


Norfolk: Garboldisham


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1883

[Transcription copyright © Juanita Hadwin]

GARBOLDISHAM, a parish and large village in the narrow valley of a rivulet, 3½ miles S. of East Harling, is in Guiltcross union, Guiltcross hundred, Guiltcross and Shropham petty sessional division, Diss county court district, Ipswich bankruptcy district, Harling polling district of South Norfolk, Rockland rural deanery, and Norfolk archdeaconry. It had 639 inhabitants in 1881, living on 2705 acres, and had a rateable value of £3705 10s.

Cecil Thomas Molyneux Montgomerie, Esq., D.L., J.P., lord of the manors of Pakenham-in-Garboldisham, and Uphall-in-Garboldisham, is principal landowner. He resides at Garboldisham manor house, which occupies the site of a much smaller residence, and was completed in 1873 from the designs of Sir G. Gilbert Scott, F.S.A. The style is Jacobean, and the materials are the local white and red bricks, the latter being employed for the dressings. The gables are curved in various forms, and the chimney stacks, which are richly moulded, follow local types. The stables are designed in character with the house. The grounds, which comprise about 10 acres, were laid out under the direction of Mr. William Brodrick Thomas.

The Uphall estate belongs to Chas. Davy Caldwell, who attained his majority May, 1883. It consists of 508 acres, which is farmed by Thos. Davy, Esq. Opposite the manor house, is the cricket ground, on an elevated plateau in park grounds, carefully kept.

The CHURCH (St. John the Baptist) comprises nave, chancel, porch, and square tower with six bells. It was thoroughly restored in 1862 by the Honourable Georgiana Louisa Montgomerie, at a cost of over £2000. A new organ has just (1883) been placed in the church at a cost of £162. The rectory, valued in the King's Book at £19 16s. is in the incumbency of the Rev. Chas. Lewis Kennaway, M.A., who was appointed in 1876, who has 51A. of glebe, tithe commutation £605, and a good residence, rebuilt in 1856.

Here was formerly another Church (All Saints), but it was taken down in 1734, except a portion of the tower, which is now an ivy-clad ruin. Its rectory is consolidated with St. John's.

The National School, erected in 1872, with residence for master attached, will accommodate 100 children; the average attendance is 80, on books 110.

Here is a small Primitive Methodist chapel.

The undermentioned charities are all amalgamated under a scheme of the Charity Commissioners, dated May 30, 1879, and vested in eight trustees, who distribute two-fourths to the poor, one-fourth as apprentice fees, and the remaining fourth is carried to the church fund. The charities consist of the Town lands, given by Thos. Bole in 1490, Richard Lovick in 1623, Henry Brampton in 1628, and other donors; £100 left by Mary Williamson in 1696, laid out in 6A. 1R. 25P. of land; and a yearly rent-charge of 20s. left by Dorothy Gawdy, and another of 10s. left by one Canham. The total receipts for the year ending Easter, 1882, was £81 16s. 8d., of which £49 14s. 10d. was available for distribution. H.A. Linstead, jun., is clerk to the trustees.

POST, MONEY ORDER and TELEGRAPH OFFICE at Arthur Rolfe's. Letters from Thetford, viâ Harling, arrive at 7 a.m., despatched at 6.5 p.m.

         AMOS        Geo.            thatcher
         BALLS       Amos            vict. Swan Inn, and coal merchant
         BARNES      William         bricklayer
         BEETON      Thos.           poulterer
         BENNET      Chas. Edwd.     farmer, Flint hall; h Garboldisham
         BUGG        Benj. Giles     vict. Fox Inn, and farmer, Mill Pond farm
         CAUDWELL    Edward          farmer, landowner and maltster
         COCKERILL   Chas.           sexton
         DAVY        Thos.           farmer, landowner and land agent, Ling farm
         DOE         Geo.            boot and shoemaker
         EDWARDS     Chas.           cattle dealer
         EDWARDS     Fred. Jas.      blacksmith and wheelwright
         ENGLISH     Wm.             farmer
         FOWELL      Frederic        solicitor, perpetual commissioner, and
                                       commissioner to administer oaths, clerk
                                       to Bressingham and North Lopham School
                                       boards, to North Lopham Burial board,
                                       agent to the Hand-in-Hand Life and Fire
                                       Insurance Co. and at Walsham-le-Willows
                                       & Diss
         GREEN       George          farmer, Smallworth
         HUTSON      Richard         pig dealer
         JACQUES     Stephen         farmer
         JOLLY       Henry John      shoeing & general smith
         KENNAWAY    Rev. Chas.      The Rectory
                       Lewis, M.A.
         LAURENCE    Mrs. Emma       miller
         LINSTEAD    Hy. Alf.        saddler & hrnss. mkr
         LINSTEAD    Hy. Alfred,     assistant overseer & clerk to Charity
                       junr.           trustees
         MONTGOMERIE Cecil Thomas    Garboldisham Manor
                       D.L., J.P.
         NUNN        John            tanner
         PORCHER     Walter          boot & shoe maker
         PORT        John Winzer     National schoolmaster, School house
         QUANTRILL   John            farmer and grocer, Small Heath
         ROLFE       Arthur Tillott  grocer, draper, and post office
         ROWE        Edgar           farm bailiff to Thomas Davy, Uphall
         TURNER      Edward Jas.     farmer
         WOOD        Robert          baker

CARRIER -- Wm. Vont, from Banham to Norwich, passes through to and fro, Wed. and Sat.

See also the Garboldisham parish page.

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January 2002