


Norfolk: Hingham


Pigot's Directory of Norfolk 1830


HINGHAM is a small market-town and parish, in the hundred of Forehoe; 98 miles from London, 14 from Norwich, and six from Wymondham. The town, which is situated near the source of the Yare, is neat in appearance, and contains some good houses; but the streets are very irregularly built.

The church is a very fine structure, having a large and lofty tower; it was erected in the reign of Edward III. On the north side of the chancel is a noble canopied monument, richly ornamented, erected to the memory of Thomas, Lord Morley, who died in the reign of Henry VI. The living is a rectory, in the patronage of the Right Hon. Lord Wodehouse; the Hon. and Rev. Wm. Wodehouse is the rector, and the Rev. Richard Matthews the present curate.

Agriculture is the chief occupation of the inhabitants here, and they also derive some trifling advantage from the passage of persons to and from Norwich and Watton, and Attleburgh and East Dereham. There is a good inn here (the White Hart), at which travellers can be well accommodated.

The market is entitled to be holden on Thursday, but it has fallen nearly into disuse; the fairs are, March 6, Tuesday in Whitsun-week, and Oct. 2. Hingham parish contained, in 1821, 1,442 inhabitants.

POST OFFICE, Market place, David Greaves, Post Master. - Letters, from all parts, arrive from ATTLEBURGH by foot post every morning at a quarter-past nine, and are despatched every afternoon at three.

            GENTRY AND CLERGY.
         Bond         Mrs. Margaret
         Bringloe     Charles           gent.
         Brown        Rev. John Henry
         Coleby       Rev. Samuel       Ellingham
         Edwards      Rev. John         Hardingham
         Gilman       Miss Fanny
         Hicks        Mrs. Elizabeth
         Hurnard      Robert            gent.
         Lane         Rev. Joseph       Scouton [sic]
         Lanfere      Mrs. Margaret
         Matthews     Rev. Richard      Fairstead
         Priest       Robert            gent.
         Ridley       Mrs. Mary
         Roberts      Rev. Arthur
         Sergison     Warder, esq.      Hardingham
         Wayland      John, esq.        Woodrising
         Whittar      Rev. Walter       Hardingham
         Wodehouse    Admiral Philip
         Wodehouse    the Honourable 
                        & Rev. William  Fairstead
         Brown        Rev. Jno. Henry   master, FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOL
         Woodrow      John & Sophia     master and mistress, FREE SCHOOL
                                          (boys' & girls')
         Snell        Elizabeth         (boarding and day)
         Alexander    Danl.             attorney, & agent to the
                                          Atlas Fire & Life Offices
         Fulcher      Jno.              surgeon
         Gilman       Saml. H.          attorney, & stamp distributer
         Press        Edward            attorney, & coroner
         Dutchess     John              Angel
         Layt         Robert            Cock
         Hinchley     Samuel            Dog
         Eakes        John              Eight Ringers
         Newson       Samuel            White Hart Inn
         Adcock       Sarah Ann         milliner & dress maker
         Alexander    John              grocer, draper, & tallow chandler
         Barfoot      Henry             boot & shoe maker
         Bassum       Charles           veterinary surgeon
         Bassum       William           blacksmith
         Bedford      Mary              milliner & dress mkr
         Bedford      Wm.               watch & clock maker
         Beshem       William N.        parish clerk
         Boyton       William           collector, EXCISE OFFICE, White Hart
                                          inn   [see note below]
         Brown        John              tailor
         Carr         Thomas            boot & shoe maker
         Clarke       Wm.               corn miller, Morley
         Clements     James             confectioner
         Colds        Henry             butcher
         Cook         John              dyer
         Curtis       Wm.               boot & shoe maker
         Deeks        George            butcher
         Driver       Saml.             dealer in oil, pitch & tar
         Driver       Thomas            saddler & harness maker, & saddlers'
         Elsy         Geo.              draper, stationer, china &c. dealer,
                                          and licensed to sell silver plate
         Elsy         William           builder & carpenter
         Faltham      James             blacksmith
         Fisher       William           baker
         Gilman       Ed. Case          brewer & maltster
         Gosland      Samuel            butcher
         Hammond      Wm.               boot & shoe maker
         Hardy        Charles           baker
         Harvey       William           boot & shoe makr
         Hinchley     Saml.             chymist, druggist, hair dresser and
         Howard       Chas. Jn.         wine & spirit mer
         Hubbard      John              wheelwright
         Hurst        Robert            corn miller
         Jickling     George            collector of taxes
         King         George            boot & shoe maker
         King         Philip            boot & shoe maker
         Lane         John              corn miller
         Lee          John              corn miller, Deepham
         Lewis        John              tailor and draper
         Morley       James             wheelwright
         Mortlock     Jas.              cabinet & chair makr
         Newson       Sml.              auctioneer, appraiser, & dealer in
                                          malt & hops
         Ofill        Jno.              plumber, glazier, & paintr
         Pigg         Wm.               grocer, draper, & china, glass, &
                                          earthenware dealer
         Pitts        Philip            baker and corn miller
         Pitts        Phineas           tailor and draper
         Riddlesworth Francis           saddler and clothes dealer
         Roberts      John              plumber, glazier, & painter
         Roberts      William           grocer & draper
         Smith        James & Son       corn millers, HARDINGHAM MILL
         Springall    Wm.               smith & bell-hanger
         Stribbling   Thos.             boot & shoe mkr.
         Thurston     Jeremiah          cooper
         Thurston     Thos.             carpenter, builder, and ironmonger
         Tingay       Thomas            seed merchant
         Trundle      Joseph            butcher
         Vince        Thomas            wheelwright
         Waller       George            tailor
         Waller       Wm.               grocer, draper, & tailor


To LONDON, Marsh, Swan & Co. (from Norwich) every Monday, Wednesday and Friday night at eleven; goes thro' Mildenhall, Newmarket & Cambridge.
To NORWICH, Marsh, Swan & Co. (from London) every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoon at two.

All call at the White Hart.

To ATTLEBOROUGH, Thomas Newman (from Dereham) every Friday evening at six.
To DEREHAM, Thomas Newman (from Attleborough) every Friday morn at 8.
To NORWICH, Robert Bailey and Jeremiah Hardy (from Watton) every Tuesday, and (from Wymondham) every Friday evening at seven - Samuel Adcock, every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday morning - & Robert Pitts, from his house, Market place, every Monday and Tuesday morning; all go through Barford.
To WATTON, Robert Bailey & Jeremiah Hardy (from Norwich) every Wednesday, and from Wymondham, every Saturday evening at seven; both go thro' Barford - and Robert Pitts, from his house, Market place, every Wednesday and Friday morning; thro' Little Ellingham, Rockland, Carson [sic] & Gristow [sic].

Note: in the original this is:
     EXCISE OFFICE, White Hart inn - William Boyton, collector
See also the Hingham parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
May 2006