


Norfolk: South Lopham


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1883

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

LOPHAM (SOUTH), a village and parish, adjoining and participating in the linen trade of North Lopham, is 4 miles S.E. by S. of East Harling, and 5 miles W. by N. of Diss. It is in Guiltcross union and hundred, Guiltcross and Shropham petty sessional division, Diss county court district, Ipswich bankruptcy district, Harling polling district of South Norfolk, Rockland rural deanery, and Norfolk archdeaconry.

It had 529 inhabitants in 1881, living on 1937 acres, and has a rateable value of £2977. The parish lies in the same manor as North Lopham, and belongs mostly to Thomas Buckenham, Esq. and the Duke of Norfolk; but here are many small proprietors.

The CHURCH (St. Andrew) is a large edifice, comprising nave, south aisle, and chancel, with a fine Norman tower, containing six bells, and rising between the nave and chancel, which are of much later date, the former being rebuilt after 1479, and the latter about the year 1370. The rectory is consolidated with North Lopham, in the patronage of the representatives of the Rev. J. Bateman, and incumbency of the Rev. John Fitz Herbert Bateman, M.A., who has here a good residence, and 45 acres of glebe. The tithes of this parish were commuted in 1845 for £508 per annum.

The School, with master's house adjoining, was built in 1863 at a cost of £800, and is attended by 90 children.

Here is a small Baptist Chapel.

On the east side of the two Lophams, in the swampy grounds, called Lopham Gate, are two copious springs, which give rise to the rivers Waveney and Little Ouse, the former running eastward to Yarmouth, and the latter westward to Thetford and Lynn, and both forming the boundary of Norfolk and Suffolk.

The Town Lands, given by John Barker, in 1468, John Jessup, in 1672, and other donors, consist of a farm of 60A. 1R., in Wortham and Redgrave, let for £86 a year; 16A. 2R. 13P., in Langmere, let for £29; 37 acres of heath land, let for £37; 4 cottages £13; and 15A. 2R. 27P., in quarter acre allotments, let for £27. One-fourth of these rents is applied in defraying the expenses of the church, and the remainder is divided between the school and poor.

The Fuel Allotments, awarded at the enclosure in 1815, comprise 126A. 27P., on which the poor cut turf, and the herbage is let for about £10, which is expended in repairing the fences. In 1815 William Branch Elliott left £400, to be invested in the funds, and the dividends applied yearly in a distribution in sheets and blankets among the poor of South Lopham. This charity now consists of £452 8d., three per cent. consols.

POST OFFICE at Mr. Thomas Cox's. Letters from East Harling viâ Thetford arrive at 8.40 a.m., depart at 4.35 p.m. Sundays depart at 10 a.m. Kenninghall is the nearest Money Order Office.

         Bateman   Rev. John Fitz
                     Herbert, M.A.  rector
         Bedwell   Jas.             frmr. whlwrt. & carpenter
         Blowers   Wm.              wheelwright and smith
         Bowell    Levi             farmer
         Bowell    William          linen manufacturer
         Bowhill   Jacob            blacksmith
         Buck      Arthur Wm.       vict. White Horse
         Buckenham Thomas           linen manufctr. (T.W. & J.)
                                      farmer and landowner
         Buckenham T.W. & J.        linen mfrs. and warehs.
                                      Saracen's Head, London, E.C.
         Bullock   Walter           frmr. Poplar Tree farm
         Cox       Thomas           agent to the Norwich Equitable
                                      Fire Insurance Co. Post Office
         Crowe     Edgar            frmr. Walnut Tree farm
         Crowe     Edward Henry &
                     Mrs Elizbth.   master and mistress National school
         Downing   Saml.            coal dlr. & newsagent
         Eacock    Mr Frost         farmer
         Fisher    Philip           farmer
         Garnham   Thomas           carpenter
         Garnham   Walter           carpenter
         Gibson    Arthur           miller and farmer
         Goddard   Henry            builder and contractor, and
                                      victualler, Chequers
         Grant     Joseph           boot and shoe maker
         Grant     Mrs Phillis      baker
         Hearn     John             farmer, Dairy farm
         Laud      John             farmer, Chequers farm
         Musket    Mr Edward        The Hall farm
         Orford    Edmd.            farmer and landowner
         Pearce    George           farmer
         Rush      James            farmer
         Sare      William          grocer and draper
         Seakin    Frederick        parish clerk
         Self      James            shopkeeper
         Self      William          farmer, Hill farm
         Soar      William          farmer
         Tyler     George           farmer
         Wallis    Seth             shopkeeper
         Witton    Edward           farmer
         Witton    Edward, jun.     farmer and assistant overseer
         Womack    Robert           miller, corn mert. and landowner;
                                      and Kenninghall

CARRIER - John Grant to Diss, Friday

See also the South Lopham parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
March 2006