


Norfolk: Gressenhall


Hunt's Directory of East Norfolk with Part of Suffolk, 1850

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

GRESSENHALL, a village 18 miles W. by N. of Norwich, and 3 miles N.W. of East Dereham. The parish comprises 2586 acres, and contained in 1841, 957 inhabitants; its present residents are:-

         Alpe      Mrs. Ann
         Ayton     Robert          National school
         Barnes    Thomas          blacksmith
         Bradfield Robert          Workhouse school
         Christmas Elizabeth       beer retailer
         Clarke    Robert          wheelwright
         Crown     Martin          blacksmith
         Dodman    Hannah          'White Swan'
         Dodman    John            wheelwright
         Frost     Samuel          bricklayer
         Golding   James           shoemaker
         Hannent   John            miller
         Hewitt    John            'Three Horse Shoes'
         Hill      John David
                     Hay, Esq.
         Hill      Rev. Dennis
         Holman    Charles         grocery dealer
         Howard    William         cattle dealer
         Kerrison  George          tailor
         Lemon     James           shoemaker
         Pease     David           'Royal Oak'
         Peck      Robert          farrier
         Riches    John            shoemaker
         Spragg    William         carpenter
         Spurgeon  Astley Cooper,
         Studd     George          grocery dealer
         Twigg     Thomas          carpenter
         Tye       Benjamin        grocer and draper
         Tye       Robert          'Chequers' (and cooper)
         Wade      Robert          master of Union Workhouse
         Alpe      William         Holman    George
         Brown     Sarah           Nicholson James
         Brown     George          Pearse    Samuel
         Hastings  John            Rosher    John
         Hill      Hannah          Whenter   Ambrose
         Hill      Joseph          White     James

CARRIERS to Lynn, Betts, Wed. and Sat.; also, Carter, Thurs. and Monday.
Norwich, Betts, Tues. and Friday; also Carter, Tuesday and Fri.

See also the Gressenhall parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
October 2006