


Norfolk: Gaywood


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1845

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

GAYWOOD is a considerable village, at the junction of the Castle-Rising and Gayton roads, 1 mile E. of Lynn; adjoining to which town it has in its parish a suburb of cottages called Highgate, a modern row of neat houses called Albion Place, a good Inn and bowling-green, called the Spread Eagle, several windmills, and the Hospital of St. Mary Magdalen, already described with Lynn, to which it belongs. (See page 536.)

The parish of Gaywood has increased its population since the year 1821, from 474 to 1,064 souls, and contains about 2,200A. of land, of which nearly 1,400 acres belongs to Richd. Bagge, Esq., the lord of the manor. The Dean and Chapter of Norwich have 150A. here. The common, about 500 acres, was inclosed in 1808. A great part of the soil is in grass, and through the vale, on the north side of the parish, runs a crystal rivulet, from the springs of Grimstone, Reffly, &c., to the waterworks at Lynn.

Two FAIRS are held here annually, on June 22nd and October 17th, the former for stock, and the latter for horses. A cheese fair, formerly held here on Oct. 17th, is now held on the Custom-House quay, at Lynn. The inhabitants are much inconvenienced by two toll-bars at the entrances to the village from Castle-Rising and Gayton.

The CHURCH (St. Faith) is a plain cemented building, with a brick tower and three bells, and is partly sheltered by the plantations of the handsome rectory-house, which adjoins the burial ground. The rectory, valued in the King's Book at £5 13s. 4d., and in 1831 at £505, is in the gift of Richard Bagge, Esq., and incumbency of the Rev. Thomas Hulton, M.A.

The National School, consisting of two large rooms for boys and girls, was built by subscription, in 1833.

In the reign of Henry II., the Bishop of Norwich held Gaywood and Lynn in capite, and would not suffer the King's bailiffs, or coroners, to enter the lordship, where he had officers of his own, a gallows, assize of bread and beer, and other royalties. Bishop Grey built a Palace here, on the site now occupied by Gaywood Hall, a neat farm-house, belonging to R. Bagge, Esq., nearly half a mile south of the village.

About one mile to the north is the majestic wood and chalybeat spring of REFFLY, belonging to Sir W.J.H.B. Ffolkes, but appropriated by the late Baronet, as a place of resort, for the people of Lynn, whom he long represented in Parliament. Reffly Spring is a fine rural fountain, over-canopied with foliage, and having a handsome obelisk rising from its centre. Round it are seats, and at a short distance is an elegant octagonal temple, built and supported by subscription, at the head of a verdant lawn, encompassed by umbrageous trees and shrubs. On the opposite side of the valley is Gaywood Spring, with a neat temple and shady plantation, belonging to Mr. Bagge.

At the enclosure, an Allotment of 21A. 2R. 7P. was awarded to the poor parishioners, and it is now let in 23 lots, to labouring men, at rents amounting to £9 4s., which is distributed in coals. The yearly sum of £2, left by Dr. Thomas Thurlyn, in 1708, to provide coats for three poor men, is paid by the Corporation of Lynn. The Church Estate comprises a house and two cottages, with gardens, let for £14, and 3A. 1R. 36P. of land, let for £12 7s. a year.

In the following Directory of GAYWOOD PARISH, those marked 1 are at Highgate; 2 Albion Place; and 3 at Wootton Gap.

           Bagge      Richard, Esq.     (& Lynn) [see note below]
         3 Bloomfield Henry             brewer & maltster
         1 Clarke     Hammerton         millwright
         2 Dawson     John              coal dealer
         2 Dewing     William Lynn      traveller
         2 Dusgate    Mrs. M.
           Etches     John Graham       registrar and relieving officer
           Ewen       Mr. Rt.
           Goddard    Miss              National school
         2 Goodall    Thomas            butcher
         1 Gunton     James             fellmonger
           Hulton     Rev. Thomas, M.A. Rectory
           Lack       Mr. John
           Larkin     Mrs. M.
         2 Lawrence   Mrs. S.
           Lewis      Benj. P.
           Marsters   Mrs.              Victoria place
           Martin and
             Harrison                   beast-salesmen
         2 Oldfield   Mrs. Eliz.
           Platten    George            solicitor, (& Lynn)
           Purdy      Mrs.              Victoria place
           Saunders   Mr. John          Tan-yard
           Saunders   John G.           tanner, &c.
         2 Sherwood   Mrs. Elizabeth
           Simms      Mary
         1 Southgate  Charles           millwright
         1 Springall  William           cowkeeper
         2 Walker     Stephen
           Wardle     Miss A.
           Wells      Henry             saddler, Victoria place
           Woods      John & William    gardeners
              INNS AND TAVERNS.
         2 Dunger     William           Albion Bay
           Ramm       William           Cock (& carpenter)
         3 Smith      Edward            New Inn
           Park       Edmund            Ship
           Cutting    Geo.              Spread Eagle (& brewer)
           Engledow   Edward            Swan Inn
           Woodward   Thomas            White Horse
              Beer Houses.
           Coleman    Sarah
           Etches     John G.
           Johnson    John
           Nichols    Robert
           Wells      Mary
              Blacksmiths.                 Corn Millers.
           Cross      William           Griffin    Thomas, Steam mill
           Shilling   J.              3 Plowright  G.B.
         1 Silence    Nicholas          Sands      Nicholas
         3 Ward       Thomas            Tennant    Matthew
           Blake      Geo., Reffly      Martin     William
           Bougen     John              Mawby      Thomas
           Dye        William           Read       Thomas
           Holden     William           Share      William, (to
                                                     R. Bagge, Esq.)
           Bocking    Dalton
           Raines     John              (and parish clerk)
         1 Benstead   Shd.
           Frost      Robert            (and baker)
           Sands      John              (and cow doctor)
         1 Winkley    James
           Crowe      Daniel            (& founder;) house, Fakenham
           Matthews   Robert
         1 Silence    Nicholas
         3 Ward       Thomas

Note: In the original, he is Bichard Bagge.

See also the Gaywood parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
December 2008