


Norfolk Politics and Government


Norfolk Constituencies of the House of Commons

Norfolk Constituencies
There were constituencies not only for the county of Norfolk, but also for the city of Norwich, and for King's Lynn, Thetford, and Yarmouth. Until 1832, Castle Rising also returned two MPs.
Background and history including divisions, numbers of MPs, parliamentary reform and ballot acts, polling places, etc.
Constituencies and MPs, as described in Norfolk directories.
White's 1845 Directory
White's 1883 Directory
Kelly's 1896 Directory
Kelly's 1933 Directory

Norfolk Members of Parliament, or Knights of the Shire

Members of Parliament for all Constituencies in Norfolk
Names of Norfolk MPs, from 1836 to 1933.
This covers MPs for the county of Norfolk, Norwich, King's Lynn, Thetford, and Yarmouth.
Members of Parliament for the County of Norfolk Constituencies only
Names of Norfolk MPs, from 1540 to 1837.
This excludes the constituencies of Norwich, King's Lynn, Thetford, Yarmouth, and Castle Rising.
Selected Members of Parliament of the whole House of Commons. Please search for Norfolk MPs.
MPs 1700-1820
Including Norfolk MP Robert Walpole.
MPs 1820-1880
Including Norfolk MPs Thomas Creevey and Edward Stanley.
MPs 1880-1920
Including Norfolk MPs Joseph Arch and Noel Buxton.
MPs 1920-1960
Including Norfolk MP Dorothy Jewson.

Norfolk Voting Registers

Norfolk Voting Registers
Including poll books, election registers, etc, and the various divisions in which elections were held.

See also Genuki England Politics and Government.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
February 2010