


Norfolk: Hunworth - 1785-1786 - Land Tax


This tax was based on the value of property etc. and paid by the owner or (sometimes) occupier according to their agreement. It started in 1692 and valuations are based on those done at this date.

For more information on these records see the Land Tax Assessments page.

This Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference C/SCD 2/22/2 1786 and also on microform] is one of the Norfolk Quarter Sessions Land Tax Assessments which are arranged by divisions this one being in Holt Hundred.

Other accounts available

- Overseers' Accounts - 
- Land Tax Accounts - 


[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

This tax was raised in the 24(th) Year of reign of his Majesty (King George III). Rate was at 4s/£1 (of valuation) for the service of the year 1786
Thomas Curties and Richard Weeds Assessors.

Proprietors' NamesOccupiers' NamesYearly
The Revd Mr GreenThe Revd Mr W. Burrell  3.16.0  0.19.0
Lord BuckinghamBenjamin Barber  5.12.0  1.8.0
    DittoValentine Lound  6.0.0  1.10.0
    DittoWilliam Cook  6.5.4  1.11.4
    DittoJohn Porter  0.8.0  0.2.0
    DittoSamuel Platten  0.2.8  0.0.8
    DittoCharles Dack  0.6.8  0.1.8
William Coke  Stock  0.4.0  0.1.0
Mary TempleValentine Lound  0.2.0  0.0.6
Richard Russell EsqRichard Weeds  6.12.0  1.13.0
Thomas CurtiesThomas Curties  1.12.0  0.8.0
    Ditto  Stock  0.6.0  0.1.6
    DittoApplegate & Collins  0.4.0  0.1.0
Horatio WeggJames Harper  2.0.0  0.10.0
Richard FunnellRichard Funnell  0.4.0  0.1.0
William SkillingsWilliam Skillings  0.4.0  0.1.0
John PeckJohn Peck  1.8.0  0.7.0
Thomas WallerThomas Waller  0.6.0  0.1.6
William BarwickWilliam Barwick  0.4.0  0.1.0
William BarwickMary Swallow  0.4.0  0.1.0
Valentine LoundCharles Knowles  0.8.11  0.2.2¾
 Out Setters  
Worshipl Co FishmongersRichard Weeds  1.0.0  0.5.0
Lord BuckinghamThomas Paul  0.4.0  0.1.0
    DittoJohn Joy  0.18.0  0.4.6
John Marcon EsqrJohn Goddard  0.5.4  0.1.4
Edward Thurston EsqrPhillip Lawse  1.12.0  0.8.0
Robert CopemanRobert Copeman  0.4.0  0.1.0
Thomas WarnerThomas Warner  0.4.0  0.1.0
Thomas PaulThomas Paul  0.0.8  0.0.2



Collectors  { Val Lound
{ John Peck
{ Thos Curties  
{ Richd Weeds

27 May 1786 Allowed by us until just cause be shown to the contrary
[Signed] John Astley         Robt Thornham?


[End of Document]


  • In other rate documents the following alternative spellings have been seen which appear to refer to the same people/places:-
    Lawse/Lawes, Lound/Lownd
  • Out Setters here means Occupiers not living in Hunworth.

See also the Hunworth parish page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
March 2009