


Norfolk: Toft Monks


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1883

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

TOFT-MONKS, 6 miles S.E. by E. of Loddon, and 4 miles N. of Beccles, is a parish in Loddon and Clavering union and petty sessional division, Clavering hundred, Beccles county court district, Yarmouth bankruptcy court district, Toft-Monks polling district of South Norfolk, East Brooke rural deanery, and Norfolk archdeaconry. It had 397 inhabitants in 1881, and comprises 2238A. 1R. 36P. of land. The rateable value is £3394. The parish includes 600 acres of marsh and 76 acres of woods and plantations.

The principal owners of the soil are C. Colman, Esq., Mr. A. Winter, and the Fuller, Sayer, and other families, and the Master and Fellows of King's College, Cambridge. The latter are lords of the manor. The Elms, the seat of John Elvin, Esq., is a handsome residence in the Tudor style, surrounded by a moat, and situated near the bank of the Waveney and within a mile of Aldeby Railway Station.

The CHURCH (St. Margaret) comprises nave, chancel, south porch, and octagonal tower. The latter, which is embattled and contains three bells, is a fine specimen of Norman architecture. The windows of the church are of Perpendicular character. The chancel was entirely rebuilt in 1849, at a cost of £295; and its roof is of the hammer-beam kind, supported by stone corbels, embellished with winged angels. Here are tablets of the Bayspoole and Lodington, and brasses of the Kedgell and Howlett families.

The Master and Fellows of King's College, Cambridge, are appropriators of the great tithes, and patrons of the discharge [sic] vicarage, which is valued in the King's Book at £8, and is consolidated with that of Haddiscoe (see page 298 [which is the entry for Haddiscoe]), and in the incumbency of the Rev. Arthur Wace, B.A., who resides at Haddiscoe. The tithes were commuted in 1840 for £501 per annum, of which the rector of Gillingham receives £26, the rector of Haddiscoe £158 6s. 8d., and the appropriators £316 13s. 4d. The glebe is 16 acres, and the common 13A. 1R. 10P.

The Town Estate consists of three tenements, a garden, and 11A. 3R. 3P., let for £44 19s. a year, which is partly distributed in coal and partly applied with the church rates. The poor have the dividends of £42 new 3½ per cent. stock, left by William Crisp in 1798.

A SCHOOL BOARD for the united parishes of Toft Monks and Haddiscoe was established in 1873, and consists of the following members: Rev. A. Wace, B.A. (chairman), Messrs. A.J. Palmer (vice-chairman), A. Carman, C. Colman, and A. Winter. The School (for 90 children) with teachers' residence was erected in 1866, and a class-room was added in 1874, at a cost of £250.

POST OFFICE at Mr. Robert Tripp's. Letters arrive at 9 a.m., and depart at 5.30 p.m., viâ Beccles.

         Benns    John              butcher
         Brown    Frederick         farmer
         Brown    Samuel            farmer
         Colman   Caleb             farmer and landowner,
                                      Toft Monks house
         Curtis   James             shopkeeper
         Dawson   Jonathan          (Exors. of), farmer
         Elvin    John              farmer, The Elms
         Forder   James             (Exors. of), carpenter
         Fuller   James             farmer
         Fuller   John              farmer
         Knights  Thomas            farmer and smack owner,
                                      Yarmouth, Hill house
         Land &
          Smith                     grocers and drapers
         Maddle   William           farmer
         Palmer   Ambrose John      farmer; h Haddiscoe
         Rackham  Jonthn.           shoemkr. & shopkpr
         Reed     Mrs Mary          farmer, Wood farm
         Sandford Mrs Emily         Windle Hill hs
         Sayer    John Read         relieving officer, school
                                      attendance officer & registrar
                                      of births & deaths for Aldeby
         Smith    Henry Thos.       overseer, School Board officer,
                                      sanitary inspector for Loddon
                                      and Clavering union, agent for
                                      the London Accidental, the
                                      Norwich, and the North British
                                      and Mercantile Insurance Cos.
         Snowling George            sexton
         Tripp    Robt.             surveyor & postmaster
         Tripp    Robt. jun.        blksmith & ironfndr
         Wace     Rev. Arthur, B.A. vicar; h Haddiscoe Rectory
         Winter   Alfred            farmer and landowner, The Hall
         Youngman Mrs Maria         victualler, White Lion Inn

See also the Toft Monks parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
October 2015