Norfolk: Martham
William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1845
MARTHAM is a large village, with several handsome houses, pleasantly seated on rising ground above the marshes, 9½ miles N.N.W. of Yarmouth. Its parish extends above a mile westward to the hamlet of Cess, on the river Thurne, and comprises 1032 inhabitants, and 2281 acres of enclosed land, mostly copyhold, and subject to arbitrary fines. Thomas Grove, Esq., is lord of the manor, for which he holds a court at Michaelmas; but Moregrove and Knightsley form a small manor, belonging to Mr. Garnham.The Church, dedicated to St. Mary, is a large Gothic pile, with a fine specimen of stained glass, a lofty tower, and six bells. It is a discharged vicarage, valued in the King's Books at £6. 13s. 4d., and in 1831 at £253. It is now enjoyed by the Rev. Geo. Pearse. The Dean and Chapter of Norwich are patrons, and also appropriators of the rectory, now leased to Mrs. Ann Francis, and Wm. Rising, Esq. In 1160, Roger Gunton gave the church to the prior and convent of Norwich, "for the redemption of his soul." In 1843, the rectorial tithes were commuted for £628. 18s. 2d., and the vicarial for £363. 17s. 9d. per annum.
The Baptists, and the Wesleyan and Primitive Methodists, have each a chapel here; the latter built in 1844.
A fair, chiefly for pleasure, is held here on the last Tuesday and Wednesday in July. About 40 years ago, a man was gibbetted here, for setting fire to part of the village.
The FREE SCHOOL was founded pursuant to the will of Christopher Amies, who, in 1622, left £110 for that purpose. This legacy, and several small donations, was laid out in purchasing the schoolhouse, and 5A. 1R. of land, which was exchanged at the enclosure, in 1812, for 7A. 3R. 7P., now let for £16. 15s. a year. For this income, and the use of the house and garden, the master teaches about 20 poor children.
In 1815, Sarah Bowman left £300 three per cent. consols, in trust, to dispose of the yearly dividends as follows:- £2 to be divided among the poor on St. Thomas's day; and £7 to be laid out in the education of six poor children. In 1834, Miss Diana Creasey left the dividends of £400 of the same stock, to be applied in clothing and schooling six poor children. These two charities are applied in educating and clothing poor girls.
In the school garden is a cork tree, 84 years old.
The Poor's Allotments, comprising 78A. 6P., were awarded in 1812. Upwards of 41A. is a pasture for the cows of the poor inhabitants, and the rest is let for about £40 a year, which, after paying the drainage rate, is distributed in coals among poor families. Of a yearly rent-charge of 13s. 4d., left by an unknown donor, only 3s. 4d. is now paid to the poor.
In the following Directory, those marked 1, are at CESS; 2, at DAMGATE; and the rest in MARTHAM.
Allcock John saddler Bane George corn miller Boutell Rev Charles incbt. of Repps Braddock James thatcher Braddock George watchmaker Cooper Wm. surgeon Corbould Rev Thos. B.A. curate Crisp Anthony surgeon Daniels Robert farrier Dow Samuel watchmaker Dunt Nathl. painter, glazier, &c. Durrant Robt. painter, glazier, &c. Francis Mrs Ann Westend Cottage Forder Richard Free School Garnham Richard, sen. gent Gedge John butcher 1 Goose John brickmaker Hillasdon S.G. gentleman Hindes Rev John (Baptist min.) Jeary John butcher Lacey Wm. saddler Linford James brickmaker Manship Thomas and Michael merchants and wherry owners Manthorpe James basket maker Newby John tailor Palmer George W.D. Esq. Martham Hall Piggins Thomas bricklayer Proctor Thomas parish clerk Rising Thomas Sutfield gent., chief constable Rising Wm. sen. Esq. Rogers Wm. vict. King's Arms Self George plumber, glazier, &c. Shalders Edward horse breaker Tyce John bricklayer Tyce John tailor Wells Wm. corn miller Blacksmiths. Boot & Shoe Mkrs. Powell George Dawson James Ward Robert Greenacre Richd. Greenacre Richd. junior COOPERS. Greenacre John Jones John Braddock Chas. Trip James Gedge Samuel FARMERS. (* are owners) *Bane James *Johnson Wm. *Barber George 2*Littleboy Rt. Braddock Wm. Manship Isaac Brown Thos. 1*Pollard Wm. *Brunson Wm. 1 Proctor Mary 2 Dawson John *Rising George Derry John *Thompson Ann Garnham Richd. 2*Thompson Hammond Gedge Jonathan 1 Vincent John 2*Grimson Wm. Woods Nicholas 2 Harmer Benj. GROCERS, &c. Joiners, Wheelwrights, &c. (* Drapers also.) Braddock Chas. Hill Robert Bushell Thos. Linford George Hodds Benj. Pestell Robert *Linford Wm. Rogers Wm. *Purdy Chas. Rust James Woods Nicholas
Post Office at Geo. Linford's. Letters daily to Hemsby, Winterton, &c.
COACH to Yarmouth & Stalham, Monday, Wed. and Sat.
CARRIERS: Sml. Brown and Rt. Ward, to Norwich; and J. Gedge, to Yarmouth, W. & S.
See also the Martham parish page.
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September 2004