


Norfolk: Sporle with Palgrave


Kelly's Directory of Norfolk 1896

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

This is the list of the tradespeople and the most prominent residents.

         Archer      John             Parish Clerk
         Wright      Charles          sub-postmaster
         Bartram     Albert William   master, National School
         Hanchett    George Samuel    Pety gards [sic]
         Hardy       Edward William   Woolferton ho
         Jones       Mrs
         Kerrison    Mrs
         Matthews    Mrs.             Palgrave hall
         Pyle        Mrs
         Archer      Thomas           Hare & Hounds P.H.
         Bennington  Benjamin         blacksmith & agricultural implement maker
         Elliott     Abraham          grocer & carrier
         Fiddy       Thomas Beverley  farmer
         Fishpole    Jeremiah         bricklayer
         Fox         Robert           boot & shoe maker
         Gilding     Frederick        boot & shoe maker
         Green       King             higgler
         Grummett    Elizh. (Mrs.)    grocer & draper
         Grummett    James            builder, joiner, carpenter & undertaker
         Hunt        Edward           grocer & provision dealr
         Kerrison    Walt. Hy.        miller (wind & steam)
         Lane        Arthur           grocer, draper & general hardware
                                        merchant; & at Lynn st. Swaffham
         Larwood     James            farmer
         Littleproud John             beer retailer
         Matthews    Thomas           farmer, The Priory
         Matthews    Thomas           (exors. of), farmers, Palgrave hall
         Quadling    William          farmer
         Simmons     Charles          higgler
         Smith       Mary Ann (Mrs.)  shopkeeper
         Smith       Robert           attendance officer to Swaffham rural
                                        attendance committee & sanitary
                                        inspector to Swaffham rural district 
         Wells       Dennis (Mrs.)    farmer, Gt. Palgrave
         White       William          farm bailiff to Richard Dusgate esq
         Worf        Chas.            Chequers P.H. & wheelwright

See also the Sporle with Palgrave parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
June 2007