


Norfolk: Sprowston


Churchwardens' Accounts

These are from volume 1 of "Norfolk Archaeology", published by the Norfolk and Norwich Archaeological Society in 1847. They are on pages 39-40.

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]


Extracts from an old Account Book of the Parish of Sprowston, read at the Meeting of the Committee in
February, 1846, by the Rev. W.J. Stracey.


1665.For a hood for the minister160
 For bird lime 4d; for powder and shot 1s 6d0110
 For bread and wine at Cristmis036
1666.For a book of the Fire in London006
1672.For the two Tables of Commandments0116
 For the Book of Homilies080
1678.Collected on behalf of rebuilding St. Paul's Church in London, Oct. 171160
1682.For a Book of Common Prayer which cost 20s (I paid ten myself)0100
 Paid for brooms, and a Kalendar050
 Paid to two travelling gentlewomen020
 For a book of the King's Declaration and Thanksgiving010
1689.For a poor man's box1180
 For a shaldern of lime 3s, and a load of hard-burnt bricks 9s0120
 Paid Goody Crabbin for washing the surplis and church powrch013
 A new bell rope, 18 yards long, 3s; two passengers 4d034
1702.For the change of the flaggon and a new communion plate050
 For kyling the cardows in the church010
1704.Paid at the Blew Boor, chusing as surveyer Goodman Warren050
 For thorns to fence in the common 4s; for a man 2 days hedging and beer026
 Timber for the eyle of the church470
1715.Paid for killing 14 foxes in our woods, to Sam. Lemon0140
1719.Paid for clading of the widow Bernard with a gown, petecoat, 
      bodeys, hoose, showes, apron, and stomercher0186
 For kyling the vermint in the church020
1720.Laid out at Esqr Longe's for and concerning cutting ye flags on the common   050
1723.Paid Denmark for kylling 15 foxes; paid Tubby for a hedgehog0156
1724.And for getting 10 foxes and a badgerd, and 2 doz. caddows0116
1747.3 soulgers' wives a pass 1s; paid at ye Popingjay 3s040
1748.For 2 mats for the pews, and neelers050
1764.Paid for a new surplis, and making300
1795.A Prayer for the Princess of Wales - for the King's recovery016
 Received of Alderman Weston 15s - a gift left by Mr. Warnes of 5s. a year 
 125 foxes killed between 1715-1774, at a 1s a head 

Note: In the book, the years 1723 and 1748 are shown as "23" and "48",

See also the Sprowston parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
February 2010