwen E.
Hethersett: two hundred years of change.
[Hethersett Society, Wymondham, H.G. Stone, 1983]
Hughes, Gwen E.
Selections from Hethersett History.
[Hethersett Amenity Society, 1977]

Land & Property

Hethersett Hall (this is a link to an archived copy)
Description and history.
Pratt, Blanche
Hethersett Hall: A peep into the past.
[The Author, 1997]
Wood Hall (this is a link to an archived copy)
Description and history.
Longcroft, Adam
Wood Hall, Hethersett: an historical survey.
[ISBN 1873676913, Norwich, Marwood Publishing, 1995]
Arnall, D.C. and Rose, Edwin
History of Myrtle Cottage, Lynch Green, Hethersett, Norfolk.
[Norfolk Landscape Archaeology Unit, 1994]
Great Britain: Statute
Hethersett Inclosure Act, 1798.
An act for dividing, allotting, and enclosing, the common fields, commons, commonable lands, and waste grounds, within the parish of Hethersett, in the county of Norfolk.

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Land and Property



Map of Hethersett
Coloured map, with sketches of listed buildings.
Based on 1905 OS Map at 25 inches/mile, showing the development of the village up to the 1980s.
[Hethersett Society, 2000]

You can see maps centred on OS grid reference TG152050 (Lat/Lon: 52.599763, 1.176738), Hethersett which are provided by:


Military Records

War Memorial (this is a link to an archived copy)
Description, etc.

See also Norfolk Parish Links: Military Records


Names, Personal

De Salis
Memoirs of Frederick August Ludowig Buchholtz De Salis.

Poor Houses, Poor Law



These figures are from the population tables which were produced after the 10-yearly national censuses. The "Families" heading includes families and single occupiers.

Year   Inhabited
Families Population
1801   90 150   696
1811   94 159   692
1821 183 186   927
1831 219 234 1080
1841 246 --- 1138
1851 264 --- 1209
Year   Inhabited
Families Population
1861 268 --- 1169
1871 272 280 1170
1881 268 270 1123
1891 274 274 1134
1901 268 268 1072
1911 --- 278 1093

There may be more people living in detached parts of the parish (if there were any) and, if so, the number may or may not be included in the figures above. It is quite difficult to be sure from the population tables.

1901 Census
"Including Lynch Green."


Hethersett School (this is a link to an archived copy)
History of the National School.
Hethersett School in 1900 (this is a link to an archived copy)
Entries from the school log books.