


Norfolk: Northrepps


Hunt's Directory of East Norfolk with Part of Suffolk, 1850

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

NORTHREPPS, a village 21 miles N. of Norwich, and 3 miles S.E. of Cromer. The parish comprises 2731 acres, and contained in 1841, 603 inhabitants; its present residents are:-

         Buxton    Dowager Lady Hannah  the Hall  [see note below]
         Buxton    Sir E.N. Bart.       the Hall  [see note below]
         Craske    John                 bricklayer
         Curties   Charles              tailor
         Foulger   William              carrier
         Gurney    Miss Anna            the Cottage
         Hill      Robert               baker
         Hooker    James                gardener to Lady Buxton
         Hutson    William & Son        agricultural implement makers,
                                          blacksmiths, engineers, &
                                          iron & brass founders
         Law       Rev. Patrick
                     Comerford, B.A.    (rector and rural dean)
         Platten   Elizabeth            school for children
         Playford  Mr. James
         Storey    Edward               shoemaker
         Storey    Susan                grocery dealer
         Storey    William              beer retailer and shoemaker
         Sulman    William              parish clerk
         Summers   Edmund               builder and wheelwright
         Summers   Robert               carrier and beer retailer
         Underwood Joseph               grocery dealer
         Wiseman   John                 carrier
         Beckett   Joseph               Emery     George
         Bidwell   J.                   Emery     James
         Callow    Louisa               Farrow    James
         Cross     John (and            Goulden   John
                     butcher)           Nichols   John
         Curties   John                 Turner    Samuel
         Curties   Robert
         Curties   Thomas

CARRIERS to Norwich, Summers, Fri. 9 morn. To Yarmouth, Foulger; also Wiseman, Tues. & Fri. at 6 morn.

Note: in the original this is
     Buxton Dowager Lady Hannah, &
       Buxton Sir E.N. Bart. the Hall
See also the Northrepps parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
October 2006