


Norfolk: Thorpe St Andrew


Hunt's Directory of East Norfolk with Part of Suffolk, 1850

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

THORPE, near Norwich, or Thorpe St. Andrew, a village 2 miles E. of Norwich. The parish comprises an area of about 2000 acres, and the population in 1841 was 1041. Post Office, at William Plow's. Letters delivered at 7.30 a.m. and despatched to Norwich and all parts at 5.30 p.m.

         Bacon      Miss Mary A.
         Barker     Mr. John
         Batley     Mrs. Susanna
         Birch      Isaac             master of National schl.
         Blakeley   Edward            silk mercer
         Blakiston  Capt. Thos. R.N.  the Hall
         Bracey     Francis           butcher
         Bracey     Frederick         shoemaker
         Bracey     Robt.             grocery dlr. & baker
         Bright     John              beer retailer
         Brinded    John              coal dealer
         Bubbings   Robert            wheelwright
         Bulley     William           grocery dealer
         Burton     Thomas            grocery and corn chandler
         Cattermole Robert            'Three Tuns'
         Cattermole Thos. Jph.        beer retailer
         Clabburn   William           manufacturer
         Clayton    Miss Sarah
         Cole       Rev. Edward       chaplain to the Lunatic Asylym
         Cotman     John              landscape painter
         Dabson     Jane              National school
         Dale       Robert            merchant
         Davey      Joseph            merchant
         De Caux    Mr. William
         Digby      John              lime burner
         Emms       Thomas            gardener
         Etheredge  Mr. Philip B.
         Firman     Robert            wheelwright
         Frost      Rev. William      Thorpe Lodge
         Gibson     Mr. Samuel
         Grimble    John              basket maker
         Griston    William           tailor
         Gurney     Hay, Esq.         banker
         Hansell    Henry             solicitor
         Hardy      John              bricklayer
         Harvey     Sir Robert John   Mousehold House
         Herring    Rev. Armine       Rectory
         Jecks      Charles           merchant
         King       Capt. Robert
         Lacey      Robert            travelling tea dealer
         Lincoln    Thomas            grocery dealer
         Lincoln    William T.        wheelwright
         Martin     William           blacksmith
         Olby       William           flint napper
         Orfeur     John              merchant
         Owen       Ebenezer          governor of lunatic asylum
         Palmer     Mrs. Sarah
         Palmer     Nathaniel         barrister
         Penrice    David             surgeon
         Plow       William           shoemaker
         Postle     Mrs. Sarah
         Provart    William           'King's Head Inn'
         Rayner     John              gardener
         Rodwell    Elizabeth         lodging house
         Rose       Ann               grocery dealer and baker
         Russell    Henry and Son     piano forte makers
         Sabberton  Thomas            machine maker and coal dealer
         Shardelow  Benj.             plumber, painter, &c.
         Smith      Jph.              'Buck' (& coal dealer)
         Southgate  Henry             'Griffin'
         Spooner    John              shoemaker
         Steward    Mrs. Mary
         Tinker     Horace            shoemaker
         Wells      Mr. Robert
         Weston     Charles           brewer
         Wodehouse  Edmund, Esq. M.P.
         Wright     Robert John       surveyor
         Youngman   George            gardener
         Albin      Daniel            Leggett    William
         Albin      Samuel            Scarfe     Samuel
         Bright     John              Starling   Samuel
         Clear      James             Starling   William
         Dale       James             Whittaker  Samuel
         Jecks      William           Woolsey    Samuel

See also the Thorpe St Andrew parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
August 2008