Norfolk: Raveningham
William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1845
[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]RAVENINGHAM, a parish of scattered dwellings, 3½ miles E.S.E. of Loddon, has 281 inhabitants, and 2288 acres of land. The principal owner of the soil, and lord of the manor, is Sir Edm. Bacon, Bart., who resides at the Hall, a large modern brick mansion, standing in a verdant park. Sir Edmund is premier baronet, the title being conferred on his ancestor early in 1611, before the date of any other baronetcy in England, though many were created in the same year.
He is impropriator of the tithes, and patron of the CHURCH, (St. Andrew,) which is a curacy, certified at £30, and valued in 1831, at £57. It was augmented, in 1817 and '19, with £400 of royal bounty, and is now enjoyed by the Rev. James Wall, of Norton-Subcourse.
The church is a neat edifice, with a tower, round at the base, and octangular above, surmounted by turrets. In the chancel, are two effigies of a man and woman, under canopies and Gothic arches of tabernacle work; also, a brass, on which is graved the portraiture of Margaret Castylle, with a dragon peeping from under her flounce.
A COLLEGE was founded here in 1350, by Sir John de Norwich, for a master and eight secular priests, to officiate in the church. The impropriate tithes were commuted, in 1840, for £518. 10s. 7d. per annum. At the dissolution, the college and tithes were granted to Sir Anthy. Denny, from whose descendants they passed to the Bacons, of which family were those illustrious characters, Friar Roger Bacon, and Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal to Queen Elizabeth.
Bacon Sir Edmund, Bart. Hall Francis J. land agent Fulcher Moses blacksmith farmers. Beane Francis Shardalow Geo. Easter Thos. Ward Robt. Fuller John West Thomas
See also the Raveningham parish page.
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May 2010