Norfolk: Winterton
Lewis's Topographical Dictionary of England 1831
[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]
WINTERTON, a parish in the western division of the hundred of FLEGG, county of NORFOLK, 5½ miles (N. by W.) from Caistor [sic], containing 545 inhabitants.
The living is a rectory, with the perpetual curacy of East Somerton annexed, in the archdeaconry and diocese of Norwich, rated in the king's books at £20. 13. 4., and in the patronage of E. Cooper, Esq. The church is dedicated to All Saints; the steeple serves as a noted landmark.
Winterton had formerly a market and a fair, which have been long disused: the fishery affords employment to a considerable number of the inhabitants. On a promontory, called Winterton Ness, are two lighthouses, one supplied with coal, the other with oil.
Several large bones were found on the cliff, in 1665, one of which, supposed to be that of a man's leg, was three feet two inches in length, and weighed fifty-seven pounds.
See also the Winterton parish page.
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September 2006