


Norfolk: King's Lynn


Ministers of St Margaret's Church

This list has been found by the Norfolk transcribers for FreeREG, in the King's Lynn St Margaret register of baptisms 1721-1776 and marriages 1722-1754.

[Transcription copyright © Gail Oliver]


Ministers of Lyn St Margarets
As appears by The Registers.

 Years Minr
1. Mr Tho. Howes - 1559 To 159940
2. Mr Sam. Staller - 1599 - To [blank] 
3. Mr Willm Leeds 1603 To 162320
4. Mr Mathias Swallow 1623 To 163512
5. Mr Tho. Purchas 1635 To 1637 2
6. Mr Lionel Galford 1637 To - No Name
     in the Registers till 1669 - In this interval
     was Mr Paul Gosnel during Oliver's Time
7. Mr Mordaunt Webster Vicar of South Lynn
     from 1669 To 1680
8. Mr Tho. Fisk from 1680 To 1689 9
8. Dr Tho. Littel from 1689 To 173243
9. Mr Tho. Pyle from 1732 To 175523
10. Dr Charles Bagge from 1755 to 179136
11. Mr Stephen Allen from 1791 to 184756
12. Mr Robt. Hankinson from 1847 to 1850 3
13. Charles Nurse Wodehouse from 1850 to 186010
14. Edward Francis Edwards Hankinson from 1860 to 1866 6
15. Philip John Wodehouse from 1866 to 1871 Sept 5
16. John Durst from 1871 to 1882 
17. Benjamin Dale from Oct 1882 to 1890 (died Dec 28 1890) 
18. Edward George Adlington Winter from March 1891 to June 1899 
19. Robert Gordon Roe M.A.  R.D. from October 1899 to June 1909 
20. John Cossham Vawdrey M.A. Surrogate 
21. Jacob Blackbourne C.M.G.  M.A. from 1923 to 1929 
22. Maurice Hinton Knowles M.A.  R.D. from 1929 to [blank] 

6Presumably Oliver is Oliver Cromwell.
8There really are two ministers with this number.
11From White's Directory of Norfolk 1845:
"the Rev. Stephen Allen has been incumbent since 1791, and is now in his 90th year. [...] Being superannuated, his duty is performed by his grandson, the Rev. Stephen Allen, jun."
13White's Directory of Norfolk 1854 shows:
"Wodehouse, Rev. Chas. Nourse"

See also the King's Lynn parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
January 2008