


Norfolk: Hardingham


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1883

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

HARDINGHAM is a parish of scattered houses, extending from 1½ to 3½ miles N. by E. of Hingham, and is in Mitford hundred, Mitford and Launditch union and petty sessional division, Wymondham county court district, Norwich bankruptcy district, Hingham polling district of South Norfolk, Hingham rural deanery, and Norfolk archdeaconry. It contains 2366 acres of land of a rateable value of £5183, and had 522 inhabitants in 1881. 300 acres of the parish were enclosed in 1821.

The Earl of Kimberley is lord of the manors of Camois, Gurneys, and Swathings; and the chief landowner is H.W.B. Edwards, Esq., who resides at the Hall. The Hall was much enlarged and greatly improved about eight years ago by the present owner. The Lodge is now the residence of Miss Edwards.

The CHURCH (St. George) is a stone fabric of Early English architecture, comprising nave, chancel, and tower with one bell, and contains an ancient font. It was restored and refitted in 1843. The rectory, valued in the King's Book at £15. 3s. 4d., is in the patronage of Clare Hall, Cambridge, and incumbency of the Rev. Charles Stuteville Isaacson, M.A., who has a yearly rent-charge of £770, awarded in 1840 in lieu of tithes, and a commodious residence, which was rebuilt in 1834.

Sir Thomas Gresham, founder of the Royal Exchange, was born in this parish.

The SCHOOL, a handsome Tudor building, of brick and flint with stone dressings, will accommodate 200 children, and was built in 1862 at a cost of £1500, by Miss Edwards, who still supports it. Attached to it is a residence for the master.

The Fuel Allotment, awarded at the enclosure, comprises 23 acres, let for £25, which is distributed in coals among the poor, who have also £2. 10s. yearly in bread from the bequests of W. Mowting, C. Adcock, and J. and T. Cushings.

POST OFFICE at John Balding's. Letters despatched at 7 p.m.; delivery at 6.45 a.m., viâ Attleborough. Nearest Money Order and Telegraph Office at Hingham, and the nearest railway station at Hardingham.

         Anderson  Henry            blacksmith
         Balding   John             sub-postmaster
         Baly      John             farmer, merchant, and
                                      manure manufacturer, Yarmouth
         Birch     Joseph           farmer, Mansion [sic] green
         Breeze    Richard          farmer
         Bulwer    Robert           carpenter
         Bush      Frederick        vict. Bird-in-Hand
         Bush      James            farmer
         Bush      John             farmer
         Cadge     John             farmer
         Capps     George           farmer
         Coleman   William          farmer
         Dye       Miss Martha      wheelwright and blacksmith
         Eagling   William Johnson  farmer, Gresham farm
         Edwards   Henry Wm.
                     Esq.,J.P.,D.L. Hardingham hall
         Edwards   Miss             The Lodge
         Foster    Sir Wm., Bart.,
                     J.P.           The Grove
         Garner    Robert           carrier
         Goldson   Wm.              beerhouse, the Plough
         Isaacson  Rev. Charles     the Rectory
         Johnson   James            stationmaster
         Lemon     -                mill manager
         Male      Abraham          parish clerk
         Norton    John             farmer
         Pitts     Phineas          farmer, Old Hall
         Redford   Mrs. Elizbth. A. schoolmistress
         Redford   Thomas           schoolmaster
         Riches    Benjamin         shopkeeper
         Riches    Walter           tailor
         Spinks    Mthw.            shopkpr. & pork butcher
         Vincent   Jesse            farmer

CARRIER - Robt. Garner, to Norwich, Sat.

See also the Hardingham parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
June 1999