


Norfolk: Trowse Newton


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1845

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

TROWSE-WITH-NEWTON, or Trowse-Newton, is a parish and village on the south-east bank of the river Yare, opposite Trowse-Millgate, 1 mile S.E. of Norwich, containing 562 inhabitants, and 1,125A. 3R. 9P. of land, belonging chiefly to Colonel A. Money, St. Giles' Hospital, in Norwich, and the Dean and Chapter of Norwich. The latter are lords of the manor, impropriators of the great tithes, patrons of the vicarage, and owners of Trowse-Newton Hall, now a farm-house; but formerly the seat of the Priors of Norwich, and occupied by the Deans after the dissolution.

The CHURCH (St. Andrew,) has a square tower and one bell. The vicarage, valued in the King's Book at £5, and in 1831 at £373, with that of Lakenham annexed to it, is enjoyed by the Rev. Geo. Carter, M.A., of Norwich. The tithes were commuted in 1845.

The hall estate and the great tithes are leased to Col. Archibald Money, of Crown Point, a handsome mansion built by the late General John Money, who died 1817, aged 87, and was author of several military works.

Trowse Mills, built across the river Yare, were burnt to the water edge, in 1792, and the damage was estimated at upwards of £2,000. They were subsequently rebuilt, and are chiefly in Trowse-Millgate.

In 1813, died Edward Whetstone, aged 80, and 44 years clerk of this parish, to which he gave the organ, placed in the church in 1803. A salmon trout weighing 21 lbs. was caught here in 1816.

In 1779, Samuel Cooper left £500 Old South Sea Annuities; - 20s. of the dividends for the parish clerk, and the rest for the poor. This charity has been changed for a rent-charge of £5 per annum, on land belonging to R.B. Cooper, Esq.

Here is a National School, and also a Clothing Society, established in 1842.

Trowse-Millgate, Carrow, and Bracondale, are hamlets in the county of the City of Norwich, but ecclesiastically connected with this parish. (See pages 52 and 153.)

         Adair      Mrs. Charlotte    Lodge
         Aldis      Jonathan          shoemaker
         Barnsdale  Wm. Bennell       missionary
         Beloe      Jas.              basket and sieve maker
         Chasteney  Misses Eliza
                      & Margaret
         Daniels    Robert            blacksmith
         Drew       Charles           dish turner
         Finch      John              wheelwright
         Goose      Jph.              bricklayer & lime burner
         Goose      Robt.             carpenter & beer house
         King       Walter            plumber, painter, &c.
         Money      Col. Archibald    Crown Point
         Money      Richard           gentleman
         Plant      Jas.              regr. tax collector, &c.
         Read       Thos. Wm. & Co.   corn millers
         Rose       William           saddler, &c.
         Shorten    Richard           cowkeeper
         Symonds    Robt. Stebbings   tailor
         Wild       Fras.             boarding & day school
         Wilson     Mr. Thos.
         Wortley    Mr. Jno.
                        INNS AND TAVERNS.
         King       Pp.               Lime Kiln, (& wheelgt.)
         Aylmer     William           Trowse-Eye
         Hall       Geo.              White Horse, (& joiner)
         King       Ann               White House, (ferry)
            Butchers.                    Shopkeepers.
         Denny      Thomas            Bullard   Thomas
         Grief      Jonathan          Proudfoot Wm., & baker)
         Hallows    Mary              Thurlow   Dd., (& shoemaker)
         Thetford   William
         Albrough   Thomas            Plant     John
         Gowing     George            Turner    John

See also the Trowse Newton parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
January 2008