


Norfolk: Horstead with Stanninghall - Apprentices


This is one item from a Norfolk Record Office document [with the reference NRS 18386, 33B7 and microform MF 1795/205-289] containing the Churchwardens' accounts book for 1724-1803.

The Parish was left a bequest to provide apprenticeships as detailed below. This was then done over the period 1753 to 1767.

[Transcription copyright © Mike Bristow]

Apprenticeships - List of people

Date Apprentice to Master of Place Trade
  1/Oct/1753 Sam Gladden Wm Gladden Happisburgh Miller
27/Nov/1753 Charles Goodings Henry Westney Buxton Cordwainer
  4/Feb/1754 Adam Dary Edmund Doyley Swanton Abbot Worstead Weaver
  7/Apr/1755 Robert Debson Edward Campling Haynford Worstead Weaver
16/Nov/1755 Robert Wade Thomas Safery Norwich Joiner
30/Mar/1756 James Rudd Richard Pratt Colby Shoemaker
30/Mar/1756 William Flowdew William Fitt Norwich Gardener
29/Nov/1757 Joseph Sadd John Woolterton Hoveton St John Miller
29/Mar/1758 Robert Gladden Charles Wilkins Coltishall Thatcher
            1759 Charles Dary Robert Dary Norwich Gardiner
24/Mar/1760 Thomas Stower Geo. Cotterell Haynford Carpenter
20/Apr/1767 Isaac Shearing Robert Davey Hoveton St John Blacksmith

Original document now follows :-

Nov 17th 1753

Left in the hands of Mr Henry Palmer Watts by the Executor of the late Mrs Harbord, the sum of Sixty Pounds, for Apprenticeing (sic) Poor Children of the Parish of Horstead to Trades, according to the last Will & Testament of the said Mrs Harbord

Interest made of part of the sd Money     3-4-6


Date Details of Apprenticeship Cost
  1/Oct/1753 Binding of Sam Gladden (Son of the Widow Gladden of Horstead) unto William Gladden of Happisburgh, Miller   2/10/9
27/Nov/1753 Charles Goodings (son of John Goodings of Horstead) unto Henry Westney of Buxton, Cordwainer   7/14/-
  4/Feb/1754 Adam Dary (son of the late John Dary Junr) unto Edmund Doyley of Swanton Abbot, Worstead Weaver   4/9/6
  7/Apr/1755 Robert Debson (son of Robert Debson) unto Edward Campling of Haynford, Worstead Weaver
Consideration Money 5£ 5s
Ingrossing the Indenture 3/6 & Stamps 1/-
16/Nov/1755 Towards Binding Robert Wade (son of Robert Wade) unto Thomas Safery of the City of Norwich, Joyner   5/-/-
30/Mar/1756 To the Binding of James Rudd (son of James Rudd) to Richard Pratt of Colby, Shoemaker
Consideration Money 5£ 10s
Ingrossing the Indenture 3/6 Duty 3/- Expences at Aylesham 3/9 Discharging him out of Bridewell 2/-
30/Mar/1756 To the Binding of William Flowdew (son of John Flowdew) to William Fitt of City of Norwich, Gardener,
Consideration 7£, Ingrossing &c. 7s Duty 3/6
29/Nov/1757 To the Binding of Joseph Sadd to John Woolterton
Hoveton St John, Miller
Consideration 5£, Ingrossing & Stamps 4/6 Expences 1/6
29/Mar/1758 Binding of Robert Gladden (Son of the Widow Gladden) to Charles Wilkins of Coltishall, Thatcher:
Consideration 31/6 Ingrossing & Stamps 9s Expences 9d Duty 9d
            1759 To the Binding of Charles Dary to Robert Dary of Pockthorp in the City of Norwich, Gardiner
Consideration 5£, Ingrossing 4/6 Duty 1/3 Expences 1/-

24/Mar/1760 To the Binding of Thomas Stower (son of Robert Stower) to Geo. Cotterell of Haynford, Carpenter
Consideration 5£ Binding 4/6 Expences 6d
20/Apr/1767 Binding of Isaac Shearing (son of Ann Shearing) to Robert Davey of Hoveton St John, Blacksmith
Consideration 7£ Indentures & Stamps 5/6
Total Disburst £64/1/9
Legacy & Interest £63/4/6

Balance   -/17/3

1767 May 29
I have examined the accounts & do approve of it, and the sd Henry Palmer Watts is hereby discharged of any further Trust concerning the same.

[signed]         Wharton Peck

[End of Document]


  • In other documents the following alternative spellings have been seen which appear to refer to the same people/places:-
    Aylesham/Aylsham, Dary/Daray or Dearie, Flowdew/Flowerdew, Gladden/Gladdin, Haynford/Hainford and Pockthorp/Pockthorpe.
  • A Mrs Harbord appears in the Rates for 1739-41 and 1757-58.

See also the Horstead with Stanninghall parish page.

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
January 2010