


Norfolk: Hundreds


White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1845

This page leads to the Hundred descriptions as described in White's in the year 1845. A more general description of the Hundreds is also available showing their approximate locations in the county.

Many counties were split up for administrative purposes into manageable areas of land. This was usually based on a group of parishes and Norfolk was no different. Each of these groups was called a Hundred. Together all these Hundreds, and a few of the main towns (listed below) which had separate administrations, make up the county.

In White's 1845 directory the layout is such that Norwich appears first, followed by Great Yarmouth and then there is a section for each Hundred with the other Boroughs of Thetford and King's Lynn lying in these. The list below uses a more practical approach of Boroughs followed by Hundreds in alphabetical order.

Each Hundred is then described in terms of its topography, agriculture, ecclesiastical area, poor law administration and courts of law. Transport routes which might include main roads, railways (those existing at that time), canals etc. are noted. Its history and any other topics the compilers deemed of interest were also included.

Following each Hundred description every constituent parish/place is listed with information about its church, owners and inhabitants and other points of note. See the places pages for more information including many transcriptions.

The listing following leads directly to the entries. A place to Hundred locater is available. Each of the Hundreds which follows has direct links to its adjacent Norfolk hundreds.

List of Boroughs

List of Hundreds

Hundreds in other Counties which contain Norfolk parishes

  • Lackford (in Suffolk contains some Thetford parishes)

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Copyright © Mike Bristow.
April 2011