


Norfolk: Hales


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1883

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

HALES is a village, skirting a green of 66 acres, from 2 to 3 miles S.S.E. of Loddon, and its parish is in Loddon and Clavering union and petty sessional division, Beccles county court district, Yarmouth bankruptcy district, Clavering hundred, Loddon polling district of South Norfolk, East Brooke rural deanery, and Norfolk archdeaconry. It had 243 inhabitants in 1881, living on 965 acres, and having a rateable value of about £1737.

The parish lies in the manors of Hales Hall and Loddon Hall, of which Geo. Danby Palmer, Esq., is lord; but a great part of the soil belongs to Sir Edmund Bacon, Bart., J.D. Palmer, Esq., Mr. Robert F. Fuller, Mr. E. Easter, Brandford's executors, and others. It was anciently a seat of the Hales family, who had a chapel at the hall, dedicated to St. Andrew.

The CHURCH (St. Margaret) is a small thatched fabric of Norman character, and comprises nave, chancel with semicircular apse, and round tower with two bells. In the chancel is a sedile or stone seat, and both the north and south doorways are fine specimens of the Norman style. The living is a perpetual curacy, valued at £63, with that of Heckingham annexed to it, in the incumbency of the Rev. Sir Thos. Parr, Bart., B.A., who resides at Loddon. Sir W.B. Smijth [sic], Bart., is patron, and also impropriator of the tithes, which were commuted in 1838 for £246 per ann.

The Wesleyans and Primitive Methodists have chapels here, built in 1840 and 1846. Hales and Heckingham united district SCHOOL BOARD was established in 1875. The School was erected in 1878, at a cost of £500, to accommodate 69 children.

POST from Norwich, viâ Loddon.

         Baldry    Edward          farmer & shopkeeper
         Bane      Jas.            grocer, draper & postmaster
         Buck      Mrs Elizabeth   farmer & sexton
         Cushion   Wm.             farmer; h Loddon
         Davis     Thomas          wheelwright & crpntr
         Easter    Chas.           vict. Carpenter Arms Inn
         Easter    Ellis           farmer, Hales green
         Fisher    John            blacksmith and farmer
         Forder    Samuel          shoemaker
         Fuller    Robert Freston  farmer & owner
         Hardesty  James           market gardener and vict. Garden House Inn
         Hood      James Robert    miller, farmer and tax collector
         Preston   George          brickmaker & farmer
         Smith     Benjamin        grocer & draper
         Spurgeon  Amos            farmer and overseer
         Spurgeon  William         farmer & surveyor, Hales Green
         Taylor    Miss Charlotte  Brd. schlmstrss
         Vincent   John            butcher and shopkeeper

See also the Hales parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
May 2010