


Norfolk: Horsham St Faith with Newton St Faith


Hunt's Directory of East Norfolk with Part of Suffolk, 1850

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

HORSHAM ST. FAITH, and NEWTON ST. FAITH, two villages forming one parish, commonly called St. Faith's, are situated on the main road between Norwich and Aylsham, distant about 5 miles N.W. of the former, and 7 S. of the latter. Horsham, the largest village of the two, is pleasantly seated above a small stream, and is much celebrated for its large annual fair, commencing October 12th, and continuing 3 weeks, to which vast numbers of cattle, from the surrounding country and from Scotland, are sent for sale. The parish comprises an area of about 2500 acres, and the population in 1841 was 1307. Post Office, at James Rice's. Letters delivered 7 a.m. and despatched to Norwich and all parts at 6.30 p.m.

         Barker    Edmund         veterinary surgeon
         Baxter    Mr. Robert
         Blyth     John           shoemaker
         Bridger   William        gardener
         Bullard   Robert         butcher
         Burdett   William        gardener
         Carman    Mr. Samuel
         Carman    Philip L.      superintendent registrar
         Carman    Samuel J.S.    grocery dealer and blacksmith,
                                    and agent to the Norwich
                                    Union fire & life office
         Eglington Elijah         gardener
         Eglington Richard        miller & baker
         Ewing     Stephen        miller and grocer
         Forster   William        bricklayer
         Goodchild Jas.           governor of workhouse
         Griffin   Joseph         shoemaker
         Harper    Eliza          grocery dealer
         Kerry     Henry          tailor
         Larwood   Jeremiah       'King's Head'
         Lovick    Samuel         grocery dealer
         Nalder    Charles        tailor
         Newton    Robert         shoemaker
         Newton    William        'Crown'
         Nunn      Simon          beer retailer
         Pearce    John           blacksmith
         Pleasants Thomas         grocery dealer & shoemaker
         Pointer   George         baker
         Pointer   Edmund         'Crown'
         Priestley Wm. Stanton    surgeon
         Reynolds  Jas.           corn & coal merchant
         Rice      Jas.           'Black Swan' & butcher
         Richards  Robert         relieving officer, registrar
                                    of births and deaths
         Scarnett  John           wheelwright (and registrar of
         Snelling  William        'Cross Keys'
         Watson    Mary Ann       milliner, &c.
         Webb      Benjamin       grocery dealer and basket maker
         Wright    Elizabeth      grocery dealer
         Youngs    Peter          saddler, &c.
         Baxter    Robert         Reynolds  Elizabeth
         Carman    Philip L.      Reynolds  James
         Cook      James          Reynolds  Joshua
         Cope      James          Turner    Edward
         Lovick    John           West      John, sen. Abbey
         Reynolds  Edward         West      John, jun. West Farm

COACHES & CARRIERS. The Aylsham, Cromer, Holt and Norwich coaches and carriers pass through daily (except Sunday); also the Cromer and Norwich post cart daily.

See also the Horsham St Faith with Newton St Faith parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
February 2015