


Norfolk: Litcham


Hunt's Directory of East Norfolk with Part of Suffolk, 1850

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

LITCHAM, once a market town, and now one of the most business-like looking villages in the county of Norfolk, is compact and well-built, exhibiting several good houses inhabited by private and professional persons, besides many others occupied by respectable tradespeople and shopkeepers. It is distant 24 miles W. by N. of Norwich, 8 miles N.E. by N. of Swaffham, and 16½ E. of Lynn.

Petty Sessions are held at the Bull (the principal inn), on the first Wednesday in every month, and the Society for the Prosecution of Felons (of which Mr. Thomas Palmer is solicitor) hold their meetings at the same house. Pleasure FAIRS take place on Whit-Tuesday and Nov. 1st, on which occasions Litcham enjoys the advantages to be derived from a large influx of visitors. The parish comprises an area of above 1800 acres, and the population in 1841 was 811.

Post-Office at Frederick Leatherdale's. Letters delivered at 7.30 a.m., and despatched to Norwich and all parts, via Swaffham, at 6 p.m.

         Archer      Rev. Charles
                       Goodwyn, M.A. (curate)
         Ashley      John            butcher
         Askew       Thomas          tailor
         Attoe       Mr. William
         Baker       William
                       Carmichael    portrait and animal painter
         Banham      George          shoemaker
         Balls       Edward          tinman and brazier
         Betts       James           'New Inn' (& carrier)
         Blinkinsop  Jas.            merchant & miller
         Boutell     Rev. Charles    rectory
         Bridgman    Elizabeth       grocery dealer
         Bridgman    Rhoda           blacksmith
         Bulman      William         tailor
         Burton      Elizabeth       straw hat maker
         Burton      John            grocery dealer
         Carmichael  John            plumber, painter, &c.
         Carter      James           'Bull Inn' (and veterinary surgeon)
         Copeman     Abel Benjamin   saddler
         Copeman     Elizabeth       school
         Copeman     James           saddler
         Curtis      Wm.             carpenter and builder
         Damant      Thomas William  surgeon
         Fitt        William         baker
         Garman      James           grocer and draper
         Garman      John            baker
         Howard      John            tailor
         Howard      Thomas          basket maker
         Johnson     Charlotte       milliner
         Johnson     John            shoemaker
         Johnson     Thomas          shoemaker
         Jump        Charles James   surgeon and registrar of births and deaths
         King        Benjamin        tailor and draper
         King        John            blacksmith
         King        John            blacksmith and wheelwright
         King        William         tailor
         Leatherdale Frederick       grocer and draper, agent to the Norwich
                                       Equitable fire insurance office
         Lynes       Douglas         mercht. & maltster
         Palmer      Nathl.          veterinary surgeon
         Palmer      Thomas          solicitor
         Pile        William         builder, surveyor and agent to
                                       Norwich Union fire office
         Pond        Mr. Thomas
         Powley      Jacob           shoemaker
         Ransome     John            druggist
         Raven       Peter           surgeon
         Stanford    Mrs. Ellen
         Sizeland    Robert V.       'King's Arms,' painter, glazier, &c.
         Stratford   Edmund and
                       Mary Ann      national school
         Took        William         shoemaker
         Wales       Emma            straw hat maker
         Wales       William         butcher
         Walker      Matthew         watchmaker
         Waters      George          blacksmith
         Wiseman     James           'Green Dragon' (and brewer)
         White       James           china and earthenware dealer
         Wright      Charles         solicitor, superintendent registrar,
                                       and clerk to Union, Magistrates, and
                                       Commissioners of taxes; agent to the
                                       Farmers' General insurance office
         Askew       Robert
         Attoe       William, jun.
         Carter      John
         Cook        Charles         High House
         Middleton   -
         Raven       Peter
         Stanford    Henry

CARRIER to Lynn, Betts, Monday and Thursday 9 morn.; and to Norwich, Tues. and Fri. 7 morn. Post cart, to Swaffham, daily.

See also the Litcham parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
February 2009