


Norfolk: North Tuddenham


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1845

[Transcription copyright © Paddy Apling]

TUDDENHAM (NORTH) is a parish of dispersed houses, extending from 2½ to 4¾ miles E. of East Dereham, and comprising 417 inhabitants, and 2272 acres of land, lying in the manors of St. Clere and Bellhouse Hall, of which T.B. Evans is lord; but T.T. Berney, Esq., the Rev. J. Day, Mrs. Brown, and some others have estates here.

The CHURCH (St. Mary,) stands about 12 miles W. of Norwich, and has a square tower with one bell. In the windows are some fragments of painted glass. The rectory, valued in the King's Book at £10.5s.5d., and in 1831 at £728, is in the patronage and incumbency of the Rev. John Day. The tithes were commuted in 1839 for £682 per annum.

The Primitive Methodists have a small chapel here.

The Fuel Allotment, awarded in 1765, is 24A., on which the poor cut furze and graze geese and cattle. In 1682, FRAS. SKIPP charged his estate here with the yearly payment of £15, to be distributed among the most needy poor of the parish. In 1720, £150 was recovered as arrears of this rent charge, and is now vested at four per cent interest.

To three tenements and about 4A. of land, left to the poor by the Rev. John Smith, the Rev. Henry Young and Dr. Norris, in the 17th century, 4A.12P. was allotted at the enclosure, and the whole now lets for £18 a year, which is distributed with the following yearly doles, viz., 10s. from Mowting's charity; £2, left by John Branch, in 1736; 6s.8d., left by Richard Neeve; 4s. out of Bell Close; and £1.14s.10d. from £58 three per cent. consols, left by Thos. Ward, in 1806.

         Bowes     Edward      shoemaker
         Churchill Rev Smith   curate
         Dack      Robert      carpenter
         Engledow  Alice       beerhouse keeper
         Farman    Barthw.     miller & shopkpr
         Hall      Robert      parish clerk
         Hind      John        carpenter
         Jenny     Henry       bricklayer and vict. Fox and Goose
         Leggatt   Robert      blackmith
         Bowman    Robert      Miles     Wm.
         Brasnett  John        Reeve     Wm.
         Edwards   Edwd.       Springall Susan
         Hubbard   Stepn.      Warner    Wm.
         Mack      James       Wright    Edward
         Mann      John        Wright    John

See also the North Tuddenham parish page.

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August 1999