


Norfolk: Watton


Pigot's Directory of Norfolk 1830

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]


Is a small well built market town in the parish of its name, and hundred of Wayland, 91 miles from London, 21 from Norwich, and nine from Swaffham; situated in an open part of the country, and is a place of considerable thoroughfare; from the latter circumstance, the inhabitants reap considerable advantage. Great quantities of butter are sent from this town, the produce of neighbouring dairies, the principal proportion of which is for the London market.

The church, which is dedicated to St. Mary, is a small building, being only 26 yards long, and including the two aisles, eleven yards in breadth: its tower is of singular construction, being round at the bottom, but octangular at the top; it contains three large bells. The living of Watton is a vicarage, in the gift of John C. Houghton, Esq.; the Rev. Fairfax Franklin is the present incumbent.

Between this town and Merton, a little on the left, is Wayland wood, commonly called 'Wailing wood,' from a tradition, of two children having been murdered by their uncle in this place, and upon which the old ballad preserved in Percy's relics of poetry (the two children in the wood) is said to be founded; and this story from the ballad subsequently dramatised. It was in this piece that the celebrated Mr. John Banister the comedian (familiarly called Jack Banister) took his leave of the stage, in the part of Walter.

Two miles hence on the Thetford road is Merton hall, a beautiful mansion of great antiquity, the seat of Lord Walsingham. The market at Watton is on Wednesday. The ancient fairs are held on the 10th July, October 11, and November 8: two others have lately been established, which take place on the 1st Wednesday in July, and the 1st Wednesday after old Michaelmas day. The parish contained, in 1821, 894 inhabitants.

         Barker     John, esq.           Caston
         Dewing     Richard, esq.        Carbrooke
         Goodrick   Sir Harry, bart.     Clermont lodge
         Harvey     Mrs. Charlotte       Watton
         Tomkins    Rev. B.              Saham parsonage
         Walsingham Right Honble. Lord   Merton hall
         Harveys & Hudsons - Smith Wright, agent - (draw on Hankey & Co.)
         NORWICH JOINT STOCK COMPANY, (branch of) - Smith Hastings, agt.
                           - (draw on Masterman and Co.)
         Bacon      William Vynne   attorney
         Buxton     Mary Ann        academy
         Gedge      William         schoolmaster
         Grigson    Edward H.       attorney
         Hargreaves Thomas          surgeon
         Swallow    Robert          surgeon
         Mann       Charlotte       Bull
         Coe        Robt.           Crown Inn (commercial)
         Waters     Daniel          Flower Pot
         Wright     Susanna         George Inn (& posting-house)
         Warren     John            Green Man
         Clark      Henry           King's Arms
         Adcock     Saml.           watch & clock maker
         Aldis      Ephraim         bricklayer
         Alpe       Philip          chymist & druggist, & fire office agent
         Balls      James           boot & shoe maker
         Blade      Sarah           tailor & draper
         Boyce      Wm.             joiner & machine makr.
         Bruton     James           builder
         Buxton     Chas.           glover & fellmonger
         Buxton     Maria           saddler & harness mkr
         Clark      Henry           tailor and draper
         Dennis     Robert          butcher
         Fendick    Wm.             bookseller, stationer, tea-dealer,
                                      and fire office agent
         Futter     John            land agent
         Gathergood James           tailor
         George     Daniel          boot & shoe maker
         Goddard    William         stone mason
         Hastings   John            printer & bookbndr.
         Hastings   John Edwd.      brandy merct
         Hastings   Smith           miller, flour dealer, and fire office agent
         Hastings   Thos.           bricklayer & plasterer
         Hendry     Thomas          painter, plumber, and glazier
         Hubbard    William         chair maker
         Johnson    Jeremiah James  corn & seed merchant
         Lacy       Charles         butcher
         Mallows    James           butcher
         Muncey     Wm.             saddler & harness mkr
         Muskett    Joseph &
                      William       grocers and drapers
         Peck       Thomas          cow leech & farrier
         Pitts      Jno.            painter, plumber, & glazier
         Platfoot   Cath.           baker & confectioner
         Rackham    William         leather cutter
         Rice       George          butcher
         Rice       William         grocer and draper
         Rolfe      Elizabeth       dress maker
         Scott      Walter          tailor
         Stebbings  Richard         blacksmith
         Stebbings  Thomas          joiner
         Stevens    Edward          maltster & brewer
         Sturgeon   William         blacksmith
         Taylor     Wm.             painter, plumber, &c.
         Thompson   John H.         joiner
         Thompson   William         wheelwright
         Turner     Kezia           dress maker
         Twaits     Barnabas        boot & shoe mkr
         Vince      William         coach & gig builder
         Walker     Amos            baker
         Warren     John            wheelwright
         Wenham     Wm.             watch & clock maker
         Worn       James           cow leech & farrier
         Wright &                   grocers & drapers, ironmongers,
           Fisk                       & spirit merchants
         Wright     Dorothy         spirit merchant
         Wright     Robert          baker & flour dealer, & corn chandler
         Young      Robert          boot & shoe maker


To LONDON, the Regulator (from Holt) calls at the Crown, every Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning at nine; goes through Brandon, Newmarket, &c.
To HOLT, the Regulator (from London) calls at the Crown, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evening at six; goes through East Dereham.


To LONDON, Smith Wright's Waggons, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening; - Archer's Waggons, from the Bull, every Monday and Thursday at noon - and - Bryant's Van, from the Crown, every Tues. & Friday morning.
To NORWICH, Smith Wright's Waggons, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday - Jeremiah Hardy, from the Bull, every Tuesday and Friday morning - Robert Baley, every Tuesday and Friday - and Robert Pitts, from the George, every Wednesday and Friday afternoon.
To SWAFFHAM, Jeremiah Hardy, from the Bull, and Robert Baley, every Monday and Thursday.
To THETFORD, Abraham Woolsey, from the Bull, every Tuesday & Friday.

See also the Watton parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
May 2016