


Norfolk: Sprowston


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1883

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

SPROWSTON is a scattered but well-built village, 2 miles N. by E. of Norwich. The parish is in St. Faith's union, Taverham hundred and petty sessional division, Norwich county court and bankruptcy district, Norwich polling district of South Norfolk, Taverham rural deanery, and Norwich archdeaconry. It had 1782 inhabitants in 1881, living on 2576 acres, and has a rateable value of £6131. It had only 310 inhabitants in 1811, but many handsome villas and houses have since been erected, especially on the south side of the parish, which adjoins the city suburbs, and is commonly called New Sprowston.

The manor anciently belonged to the Corbets, but was sold by Sir Thomas Corbet (the last baronet of his family), in 1645, to Sir Thomas Adams, from whose family it passed by sale to Sir Lambert Blackwell, who was created baronet of Sprowston, in 1718. It was held by three successive baronets of this family; but the last, who died in 1801, sold it to Mr. Boycott, of Norwich, and after passing through the hands of various owners, by whom a large portion of the soil was alienated, it became the property of John Gurney, Esq., who is the chief owner. The Rev. W.J. Stracey, W.H. Cozens-Hardy, Esq., Sir H. Stracey, Bart., and some smaller proprietors have estates here.

The fair formerly held on August 2nd was discontinued in 1826.

There are many good mansions here, occupied by their owners. The Hall, a pretty Elizabethan house, said to have been originally erected in 1559 was rebuilt and greatly improved in 1876 by John Gurney, Esq., the present occupier. The Lodge, a spacious white brick mansion, 3½ miles N. by E. of Norwich is the seat of Gilbert Stracey, Esq. The Grange is the handsome modern residence of Edward Stracey, Esq. Sprowston Lodge near the city boundary is the beautiful residence of W.H. Tillett, Esq., and near it is the remains of a St. Magdalen chapel, now converted into cottages.

The CHURCH (SS. Mary and Margaret) is an ancient structure but has undergone many repairs, and now presents a curious appearance, the chancel roof being considerably higher than that of the nave, and the tower and some other parts having been rebuilt of brick. It is chiefly in the Perpendicular style, and comprises nave with aisles and clerestory, chancel, lady-chapel, and square tower with three bells.

Its interior is remarkable for the number and beauty of its monuments. One of white marble is especially fine, and depicts Lady Wilhelmina Micklethwait (who died in 1805) watching over her infant, which is in the arms of its nurse. Another, of alabaster, bears recumbent figures of Sir T. Adams (who was lord mayor of London in 1645) and his wife. The north aisle contains several ancient tombs with kneeling and recumbent effigies of the Corbets, much mutilated. Miles Corbet, a member of this family, sat as one of the judges and signed the death-warrant of Charles I., but does not appear to have been interred here. Here are also marble tablets to Sir P. Painter, and J. Morse and N. Micklethwait, Esqs., and a well-carved font given by the Rev. W. Stracey.

A new Decorated east window of three lights, filled with beautiful stained glass, representing the six mercies, was inserted in 1863, at a cost of £160, by Mr. and Mrs. Rushmore, in memory of Mr. Hy. Suffield Wm. Farman, son of the latter by a former marriage. Mr. Rushmore has also presented the handsomely carved reredos, at an expense of about £30.

The benefice is a vicarage, not in charge and now valued at £300 per annum. It was augmented in 1790 and 1794 with £400 of Queen Anne's Bounty, laid out in land; and in 1824 with a Parliamentary grant of £1000, now at interest. The Rev. Edward F. Linton, M.A., is the incumbent, and in 1882, aided by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, he has built a new and commodious vicarage house. The Commissioners have also joined with John Gurney, Esq., in presenting a site consisting of two acres. The Dean and Chapter of Norwich are the patrons and appropriators; but the tithes are leased to the landowners.

The National School, a neat brick structure built in 1860 by Mrs. Arkwright, and much enlarged in 1874 by John Gurney, Esq., is attended by 190 children.

The Primitive Methodists and the Baptists have each a small chapel here, the former built in 1830, the latter in 1875.

At the inclosure in 1800 about 1000 acres of Mousehold Heath (partly in this parish) were charged with the yearly payment of £30, for distribution in coal to the poor of Sprowston who have also 5s. a year left by John Warner in 1648 for a distribution of bread on St. Thomas' Day.

Here is a Primitive Methodist Chapel, built in 1875.

POST at Mr. Henry Burrage's. Letters arrive at 4.15 a.m., and are despatched at 6 p.m., viâ Norwich, which is the nearest Money Order and Telegraph Office.

         Adcock    Robert             market gardener
         Adcock    Robert John        schoolmaster
         Adcock    Mrs Jane Mills     schoolmstrs
         Allen     John               vict. and carter,
                                        Norwich and Norfolk Arms
         Atkinson  Thomas             rag merchant,
                                        St. Mary's Plain, Norwich
         Bacon     James              brick mert. (Graver & B.)
         Banfather Rev. Henry, B.D.
         Bishop    Charles Walter     baker & grcr
         Blake     Robert             brickmaker, & Queen's road, Norwich
         Blake     Mr Robert Wiffen
         Brown     Joseph Benjamin    master of Norman's Endowed Sch.
                                        Cowgate st
         Burrage   Henry              grocer and baker, and postmaster
         Burrows   Thomas             cattle dealer and victualler, Ship
         Burrows   William            joiner
         Butcher   Mr Walter Whitton
         Butler    Thomas             clerk
         Calver    Mrs Rachel
         Catton    William            market gardener
         Chapman   James              vict. The Blue Boar
         Cobb      Mrs. Eliza         Rose cottage
         Codling   John               hay and straw dealer
         Cole      Stephen            shoemaker
         Cozens-   Theobald, Esq.,
           Hardy     J.P.             Oak Lodge
         Cunnell   Charles            brick & tile maker; and at Miles
                                        Cross, Hellesdon; h Eaton
         Dixon     Joseph             farmer, Stone farm
         Dixon     Owen               farmer
         Easton    Mr Isaac
         Edwards   William            lime burner
         Emms      Herbert Robert     bank clerk
         Everitt   John               farmer, Church farm
         Filby     Richard Pumfrey    frmr & btchr
         Fisher    John               butcher, Constitution pl
         Ford      Thomas Rowland     boot manufacturer, Colegate street
         Frary     Robert             market grdnr. & cowkpr
         Froggatt  Mrs Ada Mary       S. ladies' day school
         Fuller    Jno.               shoemkr. Constitution hill
         Gale      Mr William
         George    William            butcher; & Norwich
         Goodson   George             farm bailiff
         Goodson   Henry              shopkeeper
         Gowing    George David       farmer, White Hall farm
         Graver    James              brick mert. (G. & Bacon)
         Graver    William            wheelwright and blacksmith
         Gurney    John, M.A., J.P.   banker, The Hall
         Guyton    Robert Firth       clerk
         Holborn   Thomas             shopkeeper
         Higgins   Samuel             vict. Royal Oak
         Jarmy     Thomas             brickmaker
         Johnson   John               shopkeeper
         Kerry     George Caythorpe   accountant, Elm hill
         King      George             hawker
         Linton    Rev. Edward
                     Francis, M.A.    vicar, The Vicarage
         Littleboy George Henry       bank clerk
         Mallett   Mr Christopher
         Mann      Henry              market gardener
         Mason     John               brickmaker
         Mears     Robert             miller
         Minns     George Edward      shopkeeper
         Moore     Mr James
         Moore     John               farmer, and Thorpe;
                                        h Plumstead road, Norwich
         Morris    Mrs Elizabeth
         Morris    John               joiner, wheelwright, and blacksmith
         Newman    Matthew Henry      vict. Black Horse,
                                        and brickmaker and carter
         Oldman    Frederick          woodman to J. Gurney, Esq.
         Page      Alfred             brush manufacturer,
                                        St. George's Middle street
         Paul      William            shoemaker
         Pearce    Daniel             coal agent
         Pointer   Thomas             cattle dealer and shopkeeper
         Riches    Edw.               vict. Constitution Tavern
         Risebrook Mrs Harriet        shopkeeper
         Robertson George Rockhil     miller
         Rouse     Jesse Cantrill     clerk
         Rump      Theophilus         assist. overseer and tax collector
         Seaman    George Arthur      cattle dealer
         Seaman    Lee                cattle dealer
         Shorten   Daniel             beer house, The Dove
         Sidney    Alfred             carpenter and joiner
         Slight    James              farmer
         Smith     James              market gardener, Sprowston place
         Smith     Mrs Rebecca        beer house
         Stone     Mark               market gardener
         Theobald  George Edward      valuer, County Court office
         Tillett   William Henry      solicitor, Broad street, St. Andrews
         Want      George John        agent to Prudential Assurance Co.
         Weeds     Miss Maria         shopkeeper
         White     Samuel             silk mfr. King street
         Willis    Reuben             warehouseman
         Wrench    George             brickmaker & carter
         Wright    E.                 vict. Brickmakers Arms
         Wright    William            brick yard foreman
         Yallop    Henry              farmer
         Yaxley    Thomas             wheelwright and blacksmith

Sprowston United Cricket Club, J. Preston, secretary

See also the Sprowston parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
January 2015