


Norfolk: King's Lynn


Week-Day Prayers

This has been found by the Norfolk transcribers for FreeREG, in the King's Lynn St Margaret register of baptisms 1721-1776 and marriages 1722-1754.

The right side of the page is damaged and some words are incomplete or missing. The Chappel referred to might be the Chapel of St Nicholas.

[Transcription copyright © Gail Oliver]


The Chappel-Wardens pay The Minister four pounds
a year for the Week-Day Prayers at the Chappel.
These Prayers, before Dr Littel's Time, were read
only on Wednesdays, Fridays, & Holy days, in the Morning,
And were Read by the Lecturer, who received [this]
four pounds, and had his dwelling in the Lecture-House
in recompence for the Same; as formerly ye Same
were given to the Chappel-Preachers, who [pr...]
only at the Chappel. But Since Doctor Faulkner's
Time Those Preachers have been appointed to
preach alternately at the Church and Chappel, &
goe under the Character of Lecturers. During my
Time Mr Thomas Hazlewood the Lecturer, and
Mr John Jaggard his Successor read all these
weekly prayers at the Chappel, & had the [House]
& the four pounds a year. I, when I was [Chappel]
Lecturer, resigned up the four pounds a year
to Dr Littel the Minister, by & with the Consent
of the Chappel Meeting. And Dr Littel was
the First who, of his own Accord, appointed the
Constant Evening prayers at the Chappel,
before Whose Time there were No Evening Prayers
there at all on the Week Days. And The Minister
[i.e. The Dean & Chapters Curate] is not obliged
[as Such] to find any prayers there but on
Sundays only. And those Evening Prayers are Continued
as formerly by Dr Littel, so now by Me, in Consideration
& on Condition of the payment of the said four pound
per annum.
Tho: Pyle Min:r

See also the King's Lynn parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
January 2008